The Vault (DVD and Gimmick) created by David Penn - DVD
Imprint (DVD and Gimmick) by Jason Yu and SansMinds - DVD
Four Nightmares DX by Tenyo Magic - Trick
Bandwidth by Greg Wilson - Trick
Sponge Eggs (4pk.) by Alan Wong - Trick
Unreal by Joshua Jay and Luis De Matos - DVD
Run Playing Cards: Heat Edition
Hidden Hand (DVD and Gimmick) by Sean Fields - DVD
Extortion (DVD and Gimmick) by Patrick Kun and SansMinds - DVD
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 11 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 12 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 8 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 12 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 9 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Curved Size 8 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Curved Size 9 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Beveled Size 11 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Beveled Size 8 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Beveled Size 9 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 9 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Beveled Size 10 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Zero Elements (2 DVD Set) by Vernet - DVD
Rubber Bang! by Sean Yang - DVD
Hard Sponge - Something Or Nothing (Blue) by Goshman
The Heinous Collection Vol.2 by Karl Hein
Spring Puzzle (Chrome Plated) by Premuim Magic - Trick
Velocity : High-Caliber Card Throwing System by Rick Smith Jr. - DVD
Banshees: Cards for Throwing (Standard edition) with Online Instructions - Trick
Multiplying Bananas (5 piece) - Trick
Egg and Dove Mystery (Two Egg) - Trick
Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 2 by Daryl - DVD
Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 1 by Daryl - DVD
Famous Faced - Four Card Trick (gimmicks & DVD) by Paul Romhany - Trick
Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 4 by Daryl - DVD
Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 3 by Daryl - DVD
THE SWITCH (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Shin Lim - Trick
Senses (DVD and Gimmick) by Christopher Wiehl - DVD
Imagination Coins UK (DVD and Gimmicks) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - DVD
Imagination Coins Euro (DVD and Gimmicks) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - DVD
Ridiculous by David Williamson and Luis De Matos - DVD
Imagination Coins US Quarter (DVD and Gimmicks) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - DVD
Melt by Genteishiryo - Trick
SansMinds Sharpie (DVD and Gimmick) by Will Tsai - DVD
La Spada del Pirata - puzzle La Spada Magica NUOVO con Alieno
Un'incredibile illusione tascabile!
Questo classico effetto solid-through-solid rende il trucco tascabile perfetto: inserisci la spada attraverso il foro e guarda l'altra spada passare proprio attraverso di essa, davanti ai tuoi occhi!
Ripetibile all'istante, puoi farlo più e più volte. L'illusione è così perfetta che illuderai te stesso!
Freaky Body Parts Finger! by Marvin's Magic
Burning Connection 2.0 by Andy Amyx - Trick
Electric Touch+ (Plus) DVD and Gimmick by Yigal Mesika - Trick
Electric Touch + vi dà la straordinaria capacità di erogare uno shock elettrostatico che non solo si diffonderà attraverso la punta delle dita, ma anche attraverso tutto il vostro corpo - e questo è solo per i principianti! Guardate il pubblico sussultare di stupore mentre caricate oggetti di uso quotidiano come chiavi, anelli e cucchiai. Vedranno, ascolteranno e sentiranno davvero l'immenso potere al vostro comando!
Omni Pen by World Magic Shop - Trick
The OMNI PEN has a body and cap that have been custom molded from clear, scratch resistant acrylic. It is completely interchangeable with a normal Sharpie style pen. This means that a normal Sharpie cap will fit on the OMNI PEN and vice versa.