The Famous Llaser Matrix (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Manuel Llaser (V0019) - Trick
Blackbird (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Jeff Copeland - Trick
Great Big Fat Sidewalk Shuffle by Martin Lewis
Si articola in tre fasi. Le prime due sono simili, ma con variazioni nella gestione. La terza fase ha un finale inaspettato, "knock-out".
Nelle prime due fasi vengono mostrate tre carte bianche e un asso. Una carta bianca viene messa da parte a faccia in giù e l'asso viene messo tra le altre due carte bianche. Uno spettatore non riesce a trovare l'asso perché le tre carte vengono mostrate una per una come bianche e l'asso è sul tavolo.
La terza volta lo spettatore di solito indovina che l'asso è sul tavolo. Ma viene mostrato che in realtà si tratta di una carta bianca, e le carte in mano si rivelano TUTTI ASSI!
TUC Poker Chip Red plus 3 regular chips (PK002R) by Tango Magic - Trick
TUC Poker Chip Blue plus 3 regular chips (PK002B) by Tango Magic - Trick
Three in One (Half Dollar) Set (D0173) by Tango - Trick
Solid 3 Shell Game by Leo Smetsers - Trick
Expanded shell One Dollar Eisenhower Magnetic (D0156) by Tango - Trick
Chinese Coin Set Half - Trick
Contains: 5 Chinese Gold coins 2 Matching expanded shells
Chinese Coin Set dollar (on line instruction) - Trick
Contains: 5 Chinese Gold coins 2 Matching expanded shells on line instruction
Flipper Coin Pro Elastic System (Quarter Dollar DVD w/Gimmick)(D0148) by Tango - Trick
Flipper Coin Pro Elastic System (Half Dollar Video on line w/Gimmick)(D0089) by Tango - Trick
Note: With the new elastic system, there is an instructional video for repairing the elastic band. Find it HERE.
In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmic
Coinvexed 3rd Generation Upgrade Kit (SHARPIE CAP) by World Magic Shop - Trick
Tango Ultimate Coin (T.U.C) Quarter/Penny (D0127) with instructional DVD by Tango - Trick
Eisenhower Scotch and Soda (D0141) by Tango - Tricks
Hopping Half with Quarter (w/DVD) (D0131) by Tango - Trick
American Hopping Half w/One Dollar and One Quarter Dollar (D0126)
Kartis Okito Box (B0027) by Tango - Trick
Slippery Expanded Shell Eisenhower Dollar (D0090) by Tango - Trick
Matrix God's Way (Book and Online Video) by John Born - Book
Tango Ultimate Coin (T.U.C) Quarter Dollar(D0116) with Online Instructions by Tango - Trick
Tango Ultimate Coin (T.U.C)(D0108) Half dollar with instructional video by Tango - Trick
Leather Coin Cylinder (Brown, Half Dollar Size) - Trick
Cilindro in pelle per l'effetto classico di John Ramsay "Cilindro e monete".
Dimensioni circa 2 1/2" di lunghezza (6,35 cm)
Prodotto negli Stati Uniti da The Ambitious Card
Leather Coin Cylinder (Black, Half Dollar Size) - Trick
Cilindro in pelle per l'effetto classico di John Ramsay "Cilindro e monete".
Dimensioni circa 2 1/2" di lunghezza (6,35 cm)
Prodotto negli Stati Uniti da The Ambitious Card
Leather Coin Cylinder (Brown, Dollar Size) - Tricks
Cilindro in pelle per l'effetto classico di John Ramsay "Cilindro e monete".
Dimensioni circa 2,5/8" di lunghezza (6,67 cm)
Prodotto negli Stati Uniti da The Ambitious Card
Leather Coin Cylinder (Black, Dollar Size)- Tricks
Cilindro in pelle per l'effetto classico di John Ramsay "Cilindro e monete".
Dimensioni circa 2,5/8" di lunghezza (6,67 cm)
Prodotto negli Stati Uniti da The Ambitious Card
Flipper coin Pro Flip Quarter dollar (D0105) by Tango
Coin Rattle (B0026) by Tango
Sun & Moon Loonie/Twoonie by Roy Kueppers - Trick
Blackout (US Half Dollar, With DVD) by Brian Platt - DVD
Magnetic Scotch and Soda 2 Euro and 50 cent Euro by Tango -Trick (E0077)
Flipper Coin PRO Gravity Half Dollar/English Penny - Tango - Trick (D0101)
Split Coin (UK 10 Pence) - Trick
Scoundrels Touch (2 DVD Set) by Sheets, Hadyn and Anton- DVD
Expanded Shell Coin - (2 Euro, Steel Back) by Tango Magic - Conchiglia Espansa(E0065)
Expanded Shell Coin - (2 Euro, Steel Back) by Tango Magic - Conchiglia Espansa (E0065)
Locking $2.85 by Tango - Trick (D0033)
Euro-Dollar Hopping Half (1 Euro and Quarter Dollar) by Tango Magic-Trick (ED004)
Flipper Coin 2 Euro by Tango Magic - Trick (E0036)
Hopping Half with Expanded Shell Coins & English Penny D0059 by Tango - Trick
Notes on Three Card Monte Whit Hay
Expanded 2 Euro Shell by Tango - Conchiglia Espansa (E0001)
Expanded 2 Euro Shell by Tango - Conchiglia Espansa (E0001)
The New Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo
Expanded Eisenhower Dollar Shell (w/DVD)(D0009) by Tango - Trick
Fast & Loose Chain Nickle
The perfect chain for any endless chain swindle, these beautiful five-foot lengths of steel chain feature the French Rope design. Available in gold or nickel and include suede drawstring bag.