Modern Flap Card (Queen to King) by Hondo
Modern Flap Card (Jack to Queen to King) by Hondo
Modern Flap Card (Blue to Green to Red) by Hondo
Modern Flap Card (Face to Red Back) by Hondo
Modern Flap Card (Blue to Red) by Hondo
Modern Flap Card (Red to Blue) by Hondo
CTM by Nash Smile - Trick
In a Flash (DIY) by Felix Bodden - DVD
Fully Loaded Red (DVD and Gimmicks) by Mark Mason - Trick
In a Flash (Blue) DVD and Gimmicks by Felix Bodden - Trick
Horace Bennett's Prize Winning Magic (Limited/Out of Print) edited by Hugh Miller - Book
Horace Bennett's Prize Winning Magic è un libro difficile da trovare che contiene alcuni degli effetti magici più conosciuti al mondo.
Troverete le manipolazioni diabolicamente ingannevoli.
Mirage (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by JB Dumas and David Stone - Trick
Mirage (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by JB Dumas and David Stone - Trick
Mazzo Elettrico (52 Cards Bridge) by Mr. Magic - Trick
Holely Change Blue (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds Creative Lab - DVD
Stand Up Monte Expansion Pack (DVD and Gimmicks) by Garrett Thomas - DVD
The Dream Card Revisited (The Ultimate Card to Wallet) - A Comprehensive Guide by David Malek - Book
Mazzo Elettrico Deluxe (52 Cards Bridge) by Mr. Magic -
Sonic Stab by Loki Kross - DVD
Double Dutch by Fritz Alkemade - DVD
At the Drop of a Match by Ken De Courcy - Book
The Blood Fest of the Sun by Ken De Courcy - Book
Hole in One (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds Creative Labs - DVD
Paul Harris Presents Warp One/Freedom Pack Double Astonishments by Justin Miller & David Jenkins - Trick
ESP By The Numbers (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by John Bannon - Trick
Flash Gum by João Miranda and Julio Montoro - Trick
Devil's Mark (DVD and Gimmicks) by Alan Rorrison - DVD
Six Card Repeat by Mr. Magic - Trick
Sempre Sei Carte
FLASHBACK (Red) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
TORNADO BOX by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
Shrinking Deck by Mr. Magic - Trick
Paul Harris Presents Quantum Angel by Paul Harris - Trick
Un modo semplice e magico per rivedere un messaggio personalizzato.
Previsione in tempo reale di qualsiasi nome o iniziale.
Error 404 (Red) by Les French Twins - Trick
Derek Dingle in Paris, France by Mayette Magie Moderne - DVD
X-act (Red) by Mike Kirby - Trick
Blank Phil Plus 2 (Version 2) by Trevor Duffy
Phil Plus Outdone
Expansion Red (DVD and Gimmicks) by Daniel Bryan and Dave Loosley - Trick
Belly Strippers by Alan Sands - Trick
Memorandum by Woody Aragon - Book
Marksman Deck (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Luke Jermay - Trick
Marksman Deck (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Luke Jermay - Trick
Ticket by João Miranda and Julio Montoro - Trick
Mazzo invisibile Bicycle (Verde) - Trick
Mazzo invisibile Bicycle (Nero) - Trick
Tarantula II (Online Instructions and Gimmick) by Yigal Mesika - Filo invisibile elettronico
Quando è stato introdotto per la prima volta il Tarantula di Yigal Mesika, i maghi lo chiamarono "il dispositivo di levitazione più incredibile di tutti i tempi!". Ora, dopo sette anni di rielaborazione e perfezionamenti, è tornato... e migliore che mai.
Trespassing by Smagic Productions- Trick
The President's Choice (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds - DVD
Kung Fu Foot (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Héctor Mancha - Trick
NAVY Effects Vol. 2 by Jaehoon Lim - DVD
Sherlock'oin by Thomas Riboulet and Anthony Stan - Moneta nel mazzo di carte
Una carta scelta e firmata viene persa nel mezzo del mazzo. Mettete tutte le carte nell'astuccio e prendete in prestito una moneta dal pubblico. Fatela firmare da uno spettatore e quindi fatela sparire magicamente. La moneta firmata riapparirà immediatamente nell'astuccio e nel mezzo del mazzo proprio sopra la carta firmata! Il pubblico andrà fuori di testa!