Card Magic and Trick Decks

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The Ultimatum Deck is easy to use yet allows for some world class card effects including:
- Repeat Card At Any Number (The holy grail to many and now you can perform it with 2 spectators)
- 3 Choice Cuts (3 Cards are selected and lost back in to the deck. Now take a step back as a forth spectator cuts to all 3 selections!)
- Luck And Intuition (This one is a mind blower, 2 spectators cards are found. The first is at a freely chosen number and the second is found by a spectator tossing a card in to the deck and you dribble them on to the table)

The Ultimatum Deck comes complete with custom deck and online video instructions. Awesome card magic that's easy to do and totally mind blowing!

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A BLUE BACKED deck of Bicycles are removed from the box and the spectator is asked to NAME ANY CARD. The cards are spread, the NAMED card is removed from the deck and is placed to one side. This card is turned FACE DOWN, it has a RED back with the words HA,HA,HA written on the back. The rest of the deck is now turned FACE UP and EVERY card is now BLANK. All the faces have vanished. Spectators nearly fall on the floor when the deck turns BLANK. No rough & smooth, no deck switches of any kind, no card force, resets in seconds and very easy to do. Do not miss this one. 

Note: Color of deck may vary

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It is a very useful deck to easily force a card.

Show the face deck by showing that it is all different cards, turn the back deck and have a card selected. Obviously it will be a forced card that you already know before starting