Magnetic Coin (1 Euro)E0020 by Tango - Trick
Effetto: Prendete una moneta, mettetela sul tavolo, passate le mani sulla moneta e questa scomparirà.
Money Miracles by Michael Ammar Volume 1 - DVD
Moneta da Mezzo Dollaro americano regolare- rotolo da 20 monete
Moneta da Mezzo Dollaro americano regolare- rotolo da 20 monete
Buddha Sucker Box
Scotch And Soda Mexican Coin (D0050) by Tango - Trick
sigaretta attraverso la moneta Half Dollar (One Sided) (D0014)by Tango -
Boston Box (Half Dollar)(B0008) by Tango - Trick
Very Best of Martin Nash Volume 2 by L&L Publishing - DVD
Locking Euro 1.25 (E0058)
Il mago produce quattro monete, due da 50 centesimi, una da 20 centesimi e una da 5 centesimi. Le mette una a una all'interno della mano sinistra, poi toglie una moneta da 50 centesimi e apre la mano: tutte le altre monete saranno scomparse.
Chinese Economy by Henry Evans - Trick
Roth Ultimate Coin Magic Collection Volume 2 - DVD
Okito Box Half Dollar (w/online instructions) (B0005) by Tango Magic - Trick
Expanded 2 Euro Shell by Tango - Conchiglia Espansa (E0001)
Expanded 2 Euro Shell by Tango - Conchiglia Espansa (E0001)
Shim Shell Coins (BLANK Half Dollar)
Intro to the Shell Game: Volume One by Bob Sheets and Whit Hadyn - DVD
Billusion by Jay Sankey - Trick
Four For Ever by Henry Evans - Trick
Chinese Half Dollar (Black) Coin - Trick
Palming coin Chinese dollar size Monete Sottili
Extreme Dean 2 Dean Dill, DVD
The New Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo
Okito Box 2 Euro (B0004)by Tango Magic - Trick
Scotch And Soda Euro (Magnetic)E0029 by Tango - Trick
Effetto 1
Il mago mostra nella mano sinistra 1 euro e un 50 cent Euro. Chiude entrambe le mani e quando apre la sinistra si trova solo la moneta da 50 cent perché nella mano destra è apparsa la moneta da 1 euro!
Street Shells by Whit Haydn and Chef Anton - Trick
Roth Ultimate Coin Magic Collection Volume 4 - DVD
Expanded Shell 50 Cent Euro (One Sided)(E0003) - Tango
One-to-a-Hundred by Danny Archer Magic - Trick
Flipper Coin Eisenhower Dollar (D0038) by Tango - Trick
Expanded Eisenhower Dollar Shell (w/DVD)(D0009) by Tango - Trick
COINvention (2 DVD set), DVD
Three Shell Game by Vernet - Trick
Expanded Shell Silver Half Dollar (D0003) by Tango - Trick
Hundy 500 Greg Wilson, DVD
Magnetic Half Dollar Coin(D0025)
Boston Box (2 Euro coin) (B0007) by Tango Magic - Trick
Fast & Loose Chain Nickle
The perfect chain for any endless chain swindle, these beautiful five-foot lengths of steel chain feature the French Rope design. Available in gold or nickel and include suede drawstring bag.
Fast & Loose Chain Brass
Poker Chip - regular Bicycle 100
Magnetic Pea Set
Very Best of Martin Nash Volume 1 by L&L Publishing - DVD
Knock Out Coin Magic by Michael Rubenstein - DVD
Encyclopedia of Coin Sleights Michael Rubinstein 3 - DVD
Flipper Coin 50 Cent Euro (E0035) by Tango - Trick
Self Working Coin Magic by Karl Fulves - Book
Cornice borsellino Goshman
Accessorio indispensabile per le vostre routine di close-up.
Coin Thru Card (50 cent Euro) (E0014) Tango
EFFECT: The Magician presents a playing card and a 50-cent Euro coin to the audience, both of which are examinable before and after the trick is performed. The card is then placed on top of a glass, and the coin is placed on top of the card. The