Magic Magazine "Asparagus Valley Cultural Society" September 2015 - Book

Magic Magazine "Asparagus Valley Cultural Society" September 2015 - Book

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CONTENTSSEPTEMBER 2015VOLUME 25NUMBER 13Asparagus Valley Cultural SocietyBy Nicky Ramos-Beban and David CoxForty years ago, a team was formed from a magician, a juggler, and a musician. Teller, Penn Jillette, and Wier Chrisemer joined together to bec
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Asparagus Valley Cultural Society
By Nicky Ramos-Beban and David Cox
Forty years ago, a team was formed from a magician, a juggler, and a musician. Teller, Penn Jillette, and Wier Chrisemer joined together to become the Asparagus Valley Cultural Society. Four years later, the disparate trio embarked on an open run in San Francisco, changing their lives and making a name for themselves in entertainment.

By Jaq Greenspon
When Michael "Six" Muldoon makes a sixth finger appear on his left hand, it's there to stay. Yet while the appendage earned him his nickname, it is not the most interesting thing about this New York close-up worker.

Tips to Become a Pro Magic Lecturer
By David Stone
David Stone remains one of the busiest lecturers on the international magic convention and club circuit. His tips and advice on how to make a lecture tour survivable as well as profitable provide valuable insight for anyone who wishes to teach magic to other magicians.

Plus Updates on...
  • Magic series currently on television.
  • SAM in Philadelphia.
  • IBM in Jacksonville.
  • A remembrance of Lee Grabel.
  • MAGIC Magazine "Conventions at a Glance."

Bonus Content for the September Issue...
  • Performance videos of Michael "Six" Muldoon.
  • Video tutorial of Two Ton Triumph from Six.
  • Video tutorials from Daryl's Master Class: Cups & Balls DVD
  • All fifteen of the products reviewed in the September issue, plus 477 reviews from previous issues, are all now available at the fully searchable "Marketplace" section of M360.
Fifteen products are reviewed this month by Peter Duffie, Gabe Fajuri, Jared Kopf, Francis Menotti, John Wilson:
Loops Improved by Yigal Mesika
The Clover Project by Brian Kennedy & Carl Campbell
Miracle Prediction Chest by Hand Crafted Miracles, Dannicus, and Mark Southworth
The Freedom Writer by Mark Allen
Red Mint by Victor Sanz
Diception by Chris Congreave
The Spiritual Stage by Roger Blakiston
Triage by Danny Weiser and Shin Lim
Ring Through Laces by SMagic Productions
Chap Switch by Nicholas Lawrence and Sans Minds Magic
Nanomagics by Roman Garcia
Fishing by G Alexander
Kling Klang by Judson Cole
6 Minutes by Matt Fore
The Vault by David Penn

In One: Joseph Barry
A young magician from Stoke-on-Trent, England, Joseph Barry loves all types of magic but chose to study cards in depth. He has a particular fondness for gambling moves and effects, as well as card magic that is not only subtle and baffling but also impromptu. Having become known not only for his trick creations but for his skill as an entertainer, Barry has been appearing at magic gatherings around the world, and completed a lecture tour of Japan earlier this year. The following items are just a few from his growing repertoire: LLL Peek, STOCAN (Simple Thought-Of Card at Number), Freedom Stacking, and Thanks to Vernon.

First Look: Card Party
Lewis Jones
Now ninety years old, London-based Lewis Jones has been involved with magic for most of his life. Originally from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, Jones attained a degree in Modern Languages from Cambridge University. Upon graduation, he became a writer of dramatic scripts and short stories for BBC radio and, later, television. His work includes scripts for several BBC science series. Jones' conjuring creations have included card magic as well as mental mysteries, often involving cryptography and mathematical methods. These two effects - HASTERIX and The Rule of Three - are excerpted from Jones' latest publication, Card Party, his seventeenth book of magic.

First Look: Master Course - Cups & Balls
Daryl has been billed as "the magicians' magician." He's earned his reputation over the course of a career that has seen him win numerous awards, including the Academy of Magical Arts Close-up Magician of the Year in 1980 and 1981, Parlor Magician of the Year for 1986 and 1987, and Lecturer of the Year, 1988 and 1992. He was also awarded First Place in Card Magic at FISM 1982 in Lausanne. These excerpts from the Master Course: Cups & Balls videos in Murphy's Magic "Essentials in Magic" series explain Charlie Miller's Move, an Elimination Sequence, and Daryl's Cup & Ball Routine.

Finn Jon's Esoterica: Magnetic Fingers
Finn Jon
The magician offers to demonstrate that his fingers have "special qualities." He borrows a straw and shows that it has a center of mass in the middle by balancing it on his finger. Then he is able to move the center of mass back and forth at will, and the straw seems to cling to the magician's fingers as if magnetic. He then demonstrates that his fingers can become a "force field" in which the straw can float freely for a short time. This is my very latest development using threads, which is funny, because the effect is very similar to my very first creation. The trick is best done very close-up, preferably for a single spectator who is allowed to see the miracle only a few inches away.

Loving Mentalism: Venus Mind Trap
Ian Rowland
This month's effect is a simple yet powerful bit of informal close-up mentalism that you can perform just about anywhere for just about anyone. You ask someone to just think of any song they happen to like. You cause a few strange things to happen in their mind, which they honestly report feel a bit weird, and then, to round things off, you successfully name the precise song they happen to be thinking of. That's it! This also works with favorite movies or just about anything else you want. Of course, there's some secret, sneaky stuff going on, but t