Outnumbered by Danny Weiser and Matthew Wright - Trick
La magia del cubo, i quadrati magici e le imprese della memoria sono alcune delle armi più avvincenti, credibili e stimolanti nell'arsenale del mago moderno.
Outnumbered prende tutti e tre questi effetti e li combina in un miracolo tascabile e facile da eseguire !!!
Rejoined Express by João Miranda Magic and Julio Montoro - Trick
João Miranda and Julio Montoro released the original Rejoined back in 2016, and it was a best seller with over 5000 units sold worldwide. Now introducing its "brother," Rejoined Express, a visual and original restored effect like no other. It is a mu
Band on Fire 2 (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Bacon Fire and Magic Soul
Social Media Magic Volume 1 (DVD and Gimmicks) by Felix Bodden - DVD
I social, senza dubbio, sono la piattaforma principale in questa era. È un modo collaudato ed efficace per promuovere e costruire la propria carriera.
Avere un account sui social media è come avere un microfono forte in mano. Le persone ti sentiranno.
La domanda è: che cosa vuoi dire e come riesci a farti ricordare?
Il nostro amico, Felix Bodden, della Repubblica Dominicana, ha progettato effetti per questo scopo specifico.
i-Lite Garland by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
SLIDER V2 by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Edible Balloon by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
SnowShot (10 ct.) by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
CRA Change (DVD and Gimmicks) by Rich Li - DVD
THINNER (Gimmick and Online Instruction) by Mathieu Bich
The Art Of Mental Bending, FFF 2.0 By TCC(Size 7) by TCC
TRIPLE GUM by Smagic Productions - Trick
Naked ESP (ZENER) by Michael Murray - trick
My Jeans by Smagic Productions - Trick
Split (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Yves Doumergue and JeanLuc Bertrand - Trick
Sleeving System by Witness Kou & Amor Magic - Trick
"It's the best I had ever seen, it's incredible, it's pushing sleeving forward, check it out!" - Daniel Garcia "It's so good check it out. He showed me how to do it right now and it's definitely worth getting it if you are a sleever." - Cyril "Magici
Pro Show Holder by Gary James - Trick
TRU Xtreme by Menny Lindenfeld - Trick
TRU™ XTREME By Menny Lindenfeld (Volume 1, 2 & 3) Most EXTREME rubber-band penetration effects you'll ever perform! "TRU Xtreme is brilliant! The band jumping on the spectators finger and other objects fooled me badly." - Joe Rindfleish - "TRU Xt
VIP PASS (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by JOTA - Trick
VIP PASS è una credenziale che permette di teletrasportare carte firmate, banconote, monete, biglietti, pezzi di carta o infiniti oggetti in modo potente.
Potete anche prevedere i pensieri e le scelte degli spettatori in modo molto pulito.
E la parte più impressionante: Lo spettatore indossa questo incredibile dispositivo per tutto il tempo, appeso al collo fin dall'inizio - lo vede vuoto fino all'ultimo momento!
Skymember Presents: Project Polaroid (box color varies) by Julio Montoro and Finix Chan - Trick
Gamma Red (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Felix Bodden and Agus Tjiu - Trick
Prison Break by Smagic Productions - Trick
CHEATING KIT (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by David Regal
KARATE CAP (Red with Online Instructions) by Taiwan Ben - Trick
Size Does Matter USD (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Juan Pablo Magic
Immagina di avere piccole banconote Monopoly e di poterne trasformare il valore e anche la DIMENSIONE!
Mostra le banconote chiaramente, una per una, e poi dalle da esaminare! E se vuoi, puoi tornare indietro in modo più visivo e istantaneo come se tutto fosse stato un'illusione!
Puoi trasformare le vere banconote in euro aumentando anche il valore e le dimensioni di ciascuna di esse. Quindi, lentamente e chiaramente torna indietro per dimostrare che puoi farlo tutte le volte che vuoi!
Un nuovo metodo molto facile da fare, senza angoli.
Modern Flap Card PHOENIX (Queen to King) by Hondo
Modern Flap Card PHOENIX (Blue to Green to Red) by Hondo
Joe Rindfleisch's SIZE 16 Rainbow Rubber Bands (Hanson Chien - Blue Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's SIZE 16 Rainbow Rubber Bands (Marcus Eddie - Green Pack ) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's SIZE 16 Rainbow Rubber Bands (Russell Leeds -Yellow ) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's SIZE 16 Rainbow Rubber Bands (Joe Rindfleisch - Red Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's SIZE 16 Rainbow Rubber Bands (Combo Pack) - Elastici
SPLIT-CARD (Red) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
Vortex Magic Presents Intuitive Destination by Philip Ryan - (Invisible Deck Postcards) - Trick
Philip Ryan has been performing his postcard routine for many years. In this version, you show the spectator a list of 30 countries -they have a COMPLETELY FREE CHOICE of any country. You then fan the postcards showing that their choice is the ONLY O
Vortex Magic Presents DESTINATION by Philip Ryan (Svengali Postcards) - Trick
RPG (Red) by Red Tsai x Horret Wu - Trick
RPG is strong and visual card magic. It's fast and has a huge impact on your audience. A spectator freely chooses a card. It's signed and lost back into the deck. The performer uses a common object (e.g., ring or coin) to "explode" the deck and revea
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Pair (Magic/White) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Pair (Bug/Red) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Single (Bug/Red) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Single (Magic/Red) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Pair (High Voltage/White) - Trick
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Pair (Magic/Red) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Single (Bug/White) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Modern Flap Card (Ace of Spades to 8 of Spades) by Hondo
The Flap Card was first introduced in 1922, in Professor R. Kunard's Book of Card Tricks. In the decades since, it has become a staple in the routines of magicians worldwide, used to produce all sorts of stunning effects. However, limitations of the
Soundproof Coins by G Sparks Magic - Trick
"Yeah works great and invisible, I fooled my friend the first time I did it." - Rocco Silano NO CLIPS NO MAGNETS NO TRICK COINS No SOUNDS Soundproof Coins allows you to perform a number of amazing effects with normal coins: 1. Appear and vanish multi
9H Refill Close-up Cardiographic by Martin Lewis - Trick
Banked - Black, Coke Zero (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Taiwan Ben - Trick
Banked è un incredibile miglioramento dell'effetto Coin Through Bottle. Si prende in prestito una moneta da uno spettatore e poi la si fa passare visibilmente e istantaneamente attraverso il fondo di una qualsiasi bottiglia di plastica. Questa nuova versione dell'effetto non richiede bottiglie di vetro o "speciali", né alcuna manipolazione innaturale, ed è completamente esaminabile prima e dopo l'effetto. Potete finire il vostro drink (o prendere in prestito la loro bottiglia vuota), prendere in prestito una moneta e creare una magia istantanea!
Winner's Dice (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Secret Factory
Winner's Dice is a normal-looking die that can force ANY NUMBER between 1 to 6. It uses a very special technology which makes our die fully examinable. The spectator can check the die and he can try throwing it to make sure the results are random. Bu