EffectThe magician takes a normal coin and a empty bottle. He requests to a spectator who takes the bottle by the peak, and strikes the bottom of the bottle with the coin, and this coin crosses the bottom of the bottle. Afterwards he shows what coin'
EffectThe magician takes a normal coin and an empty bottle. He requests a spectator who takes the bottle for the peak and strikes the bottom of the bottle with the coin, and it crosses the bottom of the bottle. Afterwards he shows that the coin is re
EffectThe magician takes a normal coin and an empty bottle. He requests a spectator who takes the bottle for the peak and strikes the bottom of the bottle with the coin, and it crosses the bottom of the bottle. Afterwards he shows that the coin is re
No matter how much you bet, you will always win.It's a double-headed coin!Use it as the closing act of a card routine, in mentalism or just to seduce Demi More!In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.
No matter how much you bet, you will always win.It's a double-headed coin!Use it as the closing act of a card routine, in mentalism or just to seduce Demi More!In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.
These Dice Can Bite You!EffectThis is a fun quicky that starts out with a pair of dice and always ends up with a big laugh! The women will scream and the men will jump back. What more do you want from a gag!Snake Eyes will be one of the most shocking
EffectThe magician takes a normal coin and an empty bottle. He requests a spectator to take the bottle by the neck, and then the performer strikes the bottom of the bottle with the coin, and the coin passes through the bottom of the bottle! Afterward
EffectThe magician explains how he makes money while traveling the world by taking advantage of currency exchange rates in various countries. Starting with a one-dollar bill (green), he folds it in half to reveal an Australian note (bright green). Fo
EffectA coin is borrowed from a spectator. The coin is then seen to penetrate a soda pop bottle and can be visibly examined inside the bottle. The coin is then removed from the bottle and returned to the spec for examination!
EffectA coin borrowed from a spec & a piece is bitten from it. The coin is shown in full view with the piece missing. The Magician draws attention to the bitten coin & spits the missing piece back at the coin. Instantly, the coin is restored
EffectTake a coin, place it on the table, pass your hands over the coin and the coin will have disappearedIn this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked coi
Dr. Michael Rubinstein's 1986 live lecture features some excellent original coin magic and techniques. Routines include: Crazy Coins Across, Twilight Zone Wild Coin, Quadra Coin Reverse Matrix, and Triple Coin To Card. Please note that this is a DVD-
Few objects that magicians conjure with stir the imagination the way proper currency does. Money never goes out of style. Imagine being able to increase a dollar's value a hundred-fold. In the 1970s, a handful of American magicians encountered an Eas
Coin magic beyond your wildest imaginings!Unfettered by coin magic's time - worn traditional plots, Joe Rindfleisch has invented some of the most creative magic with coins ever developed and on this digital extravaganza, you'll be able to see - and l
For 25 years, Mark Leveridge has been a professional magician earning his living by performing, lecturing and selling his exclusive creations to the magic world through his business, Mark Leveridge Magic. Every single year during that time, Mark has
David Roth is, without a doubt, the finest coinmagician the world has ever known. Here is your chance to learn from the master. DAVID ROTHTEACHES MASTER COIN MAGIC (VOL 12)Winged Silver Chink A Chink Hanging Coins Retention Vanish Copper Si
David Roth is, without a doubt, the finest coinmagician the world has ever known.Here is your chance to learn from the master with these incredible "Live Lecture" titles: DAVID ROTHLIVE IN LONDON (VOL 14) Super Clean Coins Across One Coin Sequen