Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Single (Magic/Red) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Pair (High Voltage/White) - Trick
Top Hat Show by Fantasma Magic - Trick
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Pair (Magic/Red) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Single (Bug/White) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
9H Refill Close-up Cardiographic by Martin Lewis - Trick
Article 52 by Paul Gordon - Book
Gold Dust Finale by Paul Gordon - Book
Q & A Jumbo Three Card Monte by TCC - Trick
Crystal Playing Cards Cabinet by TCC - Trick
7D Refill Close-up Cardiographic by Martin Lewis - Trick
Anello nella campanella - (No Reel) by Strixmagic
Superati gli ormai obsoleti e poco pratici vecchi sistemi! Questo modello si differisce da tutti gli altri perche’ non ci sono reel, elastici, fili… Semplice, Geniale, Pratico, di facilissima esecuzione!!
Grandpa Magic by Workman Publishing - Book
Screen Clean by Tenyo Magic - Trick
Sword Reward by Tenyo Magic - Trick
Una moneta (con un foro al centro) e un anello sono inseriti in una scatola trasparente. Una mini-spada viene posizionata attraverso la scatola intrappolando la moneta. In un attimo la moneta si è liberata e l'anello è intrappolato dalla spada!!! Impossibile!
NOTA: la moneta non è inclusa
Mini Chop Cup (Accessori + Video Istruzioni)
Fai apparire e sparire la pallina dalla tazzina!
Ideale per il close up e magia ai tavoli
Comodo da tenere in tasca
Una chop cup fatta per il professionista quanto per l'amatore, difatti i props inclusi eliminano tutte le classiche tecniche di manipolazione risultando pressoché quasi automatico
Out Of The Blue (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by James Anthony and MagicWorld - Trick
BRIX (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Mr. Pearl and ARCANA - Trick
Refill Close-up Cardiographic by Martin Lewis - Trick
LIT (Gimmick & Online Instructions) by Dan Hauss & Dan White
Melty Link by RYOTA & Jekyll
SCAANDAL by Adrian Vega (Online Instructions and Gimmick) - Trick
Project Alpha Mail by Harry Robson and Matthew Wright - Trick
Linking Rings 10 cm (Chrome) by TCC - Anelli Cinesi
Anelli cinesi da 10 cm colore argento cromato
Linking Rings 10 cm (Black) by TCC - Anelli Cinesi
Anelli Cinesi da 10 cm colore Nero
Off World (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by JP Vallarino - Trick
David Penn's Beer Bottle Production (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) - Trick
Osmosis (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Rodrigo Romano and Mysteries - Trick
The Dream Card Revisited (The Ultimate Card to Wallet) - A Comprehensive Guide by David Malek - Book
Changeling ODO (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Marc Lavelle and Titanas Magic - Trick
FLASH BEAM by Martin Schwartz - Trick
TRU by Menny Lindenfeld - Trick
Conjuror at the Table by Al James - Book
Copper and Silver Dollar (Tails) (D0177) by Tango Magic
Marksman Deck (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Luke Jermay - Trick
Marksman Deck (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Luke Jermay - Trick