Rubberband Vol 2 by Dan Harlan - DVD Elastici
Rubberband Vol 3 by Dan Harlan - DVD Elastici
Magic Farm by David Williamson - DVD
Scotch And Soda Euro (Magnetic)E0029 by Tango - Trick
Effetto 1
Il mago mostra nella mano sinistra 1 euro e un 50 cent Euro. Chiude entrambe le mani e quando apre la sinistra si trova solo la moneta da 50 cent perché nella mano destra è apparsa la moneta da 1 euro!
Roth Ultimate Coin Magic Collection Volume 4 - DVD
Expanded Shell 50 Cent Euro (One Sided)(E0003) - Tango
Flipper Coin Eisenhower Dollar (D0038) by Tango - Trick
COINvention (2 DVD set), DVD
Expanded Shell Silver Half Dollar (D0003) by Tango - Trick
Hundy 500 Greg Wilson, DVD
Magnetic Half Dollar Coin(D0025)
Boston Box (2 Euro coin) (B0007) by Tango Magic - Trick
Encyclopedia of Coin Sleights Michael Rubinstein 3 - DVD
Flipper Coin 50 Cent Euro (E0035) by Tango - Trick
Art of Hopping Tables by Mark Leveridge - DVD
Basic Coin Magic - Vol.1 by David Stone - DVD
Coin Magic - Vol. 2 by David Stone - DVD
Bite Off Credit Card by Menny Lindenfeld - morsicata
Restaurant Magic Volume 1 by Dan Fleshman - DVD
Restaurant Magic Volume 3 by Dan Fleshman - DVD
Restaurant Magic Volume 2 by Dan Fleshman - DVD
Bandshark Dan Harlan, DVD
Charming Chinese Challenge by Troy Hooser - DVD
Dave 2 David Williamson, DVD
Money Miracles by Michael Ammar Volume 2 - DVD
Magnetic Scotch and Soda English Penny (D0051) Tango
Money Miracles by Michael Ammar Volume 3 - DVD
Siamese Coins Gallo, DVD
Scotch And Soda Euro 50 + 5 (Traditional)E0028 by Tango - Trick
Il mago mostra una moneta da 50 centesimi e una da 5 centesimi nella mano sinistra. Chiude entrambe le mani e quando apre la sinistra si trova solo la moneta da 50 centesimi perché la moneta da 5 centesimi è apparsa nella mano destra!
NOTA: foto puramente dimostrativa. Riceverai il set in euro da 50 cent + 5 centesimi
Copper Silver Coin (Half Dollar/English Penny) (D0060) by Tango - Trick
Flipper Coin Quarter Dollars (D0040)
Encyclopedia of Coin Sleights Michael Rubinstein 1 - DVD
Encyclopedia of Coin Sleights Michael Rubinstein 2 - DVD
Expanded Shell Half Dollar (Head) D0001 by Tango - Conchiglia espansa mezzo dollaro (testa)
Silver Copper Brass Transposition (CH002) Tango
Scotch And Soda English Penny (D0049) by Tango - Trick
sigaretta attraverso la moneta Half Dollar (Two Sided) (D0015)by Tango - Trick
Inside the Mind of Garrett Thomas Vol 3 - DVD
BRASS BLOCK - This one's worth the price of the entire DVD set! It's a Card to Matchbox routine with a stunning climax that will blow your spectators away. In fact, this is the one trick the studio audience kept talking about long after the shoot was
Inside the Mind of Garrett Thomas Vol 1 - DVD
BIG COIN LITTLE PURSE - This is the coin routine that earned Garrett Thomas a reputation among his peers. The routine begins with Garrett's fabulous handling of the neo-classic Hanging Coins (complete with a shocking ending!) and continues with his o
sigaretta attraverso la moneta Quarter (One Sided) D0013 by Tango Magic - Trick
Expanded Shell English Penny (D0011) by Tango - Trick
Inside the Mind of Garrett Thomas Vol 2 - DVD
CHINESE SURPRISE - Garrett has taken Fred Kaps' classic coin routine and added a surprise ending that will hit any audience hard. After several visual transpositions of a silver and copper coin, the audience will swear that more than two coins are in