Card Magic and Trick Decks
AdSense (Gimmick & Online Instruction) by El Gran Bronzini & Nahuel Olivera
Beautifully simple, yet powerful magic doesn't happen very often, but itUltimately comes down to creating a powerful fusion between the method and effect.You know a good trick, not when you see one, but when you experience it.This is the first trick,
Plots Ploys and Other Cons by Brent Braun - Book
Frost (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) By Mikey V and Abstract Effects - Trick
"Visual eye candy for dragons (and humans)."- Piff The Magic Dragon"A phenomenal method for a phenomenal trick."- Justin FlomFrom one of our favorite new artists, Mikey V, comes the absolute last word on the blank deck: Frost!Frost is a completely ga
The Mene Tekel Deck Red Project with Liam Montier (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) - Trick
The Mene Tekel Deck Blue Project with Liam Montier (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) - Trick
Origami Rabbit by Alan Wong - Trick
Shadow Art (Bat Man) by Mathieu Bich
Skymember Presents ELIXIR RED by Lyndon Jugalbot - Trick
Impromptu Wild Card Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Dominique Duvivier - Trick
A cascade of transformations!Alexandra Duvivier has been selected to perform in the famous American TV show "Masters of Illusion" in prime time on CW, "The best of the best" according to the New York Times! She performs the "Impromptu Wild Card" tric
Invisible Thoughts by Chris Rawlins - Book
Trevor Duffy's Coin Dropper RIGHT HANDED (Half Dollar) by Trevor Duffy
Trevor Duffy's Coin Dropper RIGHT HANDED (Whole Dollar) by Trevor Duffy
Trevor Duffy's Coin Dropper LEFT HANDED (Whole Dollar) by Trevor Duffy
Trevor Duffy's Coin Dropper LEFT HANDED (Half Dollar) by Trevor Duffy
Inscribed (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) By Agus Tjiu & Ma Arif
Inscribe is the most innovative master prediction system in the market. From the beginning an envelope sealed on the clear box and remain untouched until the end of the routine.Then we gather information from audience as the routine you create. The b
Picture by Julio Montoro and Gentlemen's Magic - Trick
Compact Vase GOLD by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Mental Cookies by Hanson Chien - Trick
Mental Cookies from Hanson Chien combine Oreos and Mentalism to create unique and memorable routines. Your audiences will literally get to see their thoughts transmitted into an Oreo, providing a visual moment that is sure to leave a lasting impressi
Across (Red) by The House of Crow - Trick
Card through bill is classic in magic. It looks like real magic! Everybody loves it, and we, House of Crow, is not an exception. After a long time in researching this plot, we are prepared to share with you our commitment to this classic. Say hello
WOW 3 Face-DOWN (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Katsuya Masuda - Trick
Coin Penetration by Tony Karpinski - Trick
Rattle Box by Tony Karpinski - Trick
HALLPASS (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Julio Montoro - Trick
Vision deck Red by W.Eston, Manolo & Anthony Stan - Trick
All the way from France, Vision Deck will allow you to perform real miracles that your spectators won't forget!The deck is shuffled and then spread face up to show that all the cards are different. Then the spectator thinks of a card without naming i
PICK ME (RED) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
ACCOMPLICE by Danny Weiser & David Regal - Trick
In the Visible Deck RED (Gimmicks and Online Instruction by Victory Hwan- Trick
The audience names any card.No Force, no magicians choice, the card is selected with complete freedom.There is a deck that the magician has never touched.This deck was seen by the audience from the beginning, and even they were holding.When you open
In the Visible Deck BLUE (Gimmicks and Online Instruction by Victory Hwan- Trick
Dude as I Do 10 of Hearts (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Liam Montier - Trick
8NIMATION BLUE (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Hyde Ren & Magic- Trick
Dancers Thumbs by Hugo Valenzuela - Trick
P Case BLUE (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Bocopo Magic & Silver Wing - Trick
Like a parallel universe, P-Case creates a parallel space in a normal card case. With this space, you can create endless possibilities. Like Schrödinger's cat, you never know what will happen until you open the case.8 routines with the P-Case:Appeari
Fusion Coins Quarter (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Dr. Michael Rubinstein
GT Speedreader Marked Deck Standard Version (Bicycle 809 Mandolin Blue) plus Online effect
GT Speedreader Marked Deck Standard Version (Bicycle 809 Mandolin Red) plus Online effect
No Cards, No Problem by John Carey - DVD
THE REGAL COP WALLET by David Regal - Trick
Sintonia By Vincenzo Di Fatta
Fragment (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Abstract Effects
The Sticker by Mago G
Poor Old Charlie Dingle by Paul Gordon - Trick
This is a STUNNER!It's a technical reworking (lots of changes and, excuse immodesty, improvements) of Derek Dingle's Poor Charlie. Top-quality extra-special bespoke cards supplied. Long lasting plastic coated! Online video tutorial. There are TWO stu
Hands Free (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Mario Tarasini - Trick
MORPHED (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by DARYL - Trick
PIPS MATRIX (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by Jeki Yoo - Trick
Shining EURO (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by James Anthony - Trick
Imagine... A signed coin and a signed card. The signed card is LOST in the deck. A coin is then inserted approx half way clearly creating a GAP in the cards.The magician counts down 3, 2, 1 and suddenly the gap VISIBLY MELTS away leaving a neatly squ