Split (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Yves Doumergue and JeanLuc Bertrand - Trick
Bill It (DVD and Gimmick) by SansMinds Creative Lab - DVD
What's real magic like to you? We believe that real magic should feel spontaneous and totally catch people off guard. What better way is there to combine these visions, but with an element that speaks to everyone across language barriers? Money! Imag
Omni Coin US version (DVD and 2 Gimmicks) by SansMinds Creative Lab - Trick
Omni Deck from Palmer's Magic has been a modern classic for card magic. Imagine that you can now perform the time-tested professional effect with a BORROWED COIN! Oh, and did we tell you the coin is not only borrowed, but SIGNED? Yes, you heard us ri
Prison Break by Smagic Productions - Trick
Size Does Matter USD (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Juan Pablo Magic
Immagina di avere piccole banconote Monopoly e di poterne trasformare il valore e anche la DIMENSIONE!
Mostra le banconote chiaramente, una per una, e poi dalle da esaminare! E se vuoi, puoi tornare indietro in modo più visivo e istantaneo come se tutto fosse stato un'illusione!
Puoi trasformare le vere banconote in euro aumentando anche il valore e le dimensioni di ciascuna di esse. Quindi, lentamente e chiaramente torna indietro per dimostrare che puoi farlo tutte le volte che vuoi!
Un nuovo metodo molto facile da fare, senza angoli.
SPLIT-CARD (Red) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
Morrittissimo di Americo Rocchi - Monetomagia
BLACK NOTE by Smagic Productions - Trick
BLACK NOTE - THE ULTIMATE MIND READING EFFECT. From the mind of Ninh, we have discovered and now offer a beautiful piece of mentalism. It's the easiest way to read anyone's mind. No more "nail writer," no more thumb tip, no more complex set up, no mo
Banked - Black, Coke Zero (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Taiwan Ben - Trick
Banked è un incredibile miglioramento dell'effetto Coin Through Bottle. Si prende in prestito una moneta da uno spettatore e poi la si fa passare visibilmente e istantaneamente attraverso il fondo di una qualsiasi bottiglia di plastica. Questa nuova versione dell'effetto non richiede bottiglie di vetro o "speciali", né alcuna manipolazione innaturale, ed è completamente esaminabile prima e dopo l'effetto. Potete finire il vostro drink (o prendere in prestito la loro bottiglia vuota), prendere in prestito una moneta e creare una magia istantanea!
Buyer's Remorse (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Twister Magic - Trick
Diamond Forcing Dice Set (7) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Now you can force a number in a fool-proof way!
The magician hands a spectator a normal die numbered one through six. The magician takes the die and throws it into an opaque cup. The spectator is asked to cover the mouth of the cup and shake or rattle the die inside. They are then asked to call aloud whatever number comes up. Diamond Dice allows the number chosen to be predetermined, so these dice make forcing a number easy.
The die is not loaded or weighted. Diamond Dice is a set of 6 specially numbered dice and one normal die for switching out. If you need a specific number chosen, then this is the way to go. Never before has a full set of these dice been on the market
Aperture (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Eric Jones and Tango Magic - Trick V0021
Half And Half - Volume 2 by Doug Brewer - DVD
Practical Magic for the Working Performer!
Stand-up and Be Counted Routine
- Coin Catch: How do magicians play catch? Based on Fred Kaps Coins & Silk routine. Simplified and amazing.
- Shell Fly: Not again! A super clean and logical extension of the previous routine.....
Half And Half - Volume 1 by Doug Brewer - DVD
Practical Magic for the Working Performer!
Ultimate (?) Wild Coin Routine
- History Production: A devilishly clever way to produce 3 coins while ringing in a gaff.
- Ultimate (?) Wildcoin: Doug's handling of the classic effect. 3 coins change one at a ...
One for The Money by Bill Goldman - DVD
If you only know one card trick this should be it!
This revolutionary trick brings one of the most effective plots in all of card magic within the reach of all performers of magic. The effect is a classic-the selected card is found at any number named by a spectator under test conditions
Monte Too by Jon Jensen - Book
This opus #2 is all about the monte tricks, with anything but cards : matchbox, cups, bills, and much much more.
Kainoa on Coins: Trifecta - DVD
Dollar Size Shell Chinese Coin (Black) by Tango Magic (CH024)
Hoodie Catches by SMagic - Trick
FIVE IN A HOLE by SMagic Productions - Trick
Kainoa on Coins: Tablehopper's Quattro - DVD
Charming Chinese Challenge (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Troy Hooser - Trick
Secret Vol. 2 Ponta the Smith by Tokyo Magic Carnival - DVD
Secret Vol. 3 Shimpei Katsuragawa by Tokyo Magic Carnival - DVD
World's End by Takahiro - DVD
Window Change by Smagic Productions - Trick
DELTA DICE by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Sharp Shot by Taiwan Ben - Trick
Nick Brown Wonder Bill (DVD and Gimmicks) - DVD
Changeling ODO (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Marc Lavelle and Titanas Magic - Trick
Special Edition NOW-U-C-IT, NOW-U-DON'T (DVD, Book and Gimmick) by Jeff Stewart and Meir Yedid - DVD
Money Printing Machine (Stage Size) by Mr. Magic - Trick
Fingertip Fantasies (Limited/Out of Print) by Bob Ostin - Book
Nested Coin Box Brass (4) by Mr. Magic - Trick
Devil's Mark (DVD and Gimmicks) by Alan Rorrison - DVD
How to do Coin Magic by Zee - DVD
Dollar Size Shell Chinese Coin (Red) by Tango Magic (CH027)
Got Change? by Jason Yu - DVD
Moneymorphosis (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Dallas Fueston and Jason Bird - Trick
Project Z by Zee - DVD
Derek Dingle in Paris, France by Mayette Magie Moderne - DVD
Copper and Silver Dollar (Tails) (D0177) by Tango Magic
MEDIUM by Hugo Valenzuela - Trick
Longitudinal Axis Penetration by Astor - Trick
SKETCH MONEY by João Miranda and Julio Montoro - Trick
The President's Choice (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds - DVD
The Game (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Inaki Zabaletta - Trick
Sherlock'oin by Thomas Riboulet and Anthony Stan - Moneta nel mazzo di carte
Una carta scelta e firmata viene persa nel mezzo del mazzo. Mettete tutte le carte nell'astuccio e prendete in prestito una moneta dal pubblico. Fatela firmare da uno spettatore e quindi fatela sparire magicamente. La moneta firmata riapparirà immediatamente nell'astuccio e nel mezzo del mazzo proprio sopra la carta firmata! Il pubblico andrà fuori di testa!