The Shiva Wallet by Anthony Miller - Trick
Con denominacion (With guarantee of origin) (2 DVD Set) by Juan Luis Rubiales - DVD
Mystical 13 by Howard Hamburg - Trick
Bebel Vallarino: Inspiration Vol 2 - DVD
Omni Pen by World Magic Shop - Trick
The OMNI PEN has a body and cap that have been custom molded from clear, scratch resistant acrylic. It is completely interchangeable with a normal Sharpie style pen. This means that a normal Sharpie cap will fit on the OMNI PEN and vice versa.
Allegro by Mago Migue and Luis De Matos
The Grid (DVD and Gimmicks) by Richard Wiseman - DVD
Magic Made Simple Act 1 - DVD
Simon Lovell's Second to None: The Art of Second Dealing by Meir Yedid - Book
Linkey (includes all Gimmicks) by Alan Rorrison and Titanas Magic - DVD
The Wallet Transformer by Cameron Francis and Big Blind Media - Trick
T.U.C. Secrets the DVD(V0013) by Tango Magic - DVD
XBOX by Kevin Schaller and Dave Forrest - Trick
Busking Cups & Balls(Large / Alum) by Premium Magic - Trick
Portable Ink (DVD and Gimmick) by Takel and Titanas Magic - DVD
Fast 'N' Genious DVD by So Magic - DVD
The Trick That Cannot Be Explained by Roberto Giobbi
Anima (Gimmick and DVD) by Michel & Vernet Magic - Tricks
Holely Complete (Original + Beyond Holely) by Will Tsai and SansMinds - Tricks
Profile Skewer (DVD and Gimmick) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - DVD
The Quest for Mastery (Limited Edition) by Michael Vincent and Alakazam Magic - DVD
Locking Trick 61 cents (w/DVD)(2 Quarters, 1 Dime, 1 Penny) by Tango - Trick (D0130)
Slippery Shell Quarter (w/DVD)(D0128) by Tango Magic - Tricks
Metal Crochet Balls (1 inch) by Bazar de Magia - Trick
Cover the Spot by Ian Kendall and Alan Wong - Trick
Cash In by Will Tsai and SansMinds - Tricks
Hopping Half with Quarter (w/DVD) (D0131) by Tango - Trick
Baxt, a Boy & a Bucket -by Robert Baxt - DVD
Fast 'N' Genious Deck by So Magic - Trick
Christmas Card Monte - Trick
Johnny Thompson's Magic Made Easy by L&L Publishing - DVD
The Cardwarp Tour by Jeff Pierce - Book
Uovo meraviglioso by Vincenzo Di Fatta - Tricks
Si mostrano delle carte: tre sono bianche e su una vi è raffigurato un uovo. Questo è posto girato di dorso sul tavolo, e le altre sono messe sotto. Il mago da un colpetto sull'uovo che, magicamente, comparirà sotto il tavolo. La carta sopra, invece, è girata e sarà diventata bianca.....
Coinmagic Symposium Vol. 4 - DVD
Coinmagic Symposium Vol. 3 - DVD
The Mark by John Murray
Woodyland (4 DVD Set) by Woody Aragon and Luis De Matos
No Tear Pad Piccolo Fogli tutti Non Strappo by Alan Wong - Trick
Un intero blocco di carta "No Tear". Dimensioni approssimative: 3,5" x 3,5" (blocco da 60 pagine)
Pad Piccolo Fogli Strappa - Non Strappa Alternati by Alan Wong - Trick
Il blocchetto Tear No Tear vi offre un blocchetto preassemblato dall'aspetto normale con alternati fogli che si strappano (carta normale) e fogli indistruttibili (carta non lacerabile).
Viene fornito con una routine comica professionale "The Kid's A Magician", generosamente offerta da Wayne Dobson.