Mini Triangular Box by Mr. Magic - Trick
Final Load Ball Leather White (5.7 cm) by Leo Smetsers - Trick
Escapist Coin (DVD and Gimmicks) by Meir Yedid - DVD
Switchblade (Red Back Bicycle, Gimmick and DVD) by Dan Harlan - DVD
Close-Up, Up Close Vol 3 by Joshua Jay - DVD
Magic Of Mark Leveridge Vol.3 General Magic by Mark Leveridge - DVD
Encyclopedia of Card Sleights 1 by Daryl - DVD
Encyclopedia of Card Sleights 2 by Daryl - DVD
Close-Up, Up Close Vol 2 by Joshua Jay - DVD
Magic of Michael Ammar 1 by Michael Ammar - DVD
The Expert at the Classic Pass by Akira Fujii - DVD
No Filler: Magic of Steve Dacri (Volume 1) - DVD
Nick Trost's Classic Packet Tricks - Mississippi Monte - Trick
Il "Old Sucker Game" con nuovi, sorprendenti colpi di scena! Vengono mostrate quattro carte, una e un asso, girate a faccia in giù e uno spettatore cerca di ritagliare l'asso con una graffetta, ma fallisce! Una carta dispari viene scartata ma ancora una volta lo spettatore non può ritagliare l'asso! Alla fine le carte vengono aperte a ventaglio e lo spettatore aggancia il retro di una carta. Le altre due carte vengono mostrate, quindi ora è sicuro di aver tagliato l'asso. La carta ritagliata viene mostrata ma l'ASSO È SVANITO! La carta messa da parte viene girata: è l'asso mancante!
Karrell Fox's The Legend by L&L Publishing - DVD
The Impromptu Miracles of Bob Read The Lost Footage by L&L Publishing - DVD
Ultra Cervon Vol. 2 - Bruce Cervon - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Cards Across - DVD
COLORFOOL by Victor Zatko - Trick
Con questo metodo potrai far
✅ cambiare
✅ apparire
✅ sparire
una carta tutte le volte che vorrai ❌❌❌ senza alcun tipo di reset
Il gimmick è stato progettato per essere utilizzato in condizioni reali ravvicinate ❤️️❤️️❤️️
Skymember Presents Monarch (Quarter) by Avi Yap - Trick
L Box by Long Long & Bacon Magic - Trick
Refill for PhotoShop 2 by Will Tsai and Sansminds
Phantom of the Card Table, Critical Edition by Edward McGire, Lorie Piper and Maxwell Pritchard - Book
Luxury Pad (Black) by TCC - Trick
Wallet Hacker RED (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by Joel Dickinson - Trick
Fresh Swap (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds Creative Lab - DVD
Coins Akira's - Evolution For 25 Years by Akira Fujii - DVD
GLACIER by Taiwan Ben - Trick
JPV WALLET (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Jean-Pierre Vallarino - Trick
Subtle Card Creations Vol 8 by Nick Trost - Book
Vision Box 2.0 by João Miranda Magic - Trick
In 2016 Joao Miranda invented Vision Box, his original take on the classic card to impossible location plot.For the first time it was possible to perform an invisible switch not only to laymen but also to magicians.The prediction is in full view from
Animinimals (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Billy Damon - Trick
AdSense (Gimmick & Online Instruction) by El Gran Bronzini & Nahuel Olivera
Beautifully simple, yet powerful magic doesn't happen very often, but itUltimately comes down to creating a powerful fusion between the method and effect.You know a good trick, not when you see one, but when you experience it.This is the first trick,
Plots Ploys and Other Cons by Brent Braun - Book
My Magic Money by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
Making Room for Jesus by Ickle Pickle - Trick
Luxury Close-Up Bag (Black) by TCC - Trick
The Edge Wallet (Black) by TCC - Trick
FRUITFULL 2.0 by Juan Pablo - Trick
LoKey (In App Instructions) by Teguh - Trick
L FORK by Long Long & Bacon Magic - Trick
PEASHOOTER by Erlich Zhang - Trick
Shadow Art (Bat Man) by Mathieu Bich - Trick
VANISH MAGIC MAGAZINE Collectors Edition Year Four (Hardcover) by Vanish Magazine - Book
Invisible Thoughts by Chris Rawlins - Book
STRAT O SPONGE by Quique Marduk - Trick
Inscribed (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) By Agus Tjiu & Ma Arif
Inscribe è la Master Prediction più innovativa sul mercato.
Acro Index Dry Erase 3"X5" (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Blake Vogt - Trick
Picture by Julio Montoro and Gentlemen's Magic - Trick
The Vault - Diception by Haim Goldenberg & Matan Rosenberg mixed media DOWNLOAD
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