Tattoos (Six Of Hearts) 10 pk. - Trick
Tattoos (Seven Of Clubs) 10 pk. - Trick
Winning Spinning Nickels (two pack) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Departure Ring Flight (New and Improved) by MagicSmith - Trick
reKap (DVD & Gimmicks) by Richard Griffin - Trick
Bound by Will Tsai and SansMinds - Trick
Multiplying Bananas (5 piece) - Trick
Egg and Dove Mystery (Two Egg) - Trick
Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 2 by Daryl - DVD
iConic (Gold Edition) by Shin Lim - Trick
Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 1 by Daryl - DVD
Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 4 by Daryl - DVD
Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 3 by Daryl - DVD
iClear (DVD and Gimmicks) by Shin Lim - Trick
Stretcher (DVD & Gimmicks) by Jay Sankey - Trick
World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines With Cards Vol 1 - DVD
Ninja Tossed Out Deck by Patrick Redford - Trick
World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines Vol 2 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines With Cards Vol 3 - DVD
KuKarate Coin (Half Dollar) by Roy Kueppers - Trick
Forcing Dice Set by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Chinese Coin Set Half - Trick
Contains: 5 Chinese Gold coins 2 Matching expanded shells
Chinese Coin Set dollar (on line instruction) - Trick
Contains: 5 Chinese Gold coins 2 Matching expanded shells on line instruction
Voucher by Will Tsai and SansMinds - Trick
Senses (DVD and Gimmick) by Christopher Wiehl - DVD
Imagination Coins UK (DVD and Gimmicks) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - DVD
Imagination Coins Euro (DVD and Gimmicks) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - DVD
Imagination Coins US Quarter (DVD and Gimmicks) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - DVD
Manoj Bottle (DVD & Gimmicks) by Manoj Kaushal - Trick
Modern ESP (DVD and Gimmick) by SansMinds - DVD
Slippery Expanded Shell Half Dollar 1964 (w/DVD) (D0135) by Tango - Tricks
Stessel's Button (DVD and Gimmick) by John Stessel - DVD
Siete vittime di una strana disfunzione del guardaroba.
Uno dei bottoni della vostra camicia è stato erroneamente cucito a ridosso di un altro bottone.
Questa tragedia lascerebbe la persona media in una triste e disperata melma di umiliazione per l'abbottonatura sbagliata.
Ma voi siete migliori di così!
Expanded Shell Half Dollar 1964 (Tail) (w/DVD) (D0133) by Tango - Trick
Flipper Coin Pro Elastic System (Quarter Dollar DVD w/Gimmick)(D0148) by Tango - Trick
Six 2.0 by Mickael Chatelain
Mickael Chatelain and Gi'Mick Magic are delighted to bring you six new effects conceived by Mickael Chatelain.On the heels of the stock-depleting success of the first SIX DVD, we owed it to ourselves to continue this incredible adventure by offering
Al Schneider Heavy Metal Series by L&L Publishing - DVD
Alluminati (DVD and Gimmick) by Chris Oberle - DVD
Le vostre mani vuote afferrano una lattina di soda e ne strappano la linguetta di alluminio (quel simpatico coso di metallo con i due fori).
La vostra bella spettatrice concentra la sua attenzione su uno dei fori della linguetta.... permettendo ai suoi pensieri segreti su di voi di fluire nello spazio circolare metallico. Aspettate un attimo... ma è ancora solo il buco della linguetta della bibita.
Voi e la vostra potenziale nuova amica applicate un po' di calore e di pensieri teneri alla linguetta... e poi CON LA STESSA TABELLA, I BORDI del foro si vedono fondere in una forma diversa... la forma grezza di un CUORE FUSO!
Burning Connection 2.0 by Andy Amyx - Trick
TIGHT SPOT (DVD+GIMMICK) by Jay Sankey - Trick
Moneta Penny Americano regolare
Moneta Penny Americano regolare
Moneta americana Nickel regolare
Moneta americana Nickel regolare
Flipper Coin Pro Elastic System (One Dollar DVD w/Gimmick)(D0088) by Tango - Trick
Flipper Coin Pro Elastic System (Half Dollar Video on line w/Gimmick)(D0089) by Tango - Trick
Note: With the new elastic system, there is an instructional video for repairing the elastic band. Find it HERE.
In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmic