Compact Vase SILVER by Victor Voitko - Trick
SnowShot (10 ct.) by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Appearing SnowStorming Fan V2 (Liquid Red) by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Appearing SnowStorming Fan V2 (Liquid Blue) by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Paul Harris Presents Original Bike Back Twilight Angels RED by Paul Harris - Trick
Tornimation (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Menny Lindenfeld
Perfect Shell Coin Set Half Dollar (Shell and 4 Coins D0201) by Tango Magic - Trick
Perfect Shell Coin Set Quarter Dollar (Shell and 4 Coins D0200) by Tango Magic - Trick
Perfect Shell Coin Set Eisenhower Dollar (Shell and 4 Coins D0202) by Tango Magic - Trick
CRA Change (DVD and Gimmicks) by Rich Li - DVD
Isolation by Michael Murray - Book
Legacy V2 (Gimmicks, Book and Online Instructions) by Jamie Badman and Colin Miller - Trick
Mystikos Envelopes by Pablo Amira and Alan Wong - Trick
THINNER (Gimmick and Online Instruction) by Mathieu Bich
The Magic of Ascanio Volume 1 The Structural Conception of Magic (Japanese Edition)
Choice (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Jerome Sauloup and Magic Dream - Trick
L'idea è molto semplice. Si mostrano 2 mazzi, uno rosso e uno blu. Li consegnate a due spettatori, che distribuiscono tutte le carte che vogliono e si fermano quando vogliono. Poi, si scambiano le carte su cui si sono fermati. Quando le due carte vengono scoperte, sono uguali! E come finale, tutte le altre carte sono completamente bianche.
The Art Of Mental Bending, FFF 2.0 By TCC(Size 7) by TCC
Pro Series: Swordlace Black (DVD and Gimmick) by SansMinds Creative Lab - DVD
TRIPLE GUM by Smagic Productions - Trick
Naked ESP (ZENER) by Michael Murray - trick
My Jeans by Smagic Productions - Trick
Split (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Yves Doumergue and JeanLuc Bertrand - Trick
Lo scrigno di Alibabà
Uno scrigno magico viene mostrato vuoto
ma basta agitarlo lievemente che si materializza un oggetto
Guarda il video
Sleeving System by Witness Kou & Amor Magic - Trick
"It's the best I had ever seen, it's incredible, it's pushing sleeving forward, check it out!" - Daniel Garcia "It's so good check it out. He showed me how to do it right now and it's definitely worth getting it if you are a sleever." - Cyril "Magici
Parlour Collector BLUE by JT and BOCOPO Magic - Trick
Parlour Collector RED by JT and BOCOPO Magic - Trick
Corda e Anello DELUXE by TCC
A beautiful, alloy metal ring penetrates, crosses, links and unlinks from a silk ribbon! Audiences are astounded! Do not need to have knowledge of the basic moves - we'll teach you! Video tutorial: "EXIT" Teaches you basic moves to advanced handling
Mystery Box by John Kennedy Magic - Trick
Tractor Beam (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by John Kennedy Magic - Trick
Every Table is a Stage (2-DVD Set) by Dan Fleshman - DVD
Frenetic Vol 2 by Grant Maidment and RSVP Magic - DVD
Frenetic Vol 1 by Grant Maidment and RSVP Magic - DVD
Silhouette (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Tobias Dostal - Trick
"L'uso dell'ombra e della luce dà vita alla magia e questo effetto diventerà sicuramente parte del mio repertorio".
- Cyril Takayama
"Quello che ha fatto Tobias è stato letteralmente una delle cose più creative che ho visto da molto, molto tempo."
- Daniel Garcia
"Questo trucco non resterà nell'ombra per molto tempo. INCREDIBILE, L'AMO ...!"
- David Stone
Mind Power Deck by John Kennedy Magic - Trick
Profiteer (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Adrian Vega - Trick
TESSERACT by Mike Powers - Book
Dice, Dice Baby with John Carey (Props and Online Instructions) - Trick
Bigblindmedia presents Dice, Dice Baby with John Carey (BBM193) We are delighted to bring you John Carey's Dice Dice Baby project. Ten super clean mysteries with dice are performed and taught in exacting detail. There's so much variety in this collec
Mimic (DVD and Gimmick) by SansMinds Creative Lab - DVD
Who says a visual puzzle can't be an amazing trick? Mimic is a visual card effect that can be performed beyond language barriers. The premise is simple. Tear any pips off any card, restructure its molecules, and visually turn that little corner into
Pro Show Holder by Gary James - Trick
TRU Xtreme by Menny Lindenfeld - Trick
TRU™ XTREME By Menny Lindenfeld (Volume 1, 2 & 3) Most EXTREME rubber-band penetration effects you'll ever perform! "TRU Xtreme is brilliant! The band jumping on the spectators finger and other objects fooled me badly." - Joe Rindfleish - "TRU Xt
VIP PASS (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by JOTA - Trick
VIP PASS è una credenziale che permette di teletrasportare carte firmate, banconote, monete, biglietti, pezzi di carta o infiniti oggetti in modo potente.
Potete anche prevedere i pensieri e le scelte degli spettatori in modo molto pulito.
E la parte più impressionante: Lo spettatore indossa questo incredibile dispositivo per tutto il tempo, appeso al collo fin dall'inizio - lo vede vuoto fino all'ultimo momento!
Deluxe Wooden Ball Vase by Merlins Magic - Trick
This classic of magic is beautifully made from choice hardwoods and uses a genuine 2" red snooker ball. This really is one of the best hand-crafted Ball Vases available on the market today. This model is finely crafted by our own craftsman using the
THE CARD INTO THE EGG (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Alan Alfredo Marchese and Aprendemagia
FLOAT CARD (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Aprendemagia - Trick
Cartoon Caper trick
CYCLIC RING (Black Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Rodrigo Romano - Trick
Move Zero (4 Volume Set) by John Bannon and Big Blind Media - DVD
Bigblindmedia presents John Bannon's Move Zero 4 Volume Boxset (BBM185) HUGE FOUR DISC BOXSET CONTAINING ALL OF JOHN BANNON'S ACCLAIMED SERIES ON SELF WORKING MAGIC! "A master course in method and self-working