Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Vol.1 by Tom Mullica - DVD sigarette
Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Vol.3 by Tom Mullica - DVD sigarette
Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Vol.2 by Tom Mullica - DVD sigarette
Weapons Of The Card Shark Vol. 2 by Jeff Wessmiller - DVD
Greed by Daniel Garcia - DVD
Skullkracker by Bob Sheets - DVD
Ash Pen Pro by Magic Dream - Trick
All'incontro con uno spettatore, l'esecutore chiede a quest'ultimo di scrivere il proprio nome su una scheda. La scheda viene bruciata con un accendino e lasciata bruciare fino a diventare cenere in un posacenere. L'esecutore raccoglie una manciata di ceneri e le strofina sull'avambraccio. Quando la cenere si sparge sul braccio dell'esecutore, il nome dello spettatore viene rivelato!!!
Descent by Kevin Parker - DVD
Phoneomenon by Doug McKenzie - DVD
Self Tying Shoelace by Jay Noblezada - Trick
Paul Harris Presents Juan Hundred Dollar Bill Switch (with Hundy 500 Bonus) by Doug McKenzie - DVD
Best Of RSVPMagic by RSVP Magic & RSVP - DVD
No Props Needed (Body Magic) by James Coats - DVD
Best Of The Bottoms (2 DVD Set) by Richard Turner - DVD
Masterminds Volume Two by Criss Angel - DVD
Die 1 White Economy w/ Black Spots 19mm - Trick
Generation X Brian Tudor, DVD
Golden Shells trick
Over six months in the making, Whit Haydn and Chef Anton have created the perfect shells for any Three Shell Game routine. Including design enhancements and tips from real working pros like Chanin, Eddie Joseph and others, these shells are perfectly
Notes on Three Card Monte Whit Hay
Rubber Band Shapes (star) - Trick
Elastici stella
sigaretta attraverso la moneta Half Dollar (One Sided) (D0014)by Tango -
Sparizioni Incredibili - Scappavia per sigarette
Very Best of Martin Nash Volume 2 by L&L Publishing - DVD
In Action Volume 3 by Gregory Wilson - DVD
In Action Volume 2 by Gregory Wilson - DVD
Business Card Miracles by Michael Ammar - DVD
Intro to the Shell Game: Volume One by Bob Sheets and Whit Hadyn - DVD
Art of Astonishment Volume 2 by Paul Harris - Book
Art of Astonishment Volume 1 by Paul Harris - Book
Hankerchief Vanishing Ring (White) by Bazar de Magia - Trick
Paul Harris Presents Daniel Garcia Project Vol 3 by Daniel Garcia - DVD
Art of Astonishment Volume 3 by Paul Harris - Book
Rubberband Vol 2 by Dan Harlan - DVD Elastici
Rubberband Vol 3 by Dan Harlan - DVD Elastici
Magic Farm by David Williamson - DVD
Jeff Sheridan Genius at Work Vol 3 Original Magic - DVD
Street Shells by Whit Haydn and Chef Anton - Trick
Cellini Art Of Street Performing Vol. 2 - DVD
Close-Up, Up Close Vol 1 by Joshua Jay - DVD
One-to-a-Hundred by Danny Archer Magic - Trick
Three Shell Game by Vernet - Trick
Le Paul Wallet by Vernet - Trick
Questo portafoglio in vera pelle è stato progettato in modo che una carta, un anello, una moneta, una carta di credito o un altro piccolo oggetto scelto, possa apparire all'interno di una busta "sigillata", all'interno dello scomparto con cerniera
Reality Twister (with 1 Lubor lens) by Paul Harris - Book
Linking Rubber Band trick H. Evans
Fast & Loose Chain Nickle
The perfect chain for any endless chain swindle, these beautiful five-foot lengths of steel chain feature the French Rope design. Available in gold or nickel and include suede drawstring bag.
Fast & Loose Chain Brass
Rubber Band Shapes (heart) - Trick
Elastici cuore
Rubber Band Shapes (Squares) - Trick
Elastici quadrato