Moneta Penny Americano regolare
Moneta Penny Americano regolare
Moneta americana Nickel regolare
Moneta americana Nickel regolare
Flipper Coin Pro Elastic System (One Dollar DVD w/Gimmick)(D0088) by Tango - Trick
Flipper Coin Pro Elastic System (Half Dollar Video on line w/Gimmick)(D0089) by Tango - Trick
Note: With the new elastic system, there is an instructional video for repairing the elastic band. Find it HERE.
In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmic
Self Levitation by Shin Lim, Jose Morales & Paul Harris - DVD
Frye's Chips (DVD and Gimmicks) by Charlie Frye - DVD
Fruits Of Our Labor Bill In Lemon by Bobby Maverick - DVD
Coinvexed 3rd Generation Upgrade Kit (SHARPIE CAP) by World Magic Shop - Trick
Pro Bill Tube (Brass) by Premium Magic - Trick
Coin Dropper (Dumper)by Premium Magic - Trick
Tango Ultimate Coin (T.U.C) Quarter/Penny (D0127) with instructional DVD by Tango - Trick
Eisenhower Scotch and Soda (D0141) by Tango - Tricks
Slippery Expanded Shell Walking Liberty (w/DVD) (D0134) by Tango - Tricks
Eisenhower Scotch and Soda IKE Magnetic (w/DVD) (D0142) by Tango - Tricks
Six (All Gimicks plus DVD) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
Clean Cash (Japan-Yen)by Marc Oberon - Trick
Wedge (DVD and Gimmick) by Jesse Feinberg - DVD
Haunted 2.0 Refills (Chip and Supplies) by Peter Eggink and Mark Traversoni - Trick
Mini Super Sharpie by Magic Smith - Trick
Lo strumento più potente del mentalismo - e si adatta al tuo portachiavi.
Prevedi il pensiero libero di uno spettatore su nome, numero, data, età e persino la quantità di spiccioli che ha in tasca! Soprattutto, farai tutto questo proprio sotto i loro nasi, mentre loro ti fissano. Dal momento che il potente segreto è incorporato direttamente nella penna, non c'è nessun armeggiare. Inizi pulito quando estrai la penna e finisci pulito quando la riponi.
Eisenhower Hopping Half (w/DVD) (D0143) by Tango Magic - Trick
Magnetic Coin Walking Liberty (w/DVD) (D0136) by Tango - Tricks
Flesh Wound by Magic Smith - Trick
Welcome To My World by John Stessel - DVD
Eisenhower Copper and Silver (Heads) (D0144) by Tango - Tricks
Lightning by Chris Smith - Trick
È l'inizio perfetto prima di frantumare una lampadina, come in Big Bang di MagicSmith
Con Lightning sarai pronto a illuminare spontaneamente una lampadina, sfumando i confini tra scienza e soprannaturale.
La lampadina può essere nella tua mano o lontana da te.
E. . .Lightning non provoca solo l'accensione e lo spegnimento della lampadina. È stato appositamente progettato per tremolare realisticamente e crescere di intensità mentre la tua energia psichica raggiunge il culmine.
Paul Harris Presents Hand-picked Astonishments (Invisible Deck) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay - DVD
Paul Harris Presents Hand-picked Astonishments (Card Forces) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay - DVD
Paul Harris Presents Hand-picked Astonishments (Thumb Tips) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay - DVD
Electric Touch+ (Plus) DVD and Gimmick by Yigal Mesika - Trick
Electric Touch + vi dà la straordinaria capacità di erogare uno shock elettrostatico che non solo si diffonderà attraverso la punta delle dita, ma anche attraverso tutto il vostro corpo - e questo è solo per i principianti! Guardate il pubblico sussultare di stupore mentre caricate oggetti di uso quotidiano come chiavi, anelli e cucchiai. Vedranno, ascolteranno e sentiranno davvero l'immenso potere al vostro comando!
Con denominacion (With guarantee of origin) (2 DVD Set) by Juan Luis Rubiales - DVD
Extradimensional space (Baguette) by Pangu Magic - Trick
Extradimensional space (Baguette) by Pangu Magic - Trick
Bebel Vallarino: Inspiration Vol 2 - DVD
Omni Pen by World Magic Shop - Trick
The OMNI PEN has a body and cap that have been custom molded from clear, scratch resistant acrylic. It is completely interchangeable with a normal Sharpie style pen. This means that a normal Sharpie cap will fit on the OMNI PEN and vice versa.
Stand Up Monte (Jumbo Index) DVD and Gimmick by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic -DVD
Simon Lovell's Second to None: The Art of Second Dealing by Meir Yedid - Book
Linkey (includes all Gimmicks) by Alan Rorrison and Titanas Magic - DVD
T.U.C. Secrets the DVD(V0013) by Tango Magic - DVD
Profile Skewer (DVD and Gimmick) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - DVD
The Quest for Mastery (Limited Edition) by Michael Vincent and Alakazam Magic - DVD
Locking Trick 61 cents (w/DVD)(2 Quarters, 1 Dime, 1 Penny) by Tango - Trick (D0130)
Slippery Shell Quarter (w/DVD)(D0128) by Tango Magic - Tricks
Cover the Spot by Ian Kendall and Alan Wong - Trick
Cash In by Will Tsai and SansMinds - Tricks
Ignition by Chris Smith - Trick
Hopping Half with Quarter (w/DVD) (D0131) by Tango - Trick
Exact Change by Gregory Wilson (DVD and Gimmick) - Mentalismo con monete
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