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Genii Magazine March 2021 - Book
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GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 84 NUMBER 3March 2021 FEATURES One Night in Brooklyn by Jamy Ian SwissCOLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman In Memoriam:David Roth by Dr. Michael RubinsteinMark Wilson by Max MavenBev Bergeron by Phil SchwartzJo
Genii Magazine October 2020 - Book
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GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 83 NUMBER 10October 2020 FEATURES A Halloween Celebration by Steve BryantPoems for a Dark and Stormy NightBeyond the Final Houdini SeanceThe Movie Night Five- Minute SeanceCrypt-OgraphyThe Room with Thread in Its
Genii Magazine April 2020 - Book
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GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 83 NUMBER 4April 2020 FEATURES Master Payne: Medievalizing the Future by Jonathan Friedman COLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman Now PerformingThe Eye by Chloe Olewitz The Chamber of SecretsFrench Cannonball Vas
Genii Magazine March 2019 - Book
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GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 82 NUMBER 3 March 2019 FEATURE The Education of Guy Hollingworth by Dustin Stinett COLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman In Memoriam: Denny Haney by Brian Wendell Morton A Year of Fun and Living Dangerously by G
Genii Magazine January 2019 - Book
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GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 82 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 2019 FEATURES NICK DIFFATTE: "I Just Want to Make Good Art" by Elliott Terral RICKY JAY: ON THE STEM Faces, Facets, & Figments by Jon Racherbaumer Tenyo 2019 by Richard Kaufman COLUMNS Geni
Reel Magic Episode 7 (Mac King) - DVD
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Reel Magic Magazine - Episode 6 (Dean Dill) - DVD
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Reel Magic Magazine - Episode 5 (Johnny Thompson) - DVD
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Reel Magic Quarterly - Episode 1 (Paul Harris) - DVD
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Genii Magazine September 2018 - Book
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GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 81 NUMBER 9 September 2018 FEATURES Eric Jones: One Shot by Dustin Stinett The Forgotten Edward G. Brown by Andi Gladwin COLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman In Memoriam: Brian Gillis The Eye by Todd Karr Now P
Reel Magic Episode 50 (Steve Valentine) - DVD
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Reel Magic Episode 50 (Steve Valentine) - DVD
Genii Magazine March 2018 - Book
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GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 81 NUMBER 3 MARCH 2018 FEATURES Randy Sinnott: Battle to Battle by Jim Steinmeyer Mac and the Bear by Mike Weatherford COLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman Now Performing The Eye by Todd Karr On the Slant by Jo
Reel Magic Episode 45 (Philippe Petit) - DVD
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Reel Magic Episode 45 (Philippe Petit) - DVD
Reel Magic Episode 44 (Rob Zabrecky) - DVD
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Reel Magic Episode 44 (Rob Zabrecky) - DVD
Reel Magic Episode 43 (John Carney) - DVD
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Reel Magic Episode 43 (John Carney) - DVD
Magic Magazine "Asparagus Valley Cultural Society" September 2015 - Book
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CONTENTSSEPTEMBER 2015VOLUME 25NUMBER 13Asparagus Valley Cultural SocietyBy Nicky Ramos-Beban and David CoxForty years ago, a team was formed from a magician, a juggler, and a musician. Teller, Penn Jillette, and Wier Chrisemer joined together to bec
Magic Magazine "Ben Seidman" August 2015 - Book
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CONTENTSAUGUST 2015VOLUME 24NUMBER 12Ben Seidman: And the Winner IsBy Rory JohnstonFrom touring with his comedy magic and pickpocketing, to consulting and performing on high-profile television shows, to being named Princess Cruise Lines Entertainer o
Reel Magic Episode 42 (John Borenbos) - DVD
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Reel Magic Episode 42 (John Borenbos) - DVD
Reel Magic Episode 41 (Brian Gillis) - DVD
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Feature Interview - Brian Gillis: Garrett Thomas talks to Johnny Carson's favorite magician about how mastering his material helps him connect to his audience. Columns: Doc Eason - Behind the Bar Doc and Kozmo discuss Openers. Tyler Erickson - Strong
Magic Magazine "Magic on Reality TV" March 2015 - Book
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TV Magic in RealityBy Alan HowardIn the last quarter of the 20th century, the arrival of a magic special on television was not a common occurrence. Most were annual events, with few other magic shows to be seen nationally on a regular basis. Now ther
Reel Magic Episode 40 (Francis Menotti) - DVD
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Feature Interview - Francis Menotti: Peter Pitchford talks with Francis about the power of "finding the metaphor" and that there's always something new to be discovered in magic. Columns: New! Tyler Erickson - Stronger Magic In his inaugural segment,
Reel Magic Episode 39 (John Gaughan) - DVD
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John Gaughan:John Lovick gets a tour of legendary illusion designer John Gaughan's workshop, including his collection of historical pieces and some of his most famous illusions! Columns:Bill Wisch - Wisch on SlydiniBill shows us a cute trick he calls
Reel Magic Episode 38 (Andi Gladwin) - DVD
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Reel Magic Episode 38 (Andi Gladwin) - DVD
Reel Magic Episode 37 (Asi Wind)
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In this issue:Feature Asi WindJohn Lovick sits down with Asi Wind to talk about art, magic and creating an impossible moment.ColumnsBill Wisch - OnSlydiniBill shows us an S.O.C. trick!Kainoa Harbottle - Coin UKainoa talks about how "A Whack on the S
Reel Magic Episode 36 (Chris Capeheart)
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Reel Magic Episode 36 (Chris Capeheart)
Reel Magic Episode 35 (Jim Steinmeyer)
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Feature Interview - Jim Steinmeyer:Jim talks with John Lovick about working with Doug Henning and the importance of learning the classics. Columns:Bill Wisch - Wisch on SlydiniBill shows us a trick that he calls "Slydini's Favorite!"Simon Lovell - As
Reel Magic Episode 34 (Apollo Robbins)
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Feature Interview - Apollo Robbins:Apollo talks with John Lovick about the science connecting magic, pickpocketing and mentalism. Columns: Kainoa Harbottle - Coin U: Kainoa and Conjurer Dick discuss "Patter". Simon Lovell - Ask Simey: A special "Ask
Reel Magic Episode 33 (Dan Sperry) - DVD
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Feature Interview - Dan Sperry:Dan talks with Kozmo about why magic isn't cool and his experience on America's Got Talent.Columns:Kainoa Harbottle - Coin UKainoa talks about the 4th dimension and performs what he calls an "easy coin routine." Explana
Reel Magic Episode 32 (Boris Wild)
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Jon Armstrong - The Kaufman Sessions, Part 3In part 3 of the Session with card master Richard Kaufman, an Unnatural Color Change.Doc Eason - Behind the BarDoc Eason and Eddie Goldstein talk about routining the evening.Kainoa Harbottle - Coin U!Kainoa
Reel Magic Episode 30 (David Stone)
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Feature Interview - David Stone:David Stone talks to Kozmo about being influenced by the film "Rocky" and doing the impossible. Columns:NEW! Jon Armstrong - The Kaufman Sessions pt. 1Part 1 of the Session with card master Richard Kaufman. NEW! Social
Reel Magic Episode 29 (Losander)
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Feature Interview - Losander:Losander talks with Kozmo about his creative influences and the development of the floating table. Columns:NEW! - Bill Wisch on SlydiniBill Wisch tells a story and teaches a trick from Slydini. Garrett Thomas - Try T
Reel Magic Episode 28 (Josh Jay)
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Reel Magic Episode 28 (Josh Jay)
Reel Magic Episode 27 (Armando Lucero)
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Feature Interview - Armando Lucero:Armando Lucero talks with John Lovick about the value of secrets and earning knowledge.COLUMNS:Jon Armstrong - Sessions, Las Vegas Pt. 3Giovanni Livera shows the guys a fun routine with a couple coins and a glass. S
Reel Magic Episode 26 (Wayne Houchin) - DVD
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Feature Interview - Wayne Houchin:Wayne Houchin tells Kozmo that hanging upside down in a straightjacket can really change your perception on life! COLUMNS:Jon Armstrong - Sessions, Las Vegas Pt. 2Watch Terry Ward "kill" Jon Armstrong and the rest of
Reel Magic Episode 25 (Craig Petty & David Penn) - DVD
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Feature Interview - Dave Penn & Craig Petty:Kozmo talks with David Penn and Craig Petty about their show as well as the failed "magic-off" with Justin Miller. Columns:Jon Armstrong - Sessions, Orlando Pt. 3Michael Eaton shows us a better way to d
Reel Magic Episode 24 (Paul Gertner) - DVD
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Feature Interview - Paul Gertner:Wayne Kawamoto talks to Paul Gertner about the development of his Steel & Silver routine and performing for Johnny Carson Columns:David Kaye - Kid Show FUNdamentalsDavid Kaye says USE WITH CAUTION! Jon Armstrong -
Reel Magic Episode 23 (Eric Decamps) - DVD
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Features: Eric DeCamps talks with Andrew Pinard about creating a modern magic show. Russ Stevens of RSVP magic talks with Kozmo about making and marketing magic. Columns: Jon Armstrong - Sessions, Orlando Pt. 2 Kostya Kimlat discusses a new "cigarett
Reel Magic Episode 22 (Michael Ammar) - DVD
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FEATURE:Feature Interview - Michael Ammar Michael Ammar talks to kozmo about "coming out" as a magician and performing on Letterman. REVIEWS:David Regal - tricks of the trade David explores the magical world of vice! Wayne Kawamoto - choice cuts Revi
Reel Magic Episode 21 (Shawn Farquhar) - DVD
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FEATURE:Feature Interview - SHAWN FARQUHAR 2010 FISM winner shawn farquhar talks to wayne kawamoto about working hard and taking risks. REVIEWS:David Regal - tricks of the trade David is thrilled with 3 tricks that are both nice and cheap! Wayne Kawa
Reel Magic Episode 20 (The Magic Castle Tour) - DVD
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Features: The Magic Castle Milt Larson gives Jon Lovick a tour of the magic castle. Columns: Charles Reynolds , Andrew Pinard - Continuum Andrew Pinard's continuum interviews Charles Renolds, his friends, and colleagues. Banachek - Subtleties Banache
Reel Magic Episode 19 (The Road to Bejing) - DVD
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FEATURESCHINAKozmo gives us a behind the scenes look at the performance tour 5 Fism winners took through China.COLUMNSJon Armstrong - SessionsLos Angeles Part 2: Jon and his friends discuss the Himber Vanish.Banachek - SubtletiesBanachek discusses th
Reel Magic Episode 18 (Kostya Kimlat) - DVD
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Feature: Kostya Kimlat Continuum Andrew Pinard and continuum returns with Kostya Kimlat! kostya talks about designing magic tricks and asks "who cares?" Reviews: David Regal Tricks of the Trade A lot of tricks with a big BUT! BUT! BUT! Wayne Kawamoto
Reel Magic Episode 17 (Mark Mason) - DVD
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FeatureMark Mason talks with Kozmo about his childhood and how magic changed his life Reviews David Regal Tricks of the Trade Tools you can use! Wayne Kawamoto Choice CutsReviews some very aggressive magic ColumnsBanachek SubtletiesNew columnist Bana
Reel Magic Episode 16 (Max Maven) - DVD
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Feature: Max Maven Max Maven talks with John Lovick about the state of Mentalism today and how people will believe anything! Reviews David Regal Tricks of the Trade "You again?" new versions of old ideas. Wayne Kawamoto Choice Cuts Reviews some pleas
Reel Magic Episode 15 (Dan & Dave Buck) - DVD
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Feature:Dan & Dave BuckJohn Lovick talks with the Buck twins about how card flourishes have changed their lives and what they're going to do next! Columns:Jon Armstrong Small Things, Big Difference More gambling moves - the second deal. Garrett T
Reel Magic Episode 14 (Wayne Dobson & Daniel Garcia) - DVD
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Feature: Wayne DobsonWayne Kawamoto talks with Dobson about how multiple sclerosis has affected his approach to magic, changed his career - and redirected his life Daniel GarciaPart two of Kozmo's talk with Daniel at MAGICLive! Daniel discusses worki
Reel Magic Episode 13 (Daniel Garcia)- DVD
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Feature:Daniel GarciaKozmo talks with Daniel at MAGICLive! about Garcia's struggles for success Columns:Andrew Pinard - Continuum Part two of Andrew's illuminating discussion with Eugene Burger Jon Armstrong - Small Things, Big Difference Don't do th
Reel Magic Episode 10 (Mike Caveney)- DVD
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Features: Caught on Tape: Mike Caveney John Lovick talks with Mike about the Long Beach Mystics, old magic books and takes us on a tour of the Egyptian Hall collection Columns: Jon Armstrong Small Things, Big Difference Everyone should have a trick t
Reel Magic Episode 9 (Richard Turner)- DVD
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Reel Magic Episode 9 (Richard Turner)Features: Caught on Tape: Richard Turner Kozmo talks with Richard Turner about his remarkable life Columns: Garrett Thomas Try This At Home The shell is tougher than you think Simon Lovell Simon Said It! Combining
Reel Magic Episode 8 (David Williamson)- DVD
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Features: Caught on Tape: David WilliamsonJohn Lovick talks with David Williamson about being willing to fail and the difference between the corporate world and magic conventions Columns: Jon Armstrong Small Things, Big Differenceeveryone should have