Here & Now (4 DVD Set) by Dani DaOrtiz - DVD
True Mysteries Lite by Fraser Parker and 1914 - DVD
Diamond Forcing Dice Set (7) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Now you can force a number in a fool-proof way!
The magician hands a spectator a normal die numbered one through six. The magician takes the die and throws it into an opaque cup. The spectator is asked to cover the mouth of the cup and shake or rattle the die inside. They are then asked to call aloud whatever number comes up. Diamond Dice allows the number chosen to be predetermined, so these dice make forcing a number easy.
The die is not loaded or weighted. Diamond Dice is a set of 6 specially numbered dice and one normal die for switching out. If you need a specific number chosen, then this is the way to go. Never before has a full set of these dice been on the market
Aperture (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Eric Jones and Tango Magic - Trick V0021
Mini Chop Cup (Accessori + Video Istruzioni)
Fai apparire e sparire la pallina dalla tazzina!
Ideale per il close up e magia ai tavoli
Comodo da tenere in tasca
Una chop cup fatta per il professionista quanto per l'amatore, difatti i props inclusi eliminano tutte le classiche tecniche di manipolazione risultando pressoché quasi automatico
Half And Half - Volume 2 by Doug Brewer - DVD
Practical Magic for the Working Performer!
Stand-up and Be Counted Routine
- Coin Catch: How do magicians play catch? Based on Fred Kaps Coins & Silk routine. Simplified and amazing.
- Shell Fly: Not again! A super clean and logical extension of the previous routine.....
Ellis Aces IV (Vol.4)by Ed Ellis - DVD
The 52 to 1 Deck Red (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Wayne Fox and David Penn - Trick
Dopo aver mostrato che le carte sono chiaramente tutte diverse, si invitano due spettatori a pensare ciascuno a una carta. Senza che vi dicano mai le loro carte, voi semplicemente togliete due carte dal mazzo e le mettete sui loro palmi tesi. Ogni volta si azzeccano le loro selezioni!
Backstab by Zak Mirzadeh (Online Instructions and Gimmick) - Carta pugnalata
Lo spettatore sceglie una carta e la perde nel mazzo. Con nient'altro che il vostro fidato coltello da tasca (o il coltello da tasca del vostro spettatore), pugnalate direttamente la carta selezionata per un miracoloso effetto "Carta al numero"!
Monkey Fist Chop Cup Balls (1 Regular and 1 Magnetic) by Leo Smetsters - Trick
Monkey Fist Final Load Ball by Leo Smetsters - Trick
Monkey Fist Cups and Balls (4 Balls) by Leo Smetsters - Trick
Dollar Size Shell Chinese Coin (Black) by Tango Magic (CH024)
LIT (Gimmick & Online Instructions) by Dan Hauss & Dan White
The Magic of Jonathan Friedman: The Musical - Book
Mutation (DVD and Gimmicks) by Adam Cooper - DVD
Smart Pen (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Henry Evans - Trick
Hoodie Catches by SMagic - Trick
Baffling Blocks (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Eric Leclerc - Trick
SCAANDAL by Adrian Vega (Online Instructions and Gimmick) - Trick
Lock It Black (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Al Bach - Trick
Linking Rings 10 cm (Chrome) by TCC - Anelli Cinesi
Anelli cinesi da 10 cm colore argento cromato
Linking Rings 10 cm (Black) by TCC - Anelli Cinesi
Anelli Cinesi da 10 cm colore Nero
Silent Assistant (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by SansMinds - Trick
The Perfected Five Card Trick by George Blake - Book
Off World (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by JP Vallarino - Trick
Tricks for Travelling Tricksters by Ken de Courcy - Book
Charming Chinese Challenge (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Troy Hooser - Trick
Secret Vol. 2 Ponta the Smith by Tokyo Magic Carnival - DVD
Secret Vol. 3 Shimpei Katsuragawa by Tokyo Magic Carnival - DVD
Agility (DVD and Gimmicks) by Rich Gerrish - DVD
Aiden (DVD and Gimmicks) by Ryuhei Nakamura - DVD
Spoiler Alert (Introduction by John Bannon) by Ryan Matney - Book
Secrets by Anthony Owen - Book
World's End by Takahiro - DVD
Window Change by Smagic Productions - Trick
Fully Loaded Red (DVD and Gimmicks) by Mark Mason - Trick
In a Flash (Blue) DVD and Gimmicks by Felix Bodden - Trick
Alpha Deck (Cards and Online Instructions) by Richard Sanders - Trick
Mirage (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by JB Dumas and David Stone - Trick
Mirage (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by JB Dumas and David Stone - Trick