PIPS MATRIX (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by Jeki Yoo - Trick
Devilish Impuzzibilities by Jim Steinmeyer - Book
Treacherous Impuzzibilities by Jim Steinmeyer - Book
Impuzzibilities Series: Il quinto libro della serie offre dodici nuovi effetti di magia automatici(o quasi).
Unexpected Impuzzibilities by Jim Steinmeyer - Book
Shining EURO (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by James Anthony - Trick
Shining UK Version (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by James Anthony - Trick
Photographic Deck Project (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Patrick Redford
Photographic Deck Project Set (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Patrick Redford
The Photographic Deck is made with the working mentalist and magician in mind.Yes, there are other decks made of photographs but none of them work or function like Patrick Redford's Photographic Deck. It pushes the idea of a simple tool to the MAX.It
Vortex Magic presents The WEISER WALLET By Danny Weiser - Trick
Here & Now 2 (4 DVD Set) by Dani DaOrtiz - DVD
The Curse of Spectrum by Paul Gordon -Trick
Truly Tied WHITE (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by JOTA - Trick
Truly Tied BLACK (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by JOTA - Trick
BILLFOLD 2.0 (Pre-made Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Kyle Marlett - Trick
The Darkest Corners by Ben Hart - Book
UBOX by Edouard Boulanger - Trick
Gum to Anything (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Sansminds Magic
Princess Card Trick (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by DARYL - Trick
Ultra Monte (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by DARYL - Trick
Bizarre Assembly (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by DARYL - Trick
Unlocked By Gustavo Sereno and Gee Magic - Trick
Sei pronto ad avere quest'arma in tasca?
Champagne Supernova (U.S. 25) Matthew Wright - Trick
Champagne Supernova (U.S. 50) Matthew Wright - Trick
Blocco nella Scatola di Fiammiferi
Rimuovi dalla tasca una scatola di fiammiferi e uno stuzzicadenti.
Spingi lo stuzzicadenti dritto attraverso il centro della scatola mostrando liberamente tutti i lati senza nulla da nascondere.
Rimuovi lo stuzzicadenti e apri la scatola.
Quello che vedono è un solido blocco pesante che riempie completamente la scatola!
Il blocco solido può essere esaminato.
FLAME (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by Murphy's Magic Supplies - Trick
The Red Prediction (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by DARYL- Trick
Symbol Pro (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Steve Cook - Trick
Appearing SnowStorming Fan V2 (Blue Hologram) by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Size Does Matter 2.0 (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Juan Pablo Magic
In the last few decades Juan Pablo has been trying to find a way to change not only the value, but also the size of the bills.Now he found a way to do it adding multiple changes in the process. The result is: Size Does Matter 2.0 D.I.Y.Now you will b
Coin to Wallet (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Rodrigo Romano and Mysteries - Trick
Opus (25 mm Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Garrett Thomas - Trick
Opus (20 mm Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Garrett Thomas - Trick
Opus (22 mm Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Garrett Thomas - Trick
Opus (23 mm Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Garrett Thomas - Trick
"There are only a few routines where the elegant efficiency of the technique is as beautiful as the visual impossibility of the effect. This is one of them. Each move teaches a key concept in making sleights appear effortless for spectators; study th
Opus (24 mm Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Garrett Thomas - Trick
The Vanishing Deck - Trick
LEGEND Cups and Balls (Copper/Aged) by Murphy's Magic - Trick
Dice Stacking Cup Pro (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Bazar de Magia - Trick
CineMental (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Nikolas Mavresis - Trick
"I thought I knew what was going on... then that second phase, phenomenal!" - Tom Elderfield"Simple, strong, powerful!" - Fraser ParkerNikolas Mavresis' Cinemental is a blockbuster two-phase mentalism routine that will leave your spectators begging f
Raven Starter Kit (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Eugene Burger on Matt Schulien's Fabulous Card Discoveries - Book
The KNOT Collector by Phil Willmarth - Book
The Antique Golden 3 Shell Game - Gioco Tre Noci in Metallo
They are made of heavy metal and look aged, this gives them a very unique look.
Go back in time with these amazing shells!
Lota Bowl by Zanders Magical Apparatus - Trick
Nested Boxes con fazzoletto sparizione moneta - ottone
Una vera meraviglia della magia:
una moneta firmata dallo spettatore viene posta sotto un fazzoletto e poi tenuta in mano dallo spettatore. Il mago estrae poi dalla tasca un contenitore d'oro che viene posto nell'altra mano dello spettatore. Ora, con il fazzoletto che copre la moneta firmata in una mano e il contenitore d'oro nell'altra mano, lo spettatore è pronto per essere stupito!
Fazzoletto professionale per sparizione moneta incluso!