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An envelope containing a card prediction is displayed. A spectator is invited to choose a card. The magician removes 3 cards from the envelope - saying one of them is the audience's selected card, but this is not so. The magician begs for another chance and takes out 3 more cards, and then 3 again, but none of these match the spectator's selection. Finally the magician turns all the cards on the table. They form a giant card, the one the spectator selected

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By A.V. Walsh.  Magic Dice. They stack up, vanish, appear, grow larger, shrink smaller, and act in general like they are alive. It's a trained circus with dice. This leading expert gives his all in this sensational book of acrobatic dice and magic dice. Explained so you can do it! Dozens of large, clear illustrations combined with a meticulous text reveal every detail.  32 pages.

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You display a feather flower and pluck the blossom off the end. Then, you simply make a magical gesture and the blossom completely and visibly reappears on the stem! The flower can vanish and reappear back on the stem as many times as you would like.

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Rope effects have been traditional and provide impactful stage magic because of their "pack small and play big" qualities. Long, Long Rope Deluxe by Mr. Magic is no exception.

The magician shows a very long piece of straight rope. With a quick magical gesture, he is able to suddenly transform this single piece of rope into 6 INDIVIDUAL loops of rope.

The Mr. Magic Long, Long Rope Deluxe is made of high quality wool for a smooth feel and long-lasting durability