Oh So Juicy (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Brandon David and Chris Turchi - Trick
The Hold'Em Chip (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Matthew Wright - Trick
All In -Series One (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Matthew Wright- Trick
Super Prediction Card by Tenyo Magic - Trick
Sharp Turn by Matthew Wright - Trick
Sigaretta attraverso la Carta- Bicycle Back by Mr. Magic - Trick
Spectro Touch Toe Switch by Joao Miranda and Pierre Velarde
If you wish to control your Spectro Touch totally hands free and/or without the programming delay, you can choose to control it via a custom-designed Toe Switch. The package includes an insole, a custom-designed switch with the proprietary male conne
Use Me Box by Mr. Magic - Trick
Lucid Dream (DVD and Gimmicks) by Jason Yu - DVD
Outnumbered by Danny Weiser and Matthew Wright - Trick
La magia del cubo, i quadrati magici e le imprese della memoria sono alcune delle armi più avvincenti, credibili e stimolanti nell'arsenale del mago moderno.
Outnumbered prende tutti e tre questi effetti e li combina in un miracolo tascabile e facile da eseguire !!!
Headhunter by Bob Farmer - Trick
Expansion Set in Black Chrome (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Matthew Garrett - Trick
Rejoined Express by João Miranda Magic and Julio Montoro - Trick
João Miranda and Julio Montoro released the original Rejoined back in 2016, and it was a best seller with over 5000 units sold worldwide. Now introducing its "brother," Rejoined Express, a visual and original restored effect like no other. It is a mu
Band on Fire 2 (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Bacon Fire and Magic Soul
Social Media Magic Volume 1 (DVD and Gimmicks) by Felix Bodden - DVD
I social, senza dubbio, sono la piattaforma principale in questa era. È un modo collaudato ed efficace per promuovere e costruire la propria carriera.
Avere un account sui social media è come avere un microfono forte in mano. Le persone ti sentiranno.
La domanda è: che cosa vuoi dire e come riesci a farti ricordare?
Il nostro amico, Felix Bodden, della Repubblica Dominicana, ha progettato effetti per questo scopo specifico.
Deluxe Wooden Pool Ball Vase by Merlins Magic - Trick
This classic of magic is beautifully made from choice hardwoods and uses a genuine 2" pool ball. This really is one of the best hand-crafted Ball Vases available on the market today. This model is finely crafted by our own craftsman using the finest
Sudden Deck 3.0 (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by David Regal - Trick
SOCKS (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Michel Huot - Trick
Michel Huot's SOCKS is the most attention-grabbing, fun piece of mentalism we've released in years. SOCKS is simple and strong in premise: you display two packets of cards with different sock designs on each one. You explain the premise: the spectato
i-Lite Garland by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
SLIDER V2 by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
SLIDER T-shirt V2 (Large-Extra Large) by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Edible Balloon by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Compact Vase SILVER by Victor Voitko - Trick
SnowShot (10 ct.) by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Appearing SnowStorming Fan V2 (Liquid Red) by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Appearing SnowStorming Fan V2 (Liquid Blue) by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Paul Harris Presents Original Bike Back Twilight Angels RED by Paul Harris - Trick
Tornimation (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Menny Lindenfeld
Perfect Shell Coin Set Half Dollar (Shell and 4 Coins D0201) by Tango Magic - Trick
Perfect Shell Coin Set Quarter Dollar (Shell and 4 Coins D0200) by Tango Magic - Trick
Perfect Shell Coin Set Eisenhower Dollar (Shell and 4 Coins D0202) by Tango Magic - Trick
CRA Change (DVD and Gimmicks) by Rich Li - DVD
Isolation by Michael Murray - Book
Legacy V2 (Gimmicks, Book and Online Instructions) by Jamie Badman and Colin Miller - Trick
Mystikos Envelopes by Pablo Amira and Alan Wong - Trick
THINNER (Gimmick and Online Instruction) by Mathieu Bich
The Magic of Ascanio Volume 1 The Structural Conception of Magic (Japanese Edition)
Choice (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Jerome Sauloup and Magic Dream - Trick
L'idea è molto semplice. Si mostrano 2 mazzi, uno rosso e uno blu. Li consegnate a due spettatori, che distribuiscono tutte le carte che vogliono e si fermano quando vogliono. Poi, si scambiano le carte su cui si sono fermati. Quando le due carte vengono scoperte, sono uguali! E come finale, tutte le altre carte sono completamente bianche.
The Art Of Mental Bending, FFF 2.0 By TCC(Size 7) by TCC
Pro Series: Swordlace Black (DVD and Gimmick) by SansMinds Creative Lab - DVD
TRIPLE GUM by Smagic Productions - Trick
Naked ESP (ZENER) by Michael Murray - trick
My Jeans by Smagic Productions - Trick
Split (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Yves Doumergue and JeanLuc Bertrand - Trick
Lo scrigno di Alibabà
Uno scrigno magico viene mostrato vuoto
ma basta agitarlo lievemente che si materializza un oggetto
Guarda il video
Sleeving System by Witness Kou & Amor Magic - Trick
"It's the best I had ever seen, it's incredible, it's pushing sleeving forward, check it out!" - Daniel Garcia "It's so good check it out. He showed me how to do it right now and it's definitely worth getting it if you are a sleever." - Cyril "Magici
Parlour Collector BLUE by JT and BOCOPO Magic - Trick
Parlour Collector RED by JT and BOCOPO Magic - Trick
Corda e Anello DELUXE by TCC
A beautiful, alloy metal ring penetrates, crosses, links and unlinks from a silk ribbon! Audiences are astounded! Do not need to have knowledge of the basic moves - we'll teach you! Video tutorial: "EXIT" Teaches you basic moves to advanced handling