Sponge Apple by Alexander May - Trick
Sponge Doughnut by Alexander May - Trick
Single Forcing Die (5) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (1) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (3) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (4) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
World's Greatest Magic: Triumph Vol. 3 by L&L Publishing - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Triumph Vol. 1 by L&L Publishing - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Triumph Vol. 2 by L&L Publishing - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Ace Assemblies Vol. 3 by L&L Publishing - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Ace Assemblies Vol. 2 by L&L Publishing - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Ace Assemblies Vol. 1 by L&L Publishing - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: The Card Through Handkerchief - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Thread Magic - DVD
Cubio Brass by Mr. Magic - Trick
World's Greatest Magic: Self-Working Card Tricks Vol. 3 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines With Cards Vol 1 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines Vol 2 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines With Cards Vol 3 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: The Last Trick of Dr. Jacob Daley by L&L Publishing - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Chicago Opener by L&L Publishing - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: The Secrets of Packet Tricks Vol. 2 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: The Secrets of Packet Tricks Vol. 3 - DVD
Essentials in Magic Mental Photo - DVD
Essentials in Magic Invisible Deck - DVD
Essentials in Magic Svengali Deck - DVD
Chop Cup (Plastic) by Uday - Trick
World's Greatest Magic: Close Up Magic 1 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Card Stab - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Card To Wallet - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Folding Coin - Coin In Bottle - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Coins Across - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Scotch And Soda, Dime And Penny, ChinaTown Half - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Card On Ceiling - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Magic With Everyday Objects - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Stack Of Quarters and Copper/Silver Coin - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Card Warp - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Gaffed Coins - DVD
Shade Daniel Garcia, DVD
Nick Trost's Classic Packet Tricks - Unknown Card - Trick
Puoi estrarre sei carte per mostrare tre quattro a faccia in su e tre carte a faccia in giù.
Le carte vengono girate e SVENTAGLIATE per mostrare tre Dieci. Una carta "sconosciuta" viene rimossa dal pacchetto e inserita nella ventola. Ora distribuisci i quattro a faccia in giù a uno spettatore mentre tieni i dieci e la carta "sconosciuto".
Le tue carte vengono squadrate, girate da capo a piedi tre volte e mostrate.
La carta "sconosciuta" è in tasca.
I Dieci ora sono scomparsi e vengono mostrati i dorsi delle carte bianche! Le carte dello spettatore vengono girate e i Quattro spariscono! Alla fine mostri dove sono finiti i punti: sono sulla faccia della carta "sconosciuto"!
Coin Magic Made Easy Roth- 3, DVD
Always Full Always Empty Vernet
Self Working Close-Up Card Magic by Karl Fulves - Book
Self Working Handkerchief Magic by Karl Fulves - Book
Floating Matches by Uday - Trick
2 inch Regular Palline di spugna (Black) Pack of 4 from Magic by Gosh
2" Regular Sponge Ball (Black) Bag of 4
Palline di spugna