The Invisible Hand SET (Device and DVD Set) by Michel - Trick
Michel is a successful professional performer devoted to the Hold Out work since 1976 and this DVD set is the result of those thirty years of work and research. The Invisible Hand is an amazing device that allows you to perform miracle effects in clo
Got A Light? by Matt Wayne - DVD
Magic Castle Performance Vol. 6 Live by Ed Ellis - DVD
Cardially Yours Volume 2 of the Marlo Trilogy by Ed Marlo - Book
Miracles - The Magic of James Swain Vol. 4 - DVD
Palms of Steel 4: Cashablanca by Curtis Kam - DVD
Miracles - The Magic of James Swain Vol. 1 - DVD
Miracles - The Magic of James Swain Vol. 3 - DVD
Miracles - The Magic of James Swain Vol. 2 - DVD
Golden Shells by Bob Kohler - DVD
Solo by Mark Mason and JB Magic - DVD
Coded Card Prediction by Ken de Courcy - Trick
Die-Liriious by Terry LaGerould - DVD
The Ivory Connection by Reed McClintock and Steve Dobson - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Close Up Magic 1 - DVD
The Vernon Chronicles More Lost (Volume 2) - Book
The Vernon Chronicles He Fooled Houdini- Volume 4 - Book
Creative Coin Sleights Collection by Sanada - DVD
Twister (With Props and DVD) by Jay Sankey - Trick
Sun and Moon by Tango - Trick (D0058)
Two Copper and One Silver by Tango - Trick (D0063)
Scotch and Soda Magnetic Mexican Coin (D0052) by Tango -Trick
Scotch and Soda Magnetico
Locking $2.85 by Tango - Trick (D0033)
Locking $1.35 by Tango - Trick (D0032)
Chinatown Half by Tango - Trick (CH001)
Il mago mostra 2 monete, un cinese (con un buco al centro) e un mezzo dollaro. Mette entrambe le monete all'interno di una busta bianca. Poi prende la moneta cinese e la mette sulla busta chiusa. Con un passaggio magico, la moneta cinese si troverà all'interno della busta e il mezzo dollaro all'esterno.
Guess Again Revelations (w/ DVD and Cards) by Barry Taylor - Trick
I Hate David Copperfield Trick by Geoff Williams - DVD
Steranko On Cards by Jim Steranko - Book
The Castle Routine by Ed Ellis - VOL.5 DVD
Remarkable Card Magic (3 DVD Set) by Boris Wild - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Coins Through Table - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Color Changing Knives - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Card Stab - DVD
Chinese Choice by John Archer and Alakazam Magic - Trick
The Wisdom Of Solomon by David Solomon and Jeff Siegfried - Book
Omega Mutation (3 DVD Set) by Cameron Francis & Big Blind Media - DVD
McAbee Rings (Gold Rings and DVD) by Martin Lewis - Trick
Hypno Aces (DVD and Cards) by David Penn - Trick
Master Card Routines by Chris Priest - DVD
Lucky Shot by Eduardo Kozuch - Trick
Loops Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 (Deluxe 2 DVD Set) by Yigal Mesika & Finn Jon - DVD
In questo set di DVD unico nel suo genere, ospitato da Luna Shimada, per la prima volta insieme, i maestri maghi Finn Jon e Yigal Mesika, svelano i segreti meglio custoditi sull'utilizzo dei loop.
Imparate in prima persona, dal Creatore e Innovatore di questo versatile e potente apparato come eseguire facilmente effetti impossibili usando oggetti normali e quotidiani. Se avete mai desiderato creare l'illusione di avere "poteri soprannaturali" in grado di ipnotizzare il pubblico più esigente, ecco i segreti.
Bammo Monte Monster by Bob Farmer - Trick
Revolutionary Card Technique by Ed Marlo - Book
sigaretta attraverso la moneta Two Sides 1 Euro by Tango - Trick (E0063)
Pop Card by Steven and Michael Pignataro - DVD
iVanish by Ben Seidman - DVD
Euro-Dollar Hopping Half (1 Euro and Quarter Dollar) by Tango Magic-Trick (ED004)
Euro-Dollar Scotch and Soda Magnetic (w/DVD) by Tango-Trick (ED002)
Euro-Dollar Scotch And Soda (ED000) (Quarter Dollar and 1 Euro) by Tango-Trick
Euro-Dollar Silver Copper Brass Transposition (ED005) by Tango- Trick
Il mago mostra tre monete; una moneta da un quarto di dollaro, una da 1 euro e una da 50 centesimi di euro.
Mette le tre monete nella mano sinistra, chiude la mano e prende una moneta da un quarto di dollaro. Lo mette nella mano destra, ma incredibilmente...