G4 by Bond Lee & MS Magic - Trick
Together 2.0 (Blue) by Snake - Trick
TEDDY (Blue) by Zamm Wong & Magic Action - Trick
Mystery Blade 2020 by Tenyo Magic - Trick
Ultra Gravity Box 2020 by Tenyo Magic - Trick
La scatola misteriosa che il pubblico non può sollevare!
Preparatevi a ridere di sorpresa quando il vostro spettatore non riuscirà a sollevare una scatola di carte trasparente dal tavolo. Come mago, voi siete facilmente in grado di sollevare la scatola, ma quando è il loro turno - fahgettaboudit! Potete anche usare questa scatola per riporre il vostro normale mazzo di carte.
Fuoco e Ghiaccio - acqua e olio con i gettoni
Fuoco e Ghiaccio - acqua e olio con i gettoni
Modern Flap Card Double Sided (QH to KS / RED to BLUE) by Hondo
Modern Flap Card Double Sided (KS to QH / BLUE to RED) by Hondo
Acro Index (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Blake Vogt - Trick
PCTC Productions Presents UNLINK Remastered (Red) by Jordan Victoria - Trick
Limited Edition Omni Coin Japanese version (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds Creative Lab - Trick
Six Outs Mini (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Blake Vogt - Trick
Now you can have six outs folded up inside your wallet at all times. This all-new version is made out of tear-proof and waterproof tyvek. It is 8.5 x 5.5 inches when it is open and 2.75 x 4.25 inches folded up. You can easily open to any one of the s
SUGAR BUNNY by Steve Fearson Coniglietto di zucchero
Se c'è un trucco che la gente associa ai maghi più di ogni altro è quello di far apparire un coniglio. Ma tirare fuori un coniglio dal cappello in un ristorante o in una caffetteria non è pratico, né tantomeno igienico. Per fortuna, Steve Fearson ha trovato la soluzione migliore.
WoW Ink by Victor Voitko (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
Moneta da mezzo Dollaro
Genesis 4 Eisenhower by Johnny Wong - Trick
Linking Key Puzzle by Mr. Magic - Trick
SWEET (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Smagic Productions - Trick
Bill Breaker by Smagic Productions - Trick
PARLOR PLUS POUCH by The Ambitious Card - Trick
Excellent busking pouch by The Ambitious Card. Relative load size: 5 oranges and a coconut.This pouch is useful for busking and as a servante attached to a table. The pouch can be worn in front, on the hip. It's lighter weight than the Busking Pouch
B'Wave DELUXE by Max Maven (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) - Trick
PARLOR POUCH by The Ambitious Card - Trick
BUSKER POUCH by The Ambitious Card - Trick
The most popular pouch by The Ambitious Card.Relative load size: 6 oranges and a 2 Coconuts.This pouch is useful for busking and as a servante attached to a table. The pouch is usually worn in front.Features: Outside soft pockets in front and on the
POACHER POUCH by The Ambitious Card - Trick
STREET POUCH by The Ambitious Card - Trick
CELLINI POUCH by The Ambitious Card - Trick
Moneta JUMBO 3 inch Mezzo Dollaro - Trick
The Hold'Em Chip (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Matthew Wright - Trick
All In -Series One (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Matthew Wright- Trick
Keller Coin Catcher by Mr. Magic - Trick
Super Prediction Card by Tenyo Magic - Trick
Snapper by Mr. Magic - Trick
Houdini Palming Coins (12 pieces) by Mr. Magic Monete sottili
Sigaretta attraverso la Carta- Bicycle Back by Mr. Magic - Trick
Coin Vanishing Pedestal by Mr. Magic - Trick
Spectro Touch Toe Switch by Joao Miranda and Pierre Velarde
If you wish to control your Spectro Touch totally hands free and/or without the programming delay, you can choose to control it via a custom-designed Toe Switch. The package includes an insole, a custom-designed switch with the proprietary male conne
Lucid Dream (DVD and Gimmicks) by Jason Yu - DVD
Outnumbered by Danny Weiser and Matthew Wright - Trick
La magia del cubo, i quadrati magici e le imprese della memoria sono alcune delle armi più avvincenti, credibili e stimolanti nell'arsenale del mago moderno.
Outnumbered prende tutti e tre questi effetti e li combina in un miracolo tascabile e facile da eseguire !!!
Rejoined Express by João Miranda Magic and Julio Montoro - Trick
João Miranda and Julio Montoro released the original Rejoined back in 2016, and it was a best seller with over 5000 units sold worldwide. Now introducing its "brother," Rejoined Express, a visual and original restored effect like no other. It is a mu
Band on Fire 2 (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Bacon Fire and Magic Soul
Social Media Magic Volume 1 (DVD and Gimmicks) by Felix Bodden - DVD
I social, senza dubbio, sono la piattaforma principale in questa era. È un modo collaudato ed efficace per promuovere e costruire la propria carriera.
Avere un account sui social media è come avere un microfono forte in mano. Le persone ti sentiranno.
La domanda è: che cosa vuoi dire e come riesci a farti ricordare?
Il nostro amico, Felix Bodden, della Repubblica Dominicana, ha progettato effetti per questo scopo specifico.