One for The Money by Bill Goldman - DVD
If you only know one card trick this should be it!
This revolutionary trick brings one of the most effective plots in all of card magic within the reach of all performers of magic. The effect is a classic-the selected card is found at any number named by a spectator under test conditions
Miracle Signed Bill In A Borrowed Cigar by Robert Olson - Book
The performer borrows a bill of any denomination and has it signed. The bill instantly vanishes from your fingertips. A cigar is borrowed and ripped in half. A bill is taken out and unrolled, revealing their signed bill.
Kopy Koins by Todd Mohn - Trick
Kopy Koins from Todd Mohn really got pros like Kenton Knepper and Allen Zingg thinking. These special fake coins will get you thinking about their limitless possibilities too!
Monte Too by Jon Jensen - Book
This opus #2 is all about the monte tricks, with anything but cards : matchbox, cups, bills, and much much more.
Bill Shift (PK Ring Effects Volume 1) by Randi Rain - DVD
MONEY (Euro) by Nahuel Olivera - Trick
Moneta JUMBO 3 inch Quarter - Trick
Moneta JUMBO 3 inch Nickel - Trick
Moneta JUMBO 3 inch Dime - Trick
Rocco's SUPER BRIGHT Prisma Lites Single (Red) - luci dalle mani
Dollar Size Chinese Coin (Brass) by Tango (CH033)
Stand per Sparizione monete by Mr. Magic -
Questo portamonete permette di esibire quattro monete e nel momento voluto vi aiuta a farle sparire una alla volta, magicamente!
• Lo stand è realizzato in legno. Misura cm 17,7 (l) x 5,7 (h) x 3,7 (p). Le monete non sono fornite.
• Un accessorio fantastico! Abbinatelo a delle apparizioni di monete, così da creare la vostra routine!
• Funziona con monete di piccole dimensioni, come 10 centesimi di Euro, e di grandi dimensioni come il mezzo dollaro americano
The Bank Note in Lemon Trick - Book
Dollar Size Chinese Coin (Red) by Tango (CH032)
Dollar Size Chinese Coin (Black) by Tango (CH029)
Sucker Coin Box by Mr. Magic - Trick
Magic with a Copper/Silver Coin by Jerry Mentzer - Books
Johnny Wong's Chinese Coin Sticker 20 pcs (Half Dollar Size) - Trick
Johnny Wong's Chinese Coin Sticker 20 pcs (Eisenhower Dollar Size) - Trick
Johnny Wong's Chinese Coin (Eisenhower Dollar Size) by Johnny Wong - Trick
Pranklopedia by Workman Publishing - Book
Sharpie Through Bill by Alan Rorrison and SansMinds - DVD
Rattle Box (Coin) by Mr. Magic - Trick
Loops New Generation by Yigal Mesika - Anelli di filo invisibile elastico
Anelli di filo invisibile elastico
Loaded Dice (Weighted, Wood, Black) - Dadi Bilanciati 5 e 2
Single Forcing Die (5) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (6) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (2) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (1) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (3) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (4) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Sherlock's 7 Cent Solution (The Obscuriosity Series: 2) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Shim Shell Penny (D0176) by Tango - Trick
Winning Spinning Nickels (two pack) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines With Cards Vol 1 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines Vol 2 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines With Cards Vol 3 - DVD
Freaky Body Parts Finger! by Marvin's Magic
Coin Dropper (Dumper)by Premium Magic - Trick
Magic Made Simple Act 1 - DVD
Chinese/Kennedy Coin by You Want It We Got It - Trick
Milk Tumbler (T-31) by Tenyo Magic - Bicchiere del Latte
Un foglio di carta da disegno viene arrotolato in un cono. Nel cono viene versato un bicchiere di latte pieno. Quando il foglio viene aperto, il latte è scomparso. Il bicchiere è in plastica resistente e la semplice preparazione può essere fatta molto rapidamente prima dello spettacolo.
Istruzioni in inglese incluse.