Painting (DVD and BLUE Back Gimmick) by Mickael Chatelain - DVD

Painting (DVD and BLUE Back Gimmick) by Mickael Chatelain - DVD

 Ultimi articoli in magazzino
Painting (DVD and BLUE Back Gimmick) by Mickael Chatelain - DVD
54,90 €
Pagamenti sicuri al 100%



'Change the color of any card and even the color of the whole deck!

Never has a color chagne been so easy and so visual!
  • No preparation
  • Instant rest
Make any card disappear!
  • No Force
  • No Manipulation
  • The card chosen and signed by the spectator is immediately examinable.
An impossible prediction!

3 complete routines on the instructional DVD.
Several tricks are possible with the included gimmick.

Running Time Approximately: 30 min