World's Greatest Magic: Ace Assemblies Vol. 1 by L&L Publishing - DVD
Center Stage (2 DVD Set) by John Guastaferro - DVD
Doc Eason Card Under Glass (2 DVD set) by Kozmomagic - DVD
Froots Deck by So Magic Evenements - Trick
Dean's Coin Wallet by Dean Dill and Alan Wong - Trick
Refill Elastic Thread for Tango Coins (1 Meter) (A0032) - Trick
Sponge Eggs (4pk.) by Alan Wong - Trick
Ghost Cash (U.S.) by Astor - Trick
Unreal by Joshua Jay and Luis De Matos - DVD
Camouflage (DVD & Gimmicks) by Jay Sankey - Trick
Impression (DVD and Gimmick) by Jason Yu and SansMinds - DVD
Mnemorized Deck by Astor - Trick & on-line instructions
Outbreak by Ladislas Toubart - DVD
Renaissance by Maurice Kim and Mystique Factory - DVD
Card Fountain Plus by Taiwan Ben
Cards flying in the air is one of the most classic images in magic. A strong remote signal and strong motor make this Cards fountain a utility that will last you a lifetime. This utility is great for ALL types of performers, from performing on the street to doing kids shows! Unlimited uses!
- Cards
- Paper money
- Card stab
- Comedy
- Use with rocky
NOTE: Batteries are NOT included in remote
Coffee Shot (Gimmicks & DVD) by Chris Webb - Trick
Cups & Balls (Copper) by Premium Magic - Trick
Combo Cups & Balls (Copper) by Premium magic - Trick
Jumbo Cups & Balls (Brass) by Premium Magic - Trick
Chop Cup (Copper) by Premium Magic - Trick
The VS Project (2 DVD) by Paul Pickford - DVD
Phantom Deck by Joshua Jay and Vanishing, Inc. - Trick
Un perfetto finale per qualsiasi routine di cartomagia!
Una carta scelta e firmata da uno spettatore viene rimessa nel mazzo. Con un gesto magico tutte le carte del mazzo diventano trasparenti.. tranne quella dello spettatore!
Un climax davvero scioccante!
Run Playing Cards: Heat Edition
Aesthetic by James Miller - DVD
Tommy Wonder's 2 Cup Routine - DVD
Split Second (Red) by Nicholas Lawrence and SansMinds - DVD
Secret Passage (DVD & Gimmicks) by Jay Sankey - Trick
On/Off by Nicholas Lawrence and SansMinds - DVD
Technicolor Cups & Color Changing Balls by NMS - Trick
Hein's Catch Up by Karl Hein - Trick
Hidden Hand (DVD and Gimmick) by Sean Fields - DVD
Coin Thru Nose by Tyler Sutter & The Magic Estate - Trick
Extortion (DVD and Gimmick) by Patrick Kun and SansMinds - DVD
R & B Phenomena (Red) by Iñaki Zabaletta and Vernet Magic - DVD
Super Expanded Quarter Shell (D0152) by Tango - Trick
Expanded Shell Quarter Magnetic (D0151) by Tango - Trick
Octopalm: Anti Gravity Gel - Trick
Expanded shell One Dollar Eisenhower Magnetic (D0156) by Tango - Trick
Four in One Eisenhower Dollar Set (D0146) by Tango - Conchiglia
Il mago mostra quattro monete da un dollaro Eisenhower nella sua mano, poi prende una delle monete e la porta in tasca, quando riapre la mano ha di nuovo 4 monete.
Ritorna a togliere una moneta dalla mano e la porta in tasca ma quando si riapre la mano ha 4 monete. Ripete questa operazione 2 volte e ha sempre 4 monete.
Infine mostra le 4 monete nella sua mano e prende una tasca per portarla, quando si apre la mano le altre monete sono scomparse.