Rubberband Vol 3 by Dan Harlan - DVD Elastici
1.75 inch Crochet Balls (Red) by Uday - Trick
Magic Farm by David Williamson - DVD
The Art Of Card Manipulation Vol 3 by Jeff McBride - DVD
Scotch And Soda Euro (Magnetic)E0029 by Tango - Trick
Effetto 1
Il mago mostra nella mano sinistra 1 euro e un 50 cent Euro. Chiude entrambe le mani e quando apre la sinistra si trova solo la moneta da 50 cent perché nella mano destra è apparsa la moneta da 1 euro!
The Art Of Card Manipulation Vol 1 by Jeff McBride - DVD
Jeff Sheridan Genius at Work Vol 3 Original Magic - DVD
The Art Of Card Manipulation Vol 2 by Jeff McBride - DVD
Street Shells by Whit Haydn and Chef Anton - Trick
Cellini Art Of Street Performing Vol. 2 - DVD
Roth Ultimate Coin Magic Collection Volume 4 - DVD
Close-Up, Up Close Vol 1 by Joshua Jay - DVD
One-to-a-Hundred by Danny Archer Magic - Trick
Alex Elmsley Tahoe Sessions 4 - DVD
Three Shell Game by Vernet - Trick
Small But Deadly by Paul Hallas - Book
Total Destruction Vol 2 by Troy Hooser - DVD
The Exchange by David Goring, DVD
Doug Edwards Packs a Wallop - Book
Premise Power & Participation Vol. 2 by David Regal and L & L Publishing - DVD
Try The Impossible by Simon Aronson - Book
Hundy 500 Greg Wilson, DVD
Triple Vision trick - David Regal
Le Paul Wallet by Vernet - Trick
Questo portafoglio in vera pelle è stato progettato in modo che una carta, un anello, una moneta, una carta di credito o un altro piccolo oggetto scelto, possa apparire all'interno di una busta "sigillata", all'interno dello scomparto con cerniera
Premise Power & Participation Vol. 1 by David Regal and L & L Publishing - DVD
Easy to Master Card Miracles Volume 7 by Michael Ammar - DVD
Rising Card (Red) by Henry Evans - Trick
Burger Magical Voyages (Vol 2) - DVD
Reality Twister (with 1 Lubor lens) by Paul Harris - Book
Linking Rubber Band trick H. Evans
Deja Vu Deck - David Regal
Vernon Revelations 3 (5 and 6)- DVD
Big Bicycle Cards (Jumbo Bicycle Cards, Blue)
Fast & Loose Chain Nickle
The perfect chain for any endless chain swindle, these beautiful five-foot lengths of steel chain feature the French Rope design. Available in gold or nickel and include suede drawstring bag.
Fast & Loose Chain Brass
Sleight of Hand Required Volume 2 by Lance DeLong - DVD
Mazzo invisibile Bicycle Jumbo (Rosso) - Trick
Impossibilia Bannon, DVD
Vernon Revelations 1 (1 and 2) - DVD
Cultural Xchange Vol 2 : America's Most Wanted by Apollo and Shoot - DVD
Michael Close Workers 3 - DVD
Michael Close Workers 2 - DVD
Rubber Band Shapes (heart) - Trick
Elastici cuore
Rubber Band Shapes (Squares) - Trick
Elastici quadrato