Folding Money by Joe Porper - Trick
Magician's have been intrigued with "metal bending" since Uri Geller started bending spoons and keys. Porper's latest creation allows you to bend a borrowed, signed quarter, just by placing it between a few folded bills. The handling allows you to fi
Magician's have been intrigued with "metal bending" since Uri Geller started bending spoons and keys.
Porper's latest creation allows you to bend a borrowed, signed quarter, just by placing it between a few folded bills. The handling allows you to finish clean with the spectator's coin bent and nothing left behind to give the secret away.
Original stock manufactured by Joe Proper!
Porper's latest creation allows you to bend a borrowed, signed quarter, just by placing it between a few folded bills. The handling allows you to finish clean with the spectator's coin bent and nothing left behind to give the secret away.
Original stock manufactured by Joe Proper!