The Gift Black (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Angelo Carbone - Trick
OX Bender™ (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Menny Lindenfeld - Trick
Pranklopedia by Workman Publishing - Book
Vortex Magic Presents VCM by Eric Chien
Absolute Zero (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by SansMinds - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 14 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 7 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Curved Size 7 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 13 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 14 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 7 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 13 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Beveled Size 13 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Beveled Size 14 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Curved Size 13 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Water Crystal by Tenyo - Trick
Sucker Punch (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Mark Southworth - Trick
Rainbow Monte by Juan Pablo - Four Card Monte Colorato
Il mago mostra tre carte bianche e un Asso. Fa il monte e lo spettatore perde sempre. Alla fine dello spettacolo il mago mostra che c'erano tre Assi e una sola carta bianca.
Magnetic Scotch and Soda Poker Chips by Tango PK005 - Trick
Blackbird (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Jeff Copeland - Trick
Ambitious Chip (PK004) (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Tango Magic - Trick
Great Big Fat Sidewalk Shuffle by Martin Lewis
Si articola in tre fasi. Le prime due sono simili, ma con variazioni nella gestione. La terza fase ha un finale inaspettato, "knock-out".
Nelle prime due fasi vengono mostrate tre carte bianche e un asso. Una carta bianca viene messa da parte a faccia in giù e l'asso viene messo tra le altre due carte bianche. Uno spettatore non riesce a trovare l'asso perché le tre carte vengono mostrate una per una come bianche e l'asso è sul tavolo.
La terza volta lo spettatore di solito indovina che l'asso è sul tavolo. Ma viene mostrato che in realtà si tratta di una carta bianca, e le carte in mano si rivelano TUTTI ASSI!
Loaded Dice (Weighted, Wood, Black) - Dadi Bilanciati 5 e 2
TUC Poker Chip Red plus 3 regular chips (PK002R) by Tango Magic - Trick
Magnetic Poker Chip Red plus 3 regular chips (PK003R) by Tango Magic - Trick
TUC Poker Chip Blue plus 3 regular chips (PK002B) by Tango Magic - Trick
Magnetic Poker Chip Blue plus 3 regular chips (PK003B) by Tango Magic - Trick
Expanded Shell Poker Chip Green plus 4 Regular Chips (PK001G) by Tango Magic - Trick
Magnetic Poker Chip Green plus 3 regular chips (PK003G) by Tango Magic - Trick
Expanded Shell Poker Chip Blue plus 4 Regular Chips (PK001B) by Tango Magic - Trick
Strong Man by Jimmy Strange and Merchant of Magic - Trick
Single Forcing Die (5) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (6) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (2) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (1) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (3) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (4) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Rubber Chicken by Loftus
Rise (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Sean Scott - Trick
Marvin's iMagic Interactive Box of Tricks - Trick
Magical Plunger (2016) by Tenyo Co. - Trick
Magical Plunger (2016) by Tenyo Co. - Trick
Sherlock's 7 Cent Solution (The Obscuriosity Series: 2) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Cube 3 By Steven Brundage - Trick
Cube 3 By Steven Brundage - Trick