Kopy Koins by Todd Mohn - Trick
Kopy Koins from Todd Mohn really got pros like Kenton Knepper and Allen Zingg thinking. These special fake coins will get you thinking about their limitless possibilities too!
Monte Too by Jon Jensen - Book
This opus #2 is all about the monte tricks, with anything but cards : matchbox, cups, bills, and much much more.
Bill Shift (PK Ring Effects Volume 1) by Randi Rain - DVD
Rubber Band Shapes (triangle) - Trick
Elastici triangolo
BRIX (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Mr. Pearl and ARCANA - Trick
Bliss (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Noel Qualter - Trick
Refill Close-up Cardiographic by Martin Lewis - Trick
Close-up Cardiographic (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Martin Lewis - Trick
"Ho sempre desiderato presentare una versione ravvicinata di Cardiographic, ma non sono riuscito a creare il pad dei miei sogni fino a quando i recenti progressi nella tecnologia dei materiali lo hanno reso possibile.
"I miei criteri erano semplici: volevo un blocchetto che potesse stare comodamente in tasca. Che potesse essere circondato sotto il più stretto controllo. Doveva essere autonomo e doveva avere un reset veloce per passeggiare e, soprattutto, doveva sembrare impossibile".
Kainoa on Coins: Trifecta - DVD
Dollar Size Shell Chinese Coin (Black) by Tango Magic (CH024)
LIT (Gimmick & Online Instructions) by Dan Hauss & Dan White
Melty Link by RYOTA & Jekyll
MONEY (Euro) by Nahuel Olivera - Trick
Perfect Power 3 (with DVD) by Johnny Wong - Trick
Moneta JUMBO 3 inch Quarter - Trick
Moneta JUMBO 3 inch Nickel - Trick
Moneta JUMBO 3 inch Dime - Trick
Coin Stand by Tony Karpinski - Trick
Dollar Size Chinese Coin (Brass) by Tango (CH033)
Coins and Other Fables by Luis Piedrahita - Book
Hoodie Catches by SMagic - Trick
FIVE IN A HOLE by SMagic Productions - Trick
Kainoa on Coins: Tablehopper's Quattro - DVD
SCAANDAL by Adrian Vega (Online Instructions and Gimmick) - Trick
Project Alpha Mail by Harry Robson and Matthew Wright - Trick
Linking Rings 10 cm (Chrome) by TCC - Anelli Cinesi
Anelli cinesi da 10 cm colore argento cromato
Linking Rings 10 cm (Black) by TCC - Anelli Cinesi
Anelli Cinesi da 10 cm colore Nero
Off World (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by JP Vallarino - Trick
Charming Chinese Challenge (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Troy Hooser - Trick
Secret Vol. 2 Ponta the Smith by Tokyo Magic Carnival - DVD
Secret Vol. 3 Shimpei Katsuragawa by Tokyo Magic Carnival - DVD
Triple TUC Half Dollar (D0183) Gimmicks and Online Instructions by Tango - Trick
Triple TUC Dollar (D0184) Gimmicks and Online Instructions by Tango - Trick
Triple TUC Quarter (D0182) Gimmicks and Online Instructions by Tango - Trick
Inject 2 System (In App Instructions) by Greg Rostami - Trick
Tutte le app di Greg non suggeriscono l'uso della tecnologia. Magie organiche che possono essere eseguite in qualsiasi momento nel MONDO REALE!".
- Patrick Kun
World's End by Takahiro - DVD
Window Change by Smagic Productions - Trick
DELTA DICE by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Tango Coin Production - Half Dollar D0186 (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Tango - Trick
Vanishing Sharpie (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds Creative Lab - DVD
David Penn's Beer Bottle Production (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) - Trick
Osmosis (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Rodrigo Romano and Mysteries - Trick
Sharp Shot by Taiwan Ben - Trick
Nick Brown Wonder Bill (DVD and Gimmicks) - DVD
The Dream Card Revisited (The Ultimate Card to Wallet) - A Comprehensive Guide by David Malek - Book
Stand per Sparizione monete by Mr. Magic -
Questo portamonete permette di esibire quattro monete e nel momento voluto vi aiuta a farle sparire una alla volta, magicamente!
• Lo stand è realizzato in legno. Misura cm 17,7 (l) x 5,7 (h) x 3,7 (p). Le monete non sono fornite.
• Un accessorio fantastico! Abbinatelo a delle apparizioni di monete, così da creare la vostra routine!
• Funziona con monete di piccole dimensioni, come 10 centesimi di Euro, e di grandi dimensioni come il mezzo dollaro americano
Changeling ODO (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Marc Lavelle and Titanas Magic - Trick
Special Edition NOW-U-C-IT, NOW-U-DON'T (DVD, Book and Gimmick) by Jeff Stewart and Meir Yedid - DVD
CITRUS: The Next Generation (C2 - Small) by Nourdine - Banconota nel limone
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