Engraved (Starbucks QD Gimmick and Online Instructions) by James Kellogg - Trick
Animinimals (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Billy Damon - Trick
P Case BLUE (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Bocopo Magic & Silver Wing - Trick
Scatolina UFO (Nesting Boxes) - Lightning box
Una moneta firmata da uno spettatore svanisce magicamente. Il mago mostra una scatola chiusa e circondata strettamente da elastici. Al suo interno c è un altra scatola anch essa circondata da elastici. All interno della seconda scatola c è una piccola borsa chiusa. Gli spettatori non crederanno ai loro occhi quando apriranno la borsa e al suo interno troveranno la loro moneta firmata!
Devilish Impuzzibilities by Jim Steinmeyer - Book
Treacherous Impuzzibilities by Jim Steinmeyer - Book
Impuzzibilities Series: Il quinto libro della serie offre dodici nuovi effetti di magia automatici(o quasi).
BILLFOLD 2.0 (Pre-made Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Kyle Marlett - Trick
Princess Card Trick (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by DARYL - Trick
Ultra Monte (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by DARYL - Trick
Bizarre Assembly (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by DARYL - Trick
FLAME (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by Murphy's Magic Supplies - Trick
The Red Prediction (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by DARYL- Trick
The Vanishing Deck - Trick
Dice Stacking Cup Pro (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Bazar de Magia - Trick
Eugene Burger on Matt Schulien's Fabulous Card Discoveries - Book
Lethal Tender by Eagle Coins - Trick
Invisible Cocktail (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Wayne Dobson and Alan Wong - Trick
B'Wave DELUXE by Max Maven (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) - Trick
Use Me Box by Mr. Magic - Trick
FLOAT CARD (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Aprendemagia - Trick
Cartoon Caper trick
Business Card Stickers by Alan Wong - Trick
POKER Size Card Stickers by Alan Wong - Trick
Patter in Rhyme by B. Douglas and En Rapport by T. Annemann - Set da 2 Libri
"Patter In Rhyme" è una raccolta di 15 eccellenti e nuove presentazioni sotto forma di poesia magica.
Scritto nel 1939 da Bert Douglas e illustrato da Nelson Hahne.
15 poesie in tutto e una pagina di spiegazione del testo.
L'altra metà di questo set da 2 libri è "En Rapport" di Ted Annemann.
È un atto completo di telepatia di 30 minuti, lettura della mente e chiaroveggenza progettata per due persone.
Close-up Magic by J. Hugard - Libro
Di Jean Hugard.
Qui Mr. Hugard ha compilato una raccolta di effetti ravvicinati con tutte le informazioni su questa nuova linea di magia.
La maggior parte dei maghi di spicco è presente: Cardini, Leipsig, Zingone, Vernon, Jarrow, Benson, Brooks, Swan, Martin, Thompson, Orloff, Larry Gray, Dave Allison, Haskell, Devant, Albenice, Carlyle e molti altri.
Un libro pieno di idee per il mago da close up.
57 pagine ben illustrate
Lingua inglese
The FORCE by Wayne Dobson and Alan Wong - Trick
A very deceptive and elegant close-up force bag that has been designed by Alan Wong and made to Wayne Dobson's specifications. Simple and minimal in design, this pocket-size force bag is seen to be nothing but purely a see-through net bag in mystic b
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Single (Bug/Red) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Single (Magic/Red) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Single (Bug/White) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Chop Can Standard Size (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Bazar de Magia - Trick
True Mysteries Lite by Fraser Parker and 1914 - DVD
Amaze Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere: Magic Tricks, Bar Bets & Scams
Bubble Gum Magic by James Coats and Nicholas Byrd - Volume 2 - DVD
Byrd and Coats are known for their unique forms of magic. This magic duo has teamed up with Wrigley Jr. Co. to bring you one of the most unique forms of magic, BUBBLE GUM MAGIC. This DVD will teach you step-by-step how to perform hard hitting illusions with bubble gum.
Stars Of Magic Volume 4 (Derek Dingle) - DVD
The only video currently available from this master of close-up magic. Dingle's reputation as one of the world's best sleight-of-hand artists is unsurpassed.
Stars Of Magic 5 (Bernard Bilis) - DVD
Bernard Bilis is France's leading card magician. His moves and techniques are totally original.
You will enjoy his subtleties and clever routines.
One for The Money by Bill Goldman - DVD
If you only know one card trick this should be it!
This revolutionary trick brings one of the most effective plots in all of card magic within the reach of all performers of magic. The effect is a classic-the selected card is found at any number named by a spectator under test conditions
Miracle Signed Bill In A Borrowed Cigar by Robert Olson - Book
The performer borrows a bill of any denomination and has it signed. The bill instantly vanishes from your fingertips. A cigar is borrowed and ripped in half. A bill is taken out and unrolled, revealing their signed bill.
Cardian Angel trick by Paul Harris and Mike Maxwell
The Animated Angel Finds Your Friend`s Card...AND Their Name! A spectator selects a card and replaces it in the pack. As the performer flips through the Bicycle deck, one of the printed angels on the back starts to animate like a cartoon, flying off the bicycle and reaching into the mysterious "angel zone" before pulling out a playing card
Deep Guilt Aces trick by David Regal
EFFECT: A deck of cards is shown and a spectator freely cuts the deck into four piles. The other cards are shown, so the spectator can see that they could have easily cut to any random cards. When the spectator turns over the four cards they cut to, they discover the four aces!
- No Forcing, Switches or Difficult Moves
- The Spectator Freely Cuts the Cards
Monte Too by Jon Jensen - Book
This opus #2 is all about the monte tricks, with anything but cards : matchbox, cups, bills, and much much more.
Card in What? James Coats, DVD
On David Blaine's Magic Man TV Special, he makes a spectator's card disappear and reappear in a spectator's boot. Learn the techniques to make a spectator's card disappear and appear anywhere else from this DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Close Up Magic 2 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Close Up Magic 3 - DVD
Bill Shift (PK Ring Effects Volume 1) by Randi Rain - DVD
50 Ways To Rock A Lighter - DVD
Band on Fire by Bacon Fire and Magic Soul - DVD
Nine Uneasy Pieces by Robert E. Neale - Book
Nine Uneasy Pieces is the brand-new book by the master of magical storytelling, Robert E. Neale. Assembled in collaboration with the editor, Lawrence Hass, and published by Theory and Art of Magic Press, Nine Uneasy Pieces includes nine previously un
Rocco's SUPER BRIGHT Prisma Lites Single (Red) - luci dalle mani
Linking Rings 10 cm (Chrome) by TCC - Anelli Cinesi
Anelli cinesi da 10 cm colore argento cromato
Linking Rings 10 cm (Black) by TCC - Anelli Cinesi
Anelli Cinesi da 10 cm colore Nero