Bubble Gum Magic by James Coats and Nicholas Byrd - Volume 1 - DVD
Zoom, Bounce, And Fly by Jeff McBride - DVD
Signed And Sealed by Nik Stokes - DVD
Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Vol.1 by Tom Mullica - DVD sigarette
Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Vol.3 by Tom Mullica - DVD sigarette
Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Vol.2 by Tom Mullica - DVD sigarette
Greed by Daniel Garcia - DVD
Skullkracker by Bob Sheets - DVD
Ash Pen Pro by Magic Dream - Trick
All'incontro con uno spettatore, l'esecutore chiede a quest'ultimo di scrivere il proprio nome su una scheda. La scheda viene bruciata con un accendino e lasciata bruciare fino a diventare cenere in un posacenere. L'esecutore raccoglie una manciata di ceneri e le strofina sull'avambraccio. Quando la cenere si sparge sul braccio dell'esecutore, il nome dello spettatore viene rivelato!!!
Descent by Kevin Parker - DVD
Phoneomenon by Doug McKenzie - DVD
Self Tying Shoelace by Jay Noblezada - Trick
Paul Harris Presents Juan Hundred Dollar Bill Switch (with Hundy 500 Bonus) by Doug McKenzie - DVD
Best Of RSVPMagic by RSVP Magic & RSVP - DVD
No Props Needed (Body Magic) by James Coats - DVD
Masterminds Volume Two by Criss Angel - DVD
Generation X Brian Tudor, DVD
Rubber Band Shapes (star) - Trick
Elastici stella
sigaretta attraverso la moneta Half Dollar (One Sided) (D0014)by Tango -
Sparizioni Incredibili - Scappavia per sigarette
In Action Volume 3 by Gregory Wilson - DVD
In Action Volume 2 by Gregory Wilson - DVD
Business Card Miracles by Michael Ammar - DVD
Art of Astonishment Volume 2 by Paul Harris - Book
Art of Astonishment Volume 1 by Paul Harris - Book
Hankerchief Vanishing Ring (White) by Bazar de Magia - Trick
Paul Harris Presents Daniel Garcia Project Vol 3 by Daniel Garcia - DVD
Art of Astonishment Volume 3 by Paul Harris - Book
Rubberband Vol 2 by Dan Harlan - DVD Elastici
Rubberband Vol 3 by Dan Harlan - DVD Elastici
Magic Farm by David Williamson - DVD
Jeff Sheridan Genius at Work Vol 3 Original Magic - DVD
Cellini Art Of Street Performing Vol. 2 - DVD
Close-Up, Up Close Vol 1 by Joshua Jay - DVD
One-to-a-Hundred by Danny Archer Magic - Trick
Le Paul Wallet by Vernet - Trick
Questo portafoglio in vera pelle è stato progettato in modo che una carta, un anello, una moneta, una carta di credito o un altro piccolo oggetto scelto, possa apparire all'interno di una busta "sigillata", all'interno dello scomparto con cerniera
Reality Twister (with 1 Lubor lens) by Paul Harris - Book
Linking Rubber Band trick H. Evans
Rubber Band Shapes (heart) - Trick
Elastici cuore
Rubber Band Shapes (Squares) - Trick
Elastici quadrato
BKM Wallet
Just Passin' Thru Trick by Russ Niedzwiecki
Messy Business Credit Card trick James Ford & Magic Studio
Retro Magic Alex Lourido (2 DVD set), DVD
Sankey Very Best of 3 - DVD
Cellini Lord & Master of Rings - DVD
Extreme Rubber Band Magic Joe Rindfleisch - DVD