Mystical 13 by Howard Hamburg - Trick
Bebel Vallarino: Inspiration Vol 2 - DVD
Omni Pen by World Magic Shop - Trick
The OMNI PEN has a body and cap that have been custom molded from clear, scratch resistant acrylic. It is completely interchangeable with a normal Sharpie style pen. This means that a normal Sharpie cap will fit on the OMNI PEN and vice versa.
Allegro by Mago Migue and Luis De Matos
Stand Up Monte (Jumbo Index) DVD and Gimmick by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic -DVD
The Grid (DVD and Gimmicks) by Richard Wiseman - DVD
Magic Made Simple Act 1 - DVD
Simon Lovell's Second to None: The Art of Second Dealing by Meir Yedid - Book
Linkey (includes all Gimmicks) by Alan Rorrison and Titanas Magic - DVD
The Wallet Transformer by Cameron Francis and Big Blind Media - Trick
T.U.C. Secrets the DVD(V0013) by Tango Magic - DVD
XBOX by Kevin Schaller and Dave Forrest - Trick
Busking Cups & Balls(Large / Alum) by Premium Magic - Trick
Portable Ink (DVD and Gimmick) by Takel and Titanas Magic - DVD
Fast 'N' Genious DVD by So Magic - DVD
The Trick That Cannot Be Explained by Roberto Giobbi
Anima (Gimmick and DVD) by Michel & Vernet Magic - Tricks
Holely Complete (Original + Beyond Holely) by Will Tsai and SansMinds - Tricks
Profile Skewer (DVD and Gimmick) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - DVD
The Quest for Mastery (Limited Edition) by Michael Vincent and Alakazam Magic - DVD
Locking Trick 61 cents (w/DVD)(2 Quarters, 1 Dime, 1 Penny) by Tango - Trick (D0130)
Slippery Shell Quarter (w/DVD)(D0128) by Tango Magic - Tricks
Metal Crochet Balls (1 inch) by Bazar de Magia - Trick
Cover the Spot by Ian Kendall and Alan Wong - Trick
Cash In by Will Tsai and SansMinds - Tricks
Hopping Half with Quarter (w/DVD) (D0131) by Tango - Trick
Baxt, a Boy & a Bucket -by Robert Baxt - DVD
Fast 'N' Genious Deck by So Magic - Trick
Christmas Card Monte - Trick
Johnny Thompson's Magic Made Easy by L&L Publishing - DVD
The Cardwarp Tour by Jeff Pierce - Book
Uovo meraviglioso by Vincenzo Di Fatta - Tricks
Si mostrano delle carte: tre sono bianche e su una vi è raffigurato un uovo. Questo è posto girato di dorso sul tavolo, e le altre sono messe sotto. Il mago da un colpetto sull'uovo che, magicamente, comparirà sotto il tavolo. La carta sopra, invece, è girata e sarà diventata bianca.....
Coinmagic Symposium Vol. 4 - DVD
Coinmagic Symposium Vol. 3 - DVD
The Mark by John Murray
Woodyland (4 DVD Set) by Woody Aragon and Luis De Matos
No Tear Pad Piccolo Fogli tutti Non Strappo by Alan Wong - Trick
Un intero blocco di carta "No Tear". Dimensioni approssimative: 3,5" x 3,5" (blocco da 60 pagine)
Pad Piccolo Fogli Strappa - Non Strappa Alternati by Alan Wong - Trick
Il blocchetto Tear No Tear vi offre un blocchetto preassemblato dall'aspetto normale con alternati fogli che si strappano (carta normale) e fogli indistruttibili (carta non lacerabile).
Viene fornito con una routine comica professionale "The Kid's A Magician", generosamente offerta da Wayne Dobson.
Drop'N by Micheal Eaton - DVD
Essentials in Magic Sponge Balls - DVD
In the Frame by Mark Elsdon - Trick
Unmemorized Deck by Marcelo Insua - DVD
Chinese/Kennedy Coin by You Want It We Got It - Trick
The Stolen Cards (DVD and Deck) by Lennart Green and Luis De Matos
The Perfect World (DVD and Deck) Mago Migue and Luis De Matos
Alcatraz Box (RED Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
The Bumblebees (DVD and Cards) by Woody Aragon
Fantasio Color Changing Lighter by Vernet Magic - Trick
Invisible Hand Smoking Your Thumb by Vernet Magic - Trick
Spider Pen Pro Black Accessories by Yigal Mesika - Trick
Se desiderate che la clip Pen Pro sia meno evidente in tasca, allora questo kit fa per voi.
Contiene tre parti personalizzate che possono essere facilmente sostituite nella vostra Spider Pen Pro. È incluso anche un copri rocchetto Spider Pen Pro bonus