Nick Trost's Classic Packet Tricks - Mississippi Monte - Trick
14,64 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
Il "Old Sucker Game" con nuovi, sorprendenti colpi di scena! Vengono mostrate quattro carte, una e un asso, girate a faccia in giù e uno spettatore cerca di ritagliare l'asso con una graffetta, ma fallisce! Una carta dispari viene scartata ma ancora una volta lo spettatore non può ritagliare l'asso! Alla fine le carte vengono aperte a ventaglio e lo spettatore aggancia il retro di una carta. Le altre due carte vengono mostrate, quindi ora è sicuro di aver tagliato l'asso. La carta ritagliata viene mostrata ma l'ASSO È SVANITO! La carta messa da parte viene girata: è l'asso mancante!
Dice Without Two CLEAR RED (2 Dice Set) - Trick
12,80 €
Non ci sono abbastanza prodotti in magazzino
With this accessory, you can perform endless effects. You get two dice: one normal and one special. The special die has the characteristic of not having the number two. This feature allows you to force card locations, book pages, or different element
Loaded Dice (Weighted, Wood, Black) - Dadi Bilanciati 5 e 2
18,00 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
Roll 7's with this pair of black, wooden dice. 18 MM
Single Forcing Die (5) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
12,14 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
This is a single die for forcing a specific number. It's been cleverly made to hide the secret well. Imagine six envelopes, each numbered one through six. This die will force a certain number. Thus, the money would be placed in that "number envelope.
Single Forcing Die (6) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
12,14 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
This is a single die for forcing a specific number. It's been cleverly made to hide the secret well. Imagine six envelopes, each numbered one through six. This die will force a certain number. Thus, the money would be placed in that "number envelope.
Single Forcing Die (2) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
12,14 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
This is a single die for forcing a specific number. It's been cleverly made to hide the secret well. Imagine six envelopes, each numbered one through six. This die will force a certain number. Thus, the money would be placed in that "number envelope.
Single Forcing Die (1) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
12,14 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
This is a single die for forcing a specific number. It's been cleverly made to hide the secret well. Imagine six envelopes, each numbered one through six. This die will force a certain number. Thus, the money would be placed in that "number envelope.
Single Forcing Die (3) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
12,14 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
This is a single die for forcing a specific number. It's been cleverly made to hide the secret well. Imagine six envelopes, each numbered one through six. This die will force a certain number. Thus, the money would be placed in that "number envelope.
Single Forcing Die (4) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
12,14 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
This is a single die for forcing a specific number. It's been cleverly made to hide the secret well. Imagine six envelopes, each numbered one through six. This die will force a certain number. Thus, the money would be placed in that "number envelope.
Nick Trost's Classic Packet Tricks - 4 Flush! - Trick
12,20 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
A "Wild Card" effect with six cards! You show five blank-faced cards and one Four of Spades. The Four is brushed against two of the blank cards and they change to Fours! This is repeated with the other blank cards and at the finish, all six cards hav