Symphony Coins (US Eisenhower) Gimmicks and Online Instructions by RPR Magic Innovations - Trick
Symphony Coins (US Quarter) Gimmicks and Online Instructions by RPR Magic Innovations - Trick
CTG Blue (Gimmicks & Online Instruction) by Peter Eggink
Triple TUC (Tango Ultimate Coin) (D0203)Tricolor with Online Instructions by Tango - Trick
STAND UP MAGIC by Paul Romhany - Book
Chinas Set (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Marcel and Mr. Tango - Trick
Perfect Shell Coin Set Half Dollar (Shell and 4 Coins D0201) by Tango Magic - Trick
Perfect Shell Coin Set Quarter Dollar (Shell and 4 Coins D0200) by Tango Magic - Trick
Gripper Coin (Set/Euro) by Rocco Silano - Trick
Gripper Coin (Set/U.S. 25) by Rocco Silano - Trick
Perfect Power 3 (with DVD) by Johnny Wong - Trick
Triple TUC Dollar (D0184) Gimmicks and Online Instructions by Tango - Trick
Autho 4 Half Dollar (D0178) (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Tango - Trick
Autho 4 Eisenhower Dollar (D0179) (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Tango - Trick
Super CSB (Gimmick and DVD) by Johnny Wong - Trick
OX Bender™ (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Menny Lindenfeld - Trick
OLÉ (4 DVD Set) by Juan Luis Rubiales and Luis De Matos - DVD
La sorprendente magia stand-up e close-up di uno dei migliori maghi di Spagna. Juan Luis Rubiales rivela in OLÉ i suoi effetti preferiti e i segreti più custoditi. La sua particolare interpretazione delle trame classiche rende alcune delle magie più sconcertanti che abbiate mai visto.
Cofanetto DVD a 4 dischi
Expanded Shell Half Dollar 1964 (Tail) (w/DVD) (D0133) by Tango - Trick
Flipper Coin Pro Elastic System (One Dollar DVD w/Gimmick)(D0088) by Tango - Trick
Eisenhower Hopping Half (w/DVD) (D0143) by Tango Magic - Trick
Electric Touch+ (Plus) DVD and Gimmick by Yigal Mesika - Trick
Electric Touch + vi dà la straordinaria capacità di erogare uno shock elettrostatico che non solo si diffonderà attraverso la punta delle dita, ma anche attraverso tutto il vostro corpo - e questo è solo per i principianti! Guardate il pubblico sussultare di stupore mentre caricate oggetti di uso quotidiano come chiavi, anelli e cucchiai. Vedranno, ascolteranno e sentiranno davvero l'immenso potere al vostro comando!
Duvivier Coin Box (Half Dollar) by Dominique Duvivier - Trick
Johnny Wong's Imagination Coin Set (with DVD ) by Johnny Wong - Trick
Double Face Super Triple Coin (with DVD) by Johnny Wong - Trick
Tango Silver Line Expanded Shell Walking Liberty (w/DVD) (D0005) by Tango - Trick
Award Winning Card Magic (5 DVD Set) by Martin Nash - DVD
Super Triple Coin (with DVD) by Johnny Wong - Trick
Trinity Coin Set (with DVD) by Johnny Wong - Trick
Tango Ultimate Coin (T.U.C)(D0109) Eisenhower Dollar with Online Instructions by Tango - Trick
Golden Shells trick
Over six months in the making, Whit Haydn and Chef Anton have created the perfect shells for any Three Shell Game routine. Including design enhancements and tips from real working pros like Chanin, Eddie Joseph and others, these shells are perfectly
Great Euro Hopping Half (E0032) by Tango - trucco delle monete
Meraviglioso trucco di magia con le monete
Monete da 2 euro e da 50 centesimi di euro