The Five Card Opener by Bill Abbott

The Five Card Opener by Bill Abbott

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"The opening of any act is a tough choice for most performers. How do you get theirattention, how do you hold their attention, how do you amaze and entertain them all atthe same time? The 5 Card Opener is my answer all these questions and a whole lot
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"The opening of any act is a tough choice for most performers. How do you get theirattention, how do you hold their attention, how do you amaze and entertain them all atthe same time? The 5 Card Opener is my answer all these questions and a whole lotmore."
- Bill Abbott

What is the Five Card Opener?

The Five card Opener re-invents the classic five/six card repeat with a completely freshapproach featuring three sequences that build with a definitive climax that is bigsurprise. It has been Bill's opener for many years and it's in all of his shows. Corporateshows, family shows, college shows, etc. The Five Card Opener is a whole new way tomake your show fun! AND it can play for audiences from 10-10,000.

The "Real" Secret

The BEST part about the 5 Card Opener is that you will have the audience screaming,yelling and at the edge of their seats in first 2 minutes of your show. Guaranteed! Andthe 5 Card Opener isn't just an opener-it's an audience conditioner. It trains yourcrowd to react, making applause feel natural, easy, and fun.

It's also a built-in call back. A verbal trigger that gets a response every time you use it,shaping the energy of your entire show. And it's fully customizable-have them shout acorporate slogan, school cheer, company name, even a birthday shoutout.

Simple to do & Gets Reactions

Performing this off the top of your show will guarantee you will not have any mediocrereactions to any of your tricks - because you're giving them an outlet to respond in aBIG way. And they will. Even the most jaded ones.

Bill has had corporate audiences (almost asleep after a cocktail hour, two-hour dinnerand then awards and speeches before his show) up and cheering in the first threeminutes of his show using The Five Card Opener.

For the working performer you can literally 'drop' this into your show the next day. Itplays BIG and VISUAL but packs small and flat in your prop case. And the best part isthat it's so easy to do.

No angle restrictions, no special staging, packs smart, resets in 30 seconds anddelivers a BIG impact. Work away from tables and out of your pockets, making aninstant connection with your audience. Just pure, practical, magic.

ALL-NEW Michael Ross' 5 Card Closer

Revealed for the first time, Michael Ross' 5 Card Closer, a genius twist that turns thispowerful opener into an even stronger show-stopping finale to your show.

With Michael's secret spin, your audience could be on their feet in a roaring standingovation! This isn't just an opener-it could also be your ultimate closer.

Not Just a Trick

The 5 Card Opener isn't just a trick-it's a game-changer. It grabs attention, buildsenergy, and conditions your audience to react from the very first moment. Don't leaveyour show's success to chance-get the 5 Card Opener and start every performancewith unstoppable momentum!

Pro Package Includes:

Handmade gimmicked Bicycle Jumbo Playing Cards: These play big for a theatreyet are deceptive enough for an up-close house party.

Portable Pop-Up Hamper: For seamless card drops and a clean stage.

Water-Proof Zip Up Bag: To keep all the props safe, dry between shows and whiletraveling.

Full Performance Script in PDF form exactly as Bill performs this at every show.(Remember the script is a template to add to, subtract from and get creative with.)

In-Depth Video Tutorial Featuring: 2 LIVE performances of the Five Card Opener. Oneat the Magic Hideaway and the second in a banquet hall for 300 audiencemembers. Detailed routine handling using the jumbo-sized cards and a secondshowcasing the script and the handling in unison. Several portable container ideas touse with the routine. The "REAL" secret of the Five Card Opener with decades ofinsider secrets and all the psychological subtleties to make this routine play as stronglyfor you as it has for Bill for many years.

Here is what performers are saying about the 5 Card Opener...

"If you use Bill's script it is a VERY solid opening effect. It delivers what he promises.The reactions are EXACTLY as Bill tells you they will be. My audience was screamingand cheering- for my OPENER. Beautiful! Performers looking for a good openingroutine will NOT be disappointed with this."
-Jason Wethington

"Bill, you are a genius. I followed your routine and everyone at the end was yelling,"that's amazing!" I knew this was great but never thought it would be THAT GREAT.Thanks!!!!! Worth every penny and I must say this will be in every show I do. ThanksBill!"
-Mike Storz

"All I can say is brilliant! A professional routine that's going in both my adult stand up &family show. Great routine with loads of potential for specific tailoring, includingcorporate presentations. I believe this is vastly underpriced. Thanks, Bill, for sharingthis real worker!"
-Andy Kean

"This is a true professional piece that you will want to have as your opener as soon asyou get it and watch Bills well done and detailed instructional video. And the best partis this effect is SO SIMPLE! Truly if you can count up to 9 you will have no problemsperforming this."
-Floyd Collins

"The routine is as close to self-working as one can be (can you count cards from onehand to another? That's it!). The focus is on the presentation and personality. It truly isan opener. Finally, a five-card-repeat trick that works! You get your money's worthhere."
-Harry Mu