Chop Cup (Plastic) by Uday - Trick
6,10 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
A ball vanishes from under a cup and re-appears under the cup. Some times it vanishes and appears in different place.
Hook by Andrew Mayne - DVD
7,30 €
18,24 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
Hook by Andrew Mayne - DVD
Pip Art by Dan Harlan - Trick
4,88 €
12,20 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
EffectA spectator's chosen card is lost in the deck. Instead of finding the card (any magician could do that), the pips on another card are moved to create an image of the selection! This amazing souvenir card may be fully examined-the pips don't mov
Indian Spinner Royal
5,00 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
Indian Spinner Royal...
Coin Magic Made Easy Roth- 3, DVD
7,30 €
18,24 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
Volume Three-Intermediate to Advanced Coin Magic After mastering the material David teaches on Volumes One and Two, you'll truly be able to call yourself a "coin man." You'll also be ready to learn still more advanced sleights and routines, including
Spring Fan of Cards by Uday - Trick
4,88 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
This fan of bridge-sized cards springs right open-you look like an excellent card manipulator and your audience will never know it didn't take years of practice!
Floating Matches by Uday - Trick
6,10 €
Ultimi articoli in magazzino
The magician places an ordinary match onto the back of a playing card. When he bends the card down the match remains floating in mid-air!Very easy to perform.
Rubber Band Shapes (heart) - Trick
4,39 €
7,32 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
Elastici cuore
Secret Seminars of Magic Vol 2 (Reveal a Card and Card om Wallet) with Patrick Page - DVD
6,10 €
15,25 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
A card is selected, returned to the deck and controlled. Now what do you do? What follows is the difference between a magical moment and just another card trick. Here, Patrick Page shares a number of ways to reveal a selected card. Some are humo
Inner Circle by Paul Harris - Book
6,10 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
Effect: A card is selected from a borrowed deck, returned and the cards are shuffled. A rubber band is stretched around the deck, and the band visibly melts away! One card then emerges from the deck, it's the selected card with the rubber band around
Dice Cup (Cup Only) Dice Stacking - Trick
3,66 €
6,10 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
This Dice Cup is ideal for use with any dice stacking routine. The cup itself is approximately 3 inches tall and 2.5 inches in diameter.
Refill Magic Puzzle by StrixMagic & Mr Magoben
5,00 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi
Semaforo incredibile
5,00 €
Ordina ora! Spediamo entro 3-4 giorni lavorativi