Monkey Fist Chop Cup Balls (1 Regular and 1 Magnetic) by Leo Smetsters - Trick
Monkey Fist Final Load Ball by Leo Smetsters - Trick
Monkey Fist Cups and Balls (4 Balls) by Leo Smetsters - Trick
LIT (Gimmick & Online Instructions) by Dan Hauss & Dan White
The Magic of Jonathan Friedman: The Musical - Book
GUMFOUNDED (Online Instructions and Gimmick) by Steve Rowe - Trick
GUMFOUNDED (Online Instructions and Gimmick) by Steve Rowe - Trick
Mutation (DVD and Gimmicks) by Adam Cooper - DVD
Chris Kenworthey and Mark Mason Present EYEPHONE (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Alan Boyd - Peek
Il mago toglie il proprio telefono, chiedendo allo spettatore se anche lui ha un cellulare. (Chi non ne ha uno al giorno d'oggi?) Un biglietto da visita viene rimosso dal porta carte di credito collegato al telefono.
Ora chiedete se, come voi, hanno una lista di contatti sul loro telefono. Loro scrivono QUALSIASI contatto sul vostro biglietto da visita. Può essere una persona, un luogo, QUALSIASI cosa.
Il biglietto viene tenuto a faccia in giù e fatto scivolare tra le carte di credito. Non si vede affatto il biglietto.
SENZA FARE DOMANDE DI ALCUN TIPO, potete rivelare la persona o il luogo esatto a cui hanno pensato.
Smart Pen (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Henry Evans - Trick
Sponge Balloon Dog by Alexander May - Trick
Kainoa on Coins: Tablehopper's Quattro - DVD
Baffling Blocks (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Eric Leclerc - Trick
SCAANDAL by Adrian Vega (Online Instructions and Gimmick) - Trick
Ball and Cone Combo by The Ambitious Card - Trick
SVENGALI by Mr. Pearl - DVD
Lock It Black (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Al Bach - Trick
Linking Rings 10 cm (Chrome) by TCC - Anelli Cinesi
Anelli cinesi da 10 cm colore argento cromato
Linking Rings 10 cm (Black) by TCC - Anelli Cinesi
Anelli Cinesi da 10 cm colore Nero
Silent Assistant (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by SansMinds - Trick
Effects with the Card Index by Mark Weston - Book
The Perfected Five Card Trick by George Blake - Book
The Immaculate Card Magic of Walt Lees - Book
Off World (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by JP Vallarino - Trick
After Dinner Technique by Ken de Courcy - Book
Even Stephen by Ken de Courcy - Book
Tricks for Travelling Tricksters by Ken de Courcy - Book
Creditable Conjuring by Ken de Courcy - Book
Cabaret Card Divination by Billy McComb and Ken de Courcy - Book
Secret Vol. 2 Ponta the Smith by Tokyo Magic Carnival - DVD
Secret Vol. 3 Shimpei Katsuragawa by Tokyo Magic Carnival - DVD
Agility (DVD and Gimmicks) by Rich Gerrish - DVD
Aiden (DVD and Gimmicks) by Ryuhei Nakamura - DVD
Triple TUC Half Dollar (D0183) Gimmicks and Online Instructions by Tango - Trick
Triple TUC Dollar (D0184) Gimmicks and Online Instructions by Tango - Trick
Triple TUC Quarter (D0182) Gimmicks and Online Instructions by Tango - Trick
Spoiler Alert (Introduction by John Bannon) by Ryan Matney - Book
Secrets by Anthony Owen - Book
Professional Punch by Tony Green - Book
The Lilliputians by Will Ayling - Book
World's End by Takahiro - DVD
Zig Zag Pencil by Mr. Magic - Trick
Hot Rod Crystal (Small) by Mr. Magic - Trick
Color Divination Rod by Mr. Magic - Trick
Quarter Go Box (Teak) by Mr. Magic - Trick
In a Flash (DIY) by Felix Bodden - DVD
Fully Loaded Red (DVD and Gimmicks) by Mark Mason - Trick
In a Flash (Blue) DVD and Gimmicks by Felix Bodden - Trick
DELTA DICE by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Horace Bennett's Prize Winning Magic (Limited/Out of Print) edited by Hugh Miller - Book
Horace Bennett's Prize Winning Magic è un libro difficile da trovare che contiene alcuni degli effetti magici più conosciuti al mondo.
Troverete le manipolazioni diabolicamente ingannevoli.