Essentials in Magic Svengali Deck - DVD
Pro Pen Through Bill by Premium Magic - Trick
Aqua-Imp by Ben Harris - Book
Steel Core Penny (3 Pennies) - Trick
Tribute to Varone (BLUE) by Henry Evans
Ascanio's World Of Knives by Ascanio and Jose de la Torre - Book
Tag-O-Magic (Gimmick and DVD)by Cameron Francis - Trick
Paul Harris Presents Justin Miller's Freedom Pack - Trick
Alice's Revenge by Bob Farmer - Trick
Stargazer by Alan Wong and JB Magic - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: The Last Word on Three Card Monte Vol. 1 by L&L Publishing - DVD
Hook by Andrew Mayne - DVD
Paul Harris Presents SLR Slims: New Style Refills for Paul Harris SLR - Tricks
Carderfeiter by Ron Frost - Trick
Destination Unknown( wow ) by Ickle Pickle - Trick
Foolproof Card Tricks by Karl Fulves - Book
Royal Redo (with DVD) - Bill Wisch - Trick
STAT Needle Thru Arm Gimmick - Tricks
Svengali (With deck, BLUE) by Oz Pearlman - DVD
Magic From Down Under - World Lecture Tour by Paul Romhany - Libro
The Last Monte by Harry Anderson - Trick
Perfect Peas (RED) by Whit Hayden and Chef Anton's School for Scoundrels - Trick
Perfect Peas (WHITE) by Whit Hayden and Chef Anton's School for Scoundrels - Trick
Quarter Squeeze Brass by Tango - Trick (B0012)
World's Greatest Magic: Close Up Magic 1 - DVD
Bite Coin - (US Quarter - Traditional With Extra Piece)(D0047)by Tango - Moneta morsicata
World's Greatest Magic: Color Changing Knives - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Card Stab - DVD
Hypno Aces (DVD and Cards) by David Penn - Trick
Vernet Manipulation cards (FLESH BACK,BRIDGE SIZE) by Vernet - Trick
Vernet è orgogliosa di presentare le sue "Carte di manipolazione". Queste carte hanno un design originale di Vernet. Ogni carta è color carne sul retro, senza bordi bianchi. Le carte hanno indici in tutti e quattro gli angoli e sono molto sottili. È quasi possibile toccare con il palmo della mano l'intero mazzo!
Atlantis (WATER) by The Enchantment - Trick
World's Greatest Magic: MacDonald's Aces - DVD
The Magic of Max Malini by Paul Daniels - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Card To Wallet - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Magic With Dice - DVD
Magic With Dice (World's Greatest Magic) - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Folding Coin - Coin In Bottle - DVD
Bubble Gum Magic by James Coats and Nicholas Byrd - Volume 1 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Coins Across - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Scotch And Soda, Dime And Penny, ChinaTown Half - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Card On Ceiling - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Magic With Everyday Objects - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Stack Of Quarters and Copper/Silver Coin - DVD
Ash Pen Pro by Magic Dream - Trick
All'incontro con uno spettatore, l'esecutore chiede a quest'ultimo di scrivere il proprio nome su una scheda. La scheda viene bruciata con un accendino e lasciata bruciare fino a diventare cenere in un posacenere. L'esecutore raccoglie una manciata di ceneri e le strofina sull'avambraccio. Quando la cenere si sparge sul braccio dell'esecutore, il nome dello spettatore viene rivelato!!!