Banded 25 mm (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - Trick
Banded 22 mm (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - Trick
Banded 24 mm (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - Trick
Banded 20 mm (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - Trick
Banded 21 mm (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - Trick
Banded 23 mm (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - Trick
DECK STAB 3 BLUE by Adrian Vega - Trick
DECK STAB 3 RED by Adrian Vega - Trick
"I would like to have Adrian Vega's brain, but i don't think he will accept mine in exchange, so I will settle for his Deck Stab 3.0, which is as close as I can get to have a miracle on my hands"- Jandro (4 times fooler on Fool Us)Adrian Vega had sha
LOOPER by Hunter- Trick
Wooden wand PRO (Standard Black) by Harry He & Bacon Magic - Trick
Wooden wand PRO (Standard Brown) by Harry He & Bacon Magic - Trick
Orphic+ Playing Card Size in Leather (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Lewis Lé Val and The 1914 - Trick
HCC Coin Set by N2G - Trick
Put two coins in your hand and take out one at a time, but there are always two coins in your hand. Then they disappeared and are found in your pocket or purse.This is hopping half, a classic coin magic routine. I'm honored to pay tribute to this cla
Wooden wand PRO (Bold Black) by Harry He & Bacon Magic - Trick
Wooden wand PRO (Bold Brown) by Harry He & Bacon Magic - Trick
DEADLY MARKED DECK RED BEE (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by MagicWorld - Trick
DEADLY MARKED DECK BLUE BEE (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by MagicWorld - Trick
DEADLY MARKED DECK BLUE BICYCLE (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by MagicWorld - Trick
SECRET DEVICE by David De Val - Trick
Mr. Monopoly (Gimmicks and online Instructions) by Julio Montoro - Trick
GIMMICK X by David De Val - Trick
LOCK PICKING BOOK VOL.1 by David De Val - Book
LOCK PICKING BOOK VOL.2 by David De Val - Book
Hanson Chien Presents Rehab Pro by Gabbo Torres - Trick
Ogni giorno la gente gira soldi per le sigarette. Immaginate se poteste fare riabilitazione e trasformare quelle sigarette in denaro!
Benvenuti in Rehab Pro.
L'originale "Rehab" creato da Gabbo Torres di Porto Rico nel 2018, è un cambiamento visivo dalla sigaretta in qualsiasi valuta
Sizzle (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by John Bannon and Big Blind Media - Trick
Skymember Presents Presence (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by Abdullah Mahmoud - Trick
Un sistema classico rivisitato!
Immagina... di poter prendere qualsiasi piccolo oggetto e farlo sparire come un vero mago.
Dalla mente di Abdullah Mahmoud, dall'Egitto, presentiamo con orgoglio "Presence ".
Presence non è un trucco ma un sistema classico che ci abbiamo messo 4 anni per ridefinire. Non solo ti consente di far sparire piccoli oggetti con movimenti minimi.
Ma più di questo? Potrebbe permetterti di far teletrasportare e apparire qualsiasi piccolo oggetto! E sì, potresti persino far apparire il liquido dal nulla!
Guarda il trailer per crederci.
REPLICA by Jimmy Strange - Trick
Vortex Magic Presents TWISTER (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Danny Weiser - Trick
Pack Smart Play Anywhere 2 PSPA Supernatural Show (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Bill Abbott - Trick
Mirrorize (POKER) by Loran - Trick
Mirrorize (TAROT) by Loran - Trick
FLICKER COIN V2 (Eisenhower) by Rocco - Trick
FLICKER COIN V2 (Half) by Rocco - Trick
FORTUNE by Mariano Goni - Trick
GAMBLERS RING (SIZE 8) by Bacon Magic - Trick
GAMBLERS RING (SIZE 9) by Bacon Magic - Trick
BLACK CROSS by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
GAMBLERS RING (SIZE 10) by Bacon Magic - Trick
GAMBLERS RING (SIZE 11) by Bacon Magic - Trick
The Zenith Deck (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Manoj Kaushal - Trick
SELF EXPLODING BEER GLASS (16cm) by Wance - Trick
Spider Pen X by Mesika - ITR elettronico Filo Invisibile
“Yigal Mesika l'ha fatto di nuovo. La Spider Pen X si rivelerà una manna per l'arte della levitazione. Sempre pronta. Sempre sotto il tuo controllo. È decisamente soprannaturale".
- Luis De Matos