Scoundrels Touch (2 DVD Set) by Sheets, Hadyn and Anton- DVD
67,10 €
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In this two disc Volume II, Chef Anton, Whit Haydn, and Bob Sheets outline their advanced system for the shell game and teach routines complete with patter and alternate endings for walk around, as well as demo the methods used by hustlers to work th
Expanded Shell Coin - (2 Euro, Steel Back) by Tango Magic - Conchiglia Espansa(E0065)
76,86 €
Non ci sono abbastanza prodotti in magazzino
Expanded Shell Coin - (2 Euro, Steel Back) by Tango Magic - Conchiglia Espansa (E0065)
Locking $2.85 by Tango - Trick (D0033)
70,76 €
Ultimi articoli in magazzino
Euro-Dollar Hopping Half (1 Euro and Quarter Dollar) by Tango Magic-Trick (ED004)
73,20 €
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EffectTwo coins are shown - a quarter dollar and a euro coin. The magician takes the quarter dollar and puts it in his pocket. When he opens his hand, both coins are in his palm again. He then repeats the action - taking the 1 euro coin and putting i
Flipper Coin 2 Euro by Tango Magic - Trick (E0036)
91,50 €
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EffectThe magician shows two coins, places them on the table and puts a glass (brim upwards) on the coins. Incredibly one of the coins appears inside the glass.In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.
Hopping Half with Expanded Shell Coins & English Penny D0059 by Tango - Trick
85,40 €
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Hopping Half with Expanded Shell Coins & English Penny D0059 by Tango - Trick
Notes on Three Card Monte Whit Hay
67,10 €
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Whit Haydn and Chef Anton's Notes on Three Card Monte is by far the most comprehensive book ever written on the history, psychology and sleights on this classic swindle. Whit and Chef also explore the games application to magic and include the School
Expanded 2 Euro Shell by Tango - Conchiglia Espansa (E0001)
73,20 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
Expanded 2 Euro Shell by Tango - Conchiglia Espansa (E0001)
The New Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo
69,00 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
The undisputed bible of coin magic! The latest edition of one of the world's most important magic books. Coin magic can be performed anytime, anywhere, on the spur of the moment. With Bobo's basic through advanced knowledge and know-how, the best fea
Expanded Eisenhower Dollar Shell (w/DVD)(D0009) by Tango - Trick
70,76 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
Expanded Eisenhower Dollar Shell (w/DVD)(D0009) by Tango - Trick
Fast & Loose Chain Nickle
85,40 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
The perfect chain for any endless chain swindle, these beautiful five-foot lengths of steel chain feature the French Rope design. Available in gold or nickel and include suede drawstring bag.
Knock Out Coin Magic by Michael Rubenstein - DVD
91,50 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
Knockout Coin Magic Artist(s): Michael RubinsteinProduced by: L&L PublishingRunning Time(s): 4 Hours 13 MinsReleased: 11/01Special Features:Behind-the-Scenes Photo Gallery Not Included In Video ReleaseThese just might be the best coin tapes ever
Silver Copper Brass Transposition (CH002) Tango
79,30 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi