Inside the Mind of Garrett Thomas Vol 1 - DVD
BIG COIN LITTLE PURSE - This is the coin routine that earned Garrett Thomas a reputation among his peers. The routine begins with Garrett's fabulous handling of the neo-classic Hanging Coins (complete with a shocking ending!) and continues with his o
sigaretta attraverso la moneta Quarter (One Sided) D0013 by Tango Magic - Trick
Expanded Shell English Penny (D0011) by Tango - Trick
Inside the Mind of Garrett Thomas Vol 2 - DVD
CHINESE SURPRISE - Garrett has taken Fred Kaps' classic coin routine and added a surprise ending that will hit any audience hard. After several visual transpositions of a silver and copper coin, the audience will swear that more than two coins are in
On the Pass Richard Kaufman, DVD
DVD The Pea and Shell Game - Phil Cass
Dime and Penny (D0048) by Tango - Trick
Biting Coin (Half Dollar - Internal w/extra piece) (D0044) from Tango
Magnetic Coin (Dollar)D0024 by Tango - Trick
Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 3 by Dan Harlan - DVD
Salvano Thumbtips Greater Magic - 10, DVD
Hopping Half Euro (E0031)by Tango - Trick
Flipper Coin Half Dollars (D0039) by Tango Magic - Trick
By Forces Unseen by Stephen Minch - Book
In a Class By Himself by Don Alan - Book
Moneta Jumbo 2 Euro doppia faccia- Trick
Mazzo invisibile Bicycle Jumbo (Blu) - Trick
Get Bent Nicholas Byrd and James Coats, DVD
Tribute to Varone (RED) by Henry Evans
Cups & Balls w/Chop Cup Alum.Combo by Bazar de Magia - Trick
Magnetic 2 Euro coin E0021 by Tango - Trick
Killer Kitson Miracle by Bob Sheets - DVD
Knot for Fast & Loose Chain (Gold)
Chop Cup Aluminum by Bazar de Magia - Trick
Essential Aldo Vol 1 by Aldo Colombini - DVD
Easy to Master Thread Miracles (Closeup Animations and Levitations) 2 by Michael Ammar - DVD
Easy to Master Thread Miracles (Closeup Animations and Levitations) 1 by Michael Ammar - DVD
Constant Fooling Volume 2 by David Regal - Book
NFW trick
Sleight of Dave -David Williamson, DVD
Folding 50 Cent Euro (E0037) by Tango - Trick
Final Four Magic Menu Book
Rising Card Deck (Red) Carta che si solleva
Soft Shoe Monte trick Jim Steinmeyer
Notes on Fast & Loose book
Misdirection (Book and Online Instructions) by Wayne Dobson - Book
UNIVERSAL COIN TRAY by Strixmagic - Vassoio per monete
UNIVERSAL COIN TRAY - Vassoio per monete
The Prediction - In ottone
Due carte vengono selezionate casualmente da uno spettatore.
Lo spettatore sceglie liberamente di posizionare un medaglione circolare su una carta e un medaglione quadrato sull'altra.
Tu, l'esecutore, riveli LA PREVISIONE come una corrispondenza esatta con la selezione dello spettatore
Al Koran's Free Prediction by Strixmagic
Prevedi a quale carta si fermerà lo spettatore!
Practical Perception (close up) by Strixmagic Shop
Mentalismo - Lettura della mente, duplicazione disegno usando un mazzo di tessere con simpatici disegni OUR BEST SELLER IN BLACKPOOL MAGIC CONVENTION 2017!!!
Viene liberamente mostrata una serie di tessere facendo vedere che consiste in una ventina di semplici immagini colorate, una differente dall’altra. Il mentalista dice che proverà a fare un test di trasmissione del pensiero con alcuni spettatori..