Single Forcing Die (3) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (4) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Dollar to Tic Tac by Twister Magic - Trick
Supreme Nest of Wallets (AKA Nest of Wallets V2) by Nick Einhorn and Alan Wong - tre borsellini
Palming Coin Set (U.S. Half design /12 piece) by Premium Magic - Monete sottili
Camera Tricks (DVD and Gimmicks) by Casshan Wallace - DVD
Money, Money by Juan Pablo and Bazar de Magia
Money, Money by Juan Pablo and Bazar de Magia - DVD
Joe Rindfleisch's Executive Rubber Bands (B&W Combo) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Executive Rubber Bands (B&W Combo) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Executive Rubber Bands (Hondo - White Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Executive Rubber Bands (Hondo - White Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Executive Rubber Bands (Dan Hauss - Black Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Executive Rubber Bands (Dan Hauss - Black Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Paul Harris Presents Street Thief (U.S. Dollar - BLACK) by Paul Harris - Trick
Magical Plunger (2016) by Tenyo Co. - Trick
Magical Plunger (2016) by Tenyo Co. - Trick
Eric Jones Set: Mirage et Trois and Extension of Me (includes Karate Coin) by Eric Jones and Kozmomagic - DVD
FLIGHT by Michael Afshin & Vortex Magic - Trick
FLIGHT by Michael Afshin & Vortex Magic - Trick
Three in One (Half Dollar) Set (D0173) by Tango - Trick
Shim Shell Penny (D0176) by Tango - Trick
Victorian Coins and Glass (DVD and Gimmick) by Kainoa Harbottle and Kozmomagic - DVD
Mirage Et Trois 2.0 by Eric Jones and Lost Art Magic - DVD
Joe Rindfleisch's Rainbow Rubber Bands (Russell Leeds -Yellow ) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Rainbow Rubber Bands (Dan Harlan - Deep Purple ) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Rainbow Rubber Bands (Vince Mendoza - Mr. Pink) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Rainbow Rubber Bands (Marcus Eddie - Green Pack ) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Rainbow Rubber Bands (Rainbow Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Rainbow Rubber Bands (Hanson Chien - Blue Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Rainbow Rubber Bands (Daniel Garcia - Orange Pack ) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Rainbow Rubber Bands (Joe Rindfleisch - Red Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Red Card Refill for 18 + (18 Plus) by Bond Lee & Magiclism - Trick
Unsealed Gimmick for 18 + (18 Plus) by Bond Lee & Magiclism - Trick
18 + (18 Plus) by Bond Lee & Magiclism - Trick
The Vault (DVD and Gimmick) created by David Penn - DVD
Whiteboard Monte by Leo Smetsers - Trick
Four Nightmares DX by Tenyo Magic - Trick
Solid 3 Shell Game by Leo Smetsers - Trick
Bandwidth by Greg Wilson - Trick
Dean's Coin Wallet by Dean Dill and Alan Wong - Trick
Refill Elastic Thread for Tango Coins (1 Meter) (A0032) - Trick
Sponge Eggs (4pk.) by Alan Wong - Trick
Expanded Shell Poker Chip Red plus 4 Regular Chips (PK001R) by Tango magic - Trick
Ghost Cash (U.S.) by Astor - Trick
Renaissance by Maurice Kim and Mystique Factory - DVD
Hein's Catch Up by Karl Hein - Trick
Coin Thru Nose by Tyler Sutter & The Magic Estate - Trick
Super Expanded Quarter Shell (D0152) by Tango - Trick
Expanded Shell Quarter Magnetic (D0151) by Tango - Trick
Expanded shell One Dollar Eisenhower Magnetic (D0156) by Tango - Trick
Four in One Eisenhower Dollar Set (D0146) by Tango - Conchiglia
Il mago mostra quattro monete da un dollaro Eisenhower nella sua mano, poi prende una delle monete e la porta in tasca, quando riapre la mano ha di nuovo 4 monete.
Ritorna a togliere una moneta dalla mano e la porta in tasca ma quando si riapre la mano ha 4 monete. Ripete questa operazione 2 volte e ha sempre 4 monete.
Infine mostra le 4 monete nella sua mano e prende una tasca per portarla, quando si apre la mano le altre monete sono scomparse.