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Effect: An Effect: An colorful black and white Clown is very sad. Suddenly, not only does he take on color, but now he is smiling!

Note: Does not include the frame -- just the Clown Insertcolorful black and white Santa Claus is perched on the top of snow covered chimney. He is carrying nothing on his back. Suddenly, not only does he take on color, but a sack full of toys appears on his back

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The Cups and Balls is probably the oldest magic effect that we have come to know. A drawing of conjurers performing this classic is found inside the pyramids, which proves that it was performed thousands of years ago. Cups and Balls was performed mai
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A chosen card is replaced into the deck which is shuffled and dropped into a box. A rope approximately 36" long, having tassels at either end, is lowered into the box. After a bit of magical gestures, the rope is lifted and spectators see the rope kn

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The Ultimatum Deck is easy to use yet allows for some world class card effects including:
- Repeat Card At Any Number (The holy grail to many and now you can perform it with 2 spectators)
- 3 Choice Cuts (3 Cards are selected and lost back in to the deck. Now take a step back as a forth spectator cuts to all 3 selections!)
- Luck And Intuition (This one is a mind blower, 2 spectators cards are found. The first is at a freely chosen number and the second is found by a spectator tossing a card in to the deck and you dribble them on to the table)

The Ultimatum Deck comes complete with custom deck and online video instructions. Awesome card magic that's easy to do and totally mind blowing!