Sponge Cement Brick by Alexander May - Mattone di spugna
Mattone in cemento di spugna by Alexander May - Trick
Sponge Ball Blendo by Mr. Magic - Trick
MEDIUM by Hugo Valenzuela - Trick
Ticket by João Miranda and Julio Montoro - Trick
Tarantula II (Online Instructions and Gimmick) by Yigal Mesika - Filo invisibile elettronico
Quando è stato introdotto per la prima volta il Tarantula di Yigal Mesika, i maghi lo chiamarono "il dispositivo di levitazione più incredibile di tutti i tempi!". Ora, dopo sette anni di rielaborazione e perfezionamenti, è tornato... e migliore che mai.
Trespassing by Smagic Productions- Trick
SKETCH MONEY by João Miranda and Julio Montoro - Trick
Attire by Roddy McGhie and Danny Weiser - Trick
The Game (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Inaki Zabaletta - Trick
Cohesive by Kevin Li - DVD
NAVY Effects Vol. 2 by Jaehoon Lim - DVD
Sherlock'oin by Thomas Riboulet and Anthony Stan - Moneta nel mazzo di carte
Una carta scelta e firmata viene persa nel mezzo del mazzo. Mettete tutte le carte nell'astuccio e prendete in prestito una moneta dal pubblico. Fatela firmare da uno spettatore e quindi fatela sparire magicamente. La moneta firmata riapparirà immediatamente nell'astuccio e nel mezzo del mazzo proprio sopra la carta firmata! Il pubblico andrà fuori di testa!
The Ultimate Re-Maxed Iceolation by Kieron Johnson and Mark Traversoni - Trick
Impossi-bulb by G Sparks
Ice Qube by Kieron Johnson & Mark Traversoni - ghiaccio
Il Santo Graal della Magia del Ghiaccio è arrivato!
Money Switch by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
STEEL by Rasmus - Trick
STEEL by Rasmus - Trick
InvisiBill (Gimmick and Online Instruction) by Josh Janousky - Trick
Whiplash (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Josh Janousky - Trick
Skymember Presents Nova by Avi Yap - DVD
Pranklopedia by Workman Publishing - Book
Volition (DVD and Gimmicks) by Steve Cook - DVD
Sharpie Through Bill by Alan Rorrison and SansMinds - DVD
Vortex Magic Presents VCM by Eric Chien
Rejoined by João Miranda Magic and Julio Montoro - Trick
Absolute Zero (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by SansMinds - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 14 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 7 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Curved Size 7 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 13 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 14 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 7 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 13 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Beveled Size 13 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Beveled Size 14 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Curved Size 13 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Water Crystal by Tenyo - Trick
Grifters - Trick
Sucker Punch (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Mark Southworth - Trick
Influence (Blue) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
Thumbtipedia (DVD and Gimmick) by Vernet - DVD Falso Pollice
Narcissus by Chris Philpott - Trick
Rainbow Monte by Juan Pablo - Four Card Monte Colorato
Il mago mostra tre carte bianche e un Asso. Fa il monte e lo spettatore perde sempre. Alla fine dello spettacolo il mago mostra che c'erano tre Assi e una sola carta bianca.
The Case (Silver) DVD and Gimmick by SansMinds - Trick
Magnetic Scotch and Soda Poker Chips by Tango PK005 - Trick
Magnecap (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Zihu - Trick
Sponge Cupcake (2 pieces) by Alexander May - Trick
Sponge French Fries by Alexander May - Trick
Sponge Ice Cream by Alexander May - Trick
Sponge Bananas (medium/2 pieces) by Alexander May - Banane di spugna
Sponge Bananas (medium/2 pieces) by Alexander May - Trick