Fuoco e Ghiaccio - acqua e olio con i gettoni
Fuoco e Ghiaccio - acqua e olio con i gettoni
Visual Matrix AKA Rose Act Elegant Gold (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Will Tsai and SansMinds - Trick
Remember the shiver down your spine when you first saw The Rose Act on AGT? It was a historical moment. The elegance and impossible visual took the public world by storm, and the innovative thinking behind the magic led everybody in our community tal
Rainbow Monte (Close up) by Juan Pablo - Trick
His classic Monte routine, now in close-up size! A three-phase routine with a kicker ending: The magician starts with three blank cards and one Ace. The cards also have different colors on the backs so they are easier to follow. Even being this fair,
Refill (50) for Out To Coloring (STAGE) by Laurent Villiger - Trick
Refill (50) for Out To Coloring by Laurent Villiger - Trick
Limited Edition Omni Coin Japanese version (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds Creative Lab - Trick
SUGAR BUNNY by Steve Fearson Coniglietto di zucchero
Se c'è un trucco che la gente associa ai maghi più di ogni altro è quello di far apparire un coniglio. Ma tirare fuori un coniglio dal cappello in un ristorante o in una caffetteria non è pratico, né tantomeno igienico. Per fortuna, Steve Fearson ha trovato la soluzione migliore.
Virtuoso by Topas and Luis de Matos - DVD
Topas rivela i segreti più cari del suo repertorio professionale. Questi includono i suoi pluripremiati numeri di manipolazione FISM, le meraviglie meccaniche e le illusioni da palcoscenico, nonché le idee sulla presentazione che hanno plasmato i suoi spettacoli. Un'incredibile visione del mondo della magia da palcoscenico contemporanea.
Moneta da mezzo Dollaro
Genesis 4 Eisenhower by Johnny Wong - Trick
Any Card (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Richard Sanders - Trick
SWEET (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Smagic Productions - Trick
Bill Breaker by Smagic Productions - Trick
B'Wave DELUXE by Max Maven (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) - Trick
Marchand de Trucs & Mindbox Presents The Viper Wallet (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Sylvain Vip & Maxime Schucht- Trick
Non appena le informazioni vengono inserite nel supporto, Viper può essere immediatamente chiuso.
Ogni volta che ne hai bisogno, sarai in grado di vedere - chiaramente e per intero - esattamente ciò che il tuo spettatore ha scritto, senza dover riaprire Viper o eseguire mosse sospette.
Moneta JUMBO 3 inch Mezzo Dollaro - Trick
Oh So Juicy (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Brandon David and Chris Turchi - Trick
The Hold'Em Chip (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Matthew Wright - Trick
All In -Series One (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Matthew Wright- Trick
Keller Coin Catcher by Mr. Magic - Trick
Super Prediction Card by Tenyo Magic - Trick
Snapper by Mr. Magic - Trick
Houdini Palming Coins (12 pieces) by Mr. Magic Monete sottili
Coin Vanishing Pedestal by Mr. Magic - Trick
Spectro Touch Toe Switch by Joao Miranda and Pierre Velarde
If you wish to control your Spectro Touch totally hands free and/or without the programming delay, you can choose to control it via a custom-designed Toe Switch. The package includes an insole, a custom-designed switch with the proprietary male conne
Lucid Dream (DVD and Gimmicks) by Jason Yu - DVD
Outnumbered by Danny Weiser and Matthew Wright - Trick
La magia del cubo, i quadrati magici e le imprese della memoria sono alcune delle armi più avvincenti, credibili e stimolanti nell'arsenale del mago moderno.
Outnumbered prende tutti e tre questi effetti e li combina in un miracolo tascabile e facile da eseguire !!!
Headhunter by Bob Farmer - Trick
Expansion Set in Black Chrome (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Matthew Garrett - Trick
Rejoined Express by João Miranda Magic and Julio Montoro - Trick
João Miranda and Julio Montoro released the original Rejoined back in 2016, and it was a best seller with over 5000 units sold worldwide. Now introducing its "brother," Rejoined Express, a visual and original restored effect like no other. It is a mu
Out To Coloring by Laurent Villiger - Trick
Tornimation (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Menny Lindenfeld
Perfect Shell Coin Set Half Dollar (Shell and 4 Coins D0201) by Tango Magic - Trick
Perfect Shell Coin Set Quarter Dollar (Shell and 4 Coins D0200) by Tango Magic - Trick
Perfect Shell Coin Set Eisenhower Dollar (Shell and 4 Coins D0202) by Tango Magic - Trick
Midnight Breakfast (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by The Other Brothers - Trick
THINNER (Gimmick and Online Instruction) by Mathieu Bich
The Art Of Mental Bending, FFF 2.0 By TCC(Size 7) by TCC
TRIPLE GUM by Smagic Productions - Trick
My Jeans by Smagic Productions - Trick
Euna Dollar Set (Untained Edition, Dollar Size, Set of 3)
Split (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Yves Doumergue and JeanLuc Bertrand - Trick
Miser's Dream Granted by Mikame - Sogno dell'avaro
2 serventi con 20 monete da impalmaggio per eseguire alla perfezione e in sicurezza Il Sogno dell'Avaro
Lo scrigno di Alibabà
Uno scrigno magico viene mostrato vuoto
ma basta agitarlo lievemente che si materializza un oggetto
Guarda il video
Sleeving System by Witness Kou & Amor Magic - Trick
"It's the best I had ever seen, it's incredible, it's pushing sleeving forward, check it out!" - Daniel Garcia "It's so good check it out. He showed me how to do it right now and it's definitely worth getting it if you are a sleever." - Cyril "Magici
Every Table is a Stage (2-DVD Set) by Dan Fleshman - DVD
Deluxe Edition Trinity Coin Set (DVD) by Johnny Wong - Trick
Silhouette (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Tobias Dostal - Trick
"L'uso dell'ombra e della luce dà vita alla magia e questo effetto diventerà sicuramente parte del mio repertorio".
- Cyril Takayama
"Quello che ha fatto Tobias è stato letteralmente una delle cose più creative che ho visto da molto, molto tempo."
- Daniel Garcia
"Questo trucco non resterà nell'ombra per molto tempo. INCREDIBILE, L'AMO ...!"
- David Stone
Profiteer (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Adrian Vega - Trick
Bill It (DVD and Gimmick) by SansMinds Creative Lab - DVD
What's real magic like to you? We believe that real magic should feel spontaneous and totally catch people off guard. What better way is there to combine these visions, but with an element that speaks to everyone across language barriers? Money! Imag