Modern Flap Card (Jack to Queen to King) by Hondo
Modern Flap Card (Blue to Green to Red) by Hondo
Modern Flap Card (Face to Red Back) by Hondo
Modern Flap Card (Blue to Red) by Hondo
Modern Flap Card (Red to Blue) by Hondo
Window Change by Smagic Productions - Trick
DELTA DICE by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Osmosis (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Rodrigo Romano and Mysteries - Trick
Sharp Shot by Taiwan Ben - Trick
Nick Brown Wonder Bill (DVD and Gimmicks) - DVD
Changeling ODO (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Marc Lavelle and Titanas Magic - Trick
Special Edition NOW-U-C-IT, NOW-U-DON'T (DVD, Book and Gimmick) by Jeff Stewart and Meir Yedid - DVD
Money Printing Machine (Stage Size) by Mr. Magic - Trick
Fingertip Fantasies (Limited/Out of Print) by Bob Ostin - Book
PINcredible by Mr. Pearl - Trick
Nested Coin Box Brass (4) by Mr. Magic - Trick
BOTTLED (White, No Logo) by Taiwan Ben - Trick
Paul Harris Presents Warp One/Freedom Pack Double Astonishments by Justin Miller & David Jenkins - Trick
Flash Gum by João Miranda and Julio Montoro - Trick
Devil's Mark (DVD and Gimmicks) by Alan Rorrison - DVD
Sharpie Quickie by Platt Magic
In qualsiasi momento, prendete in prestito uno Sharpie (o usate il vostro) e con le mani completamente vuote, proprio davanti agli occhi del vostro spettatore,
rompete il fermaglio e lo ripristinate all'istante!
How to do Coin Magic by Zee - DVD
Dollar Size Shell Chinese Coin (Red) by Tango Magic (CH027)
Paul Harris Presents Quantum Angel by Paul Harris - Trick
Un modo semplice e magico per rivedere un messaggio personalizzato.
Previsione in tempo reale di qualsiasi nome o iniziale.
Got Change? by Jason Yu - DVD
Prevision (Red) by Peter Eggink - Trick
Moneymorphosis (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Dallas Fueston and Jason Bird - Trick
TRU by Menny Lindenfeld - Trick
Project Z by Zee - DVD
Error 404 (Red) by Les French Twins - Trick
Derek Dingle in Paris, France by Mayette Magie Moderne - DVD
Copper and Silver Dollar (Tails) (D0177) by Tango Magic
MEDIUM by Hugo Valenzuela - Trick
Ticket by João Miranda and Julio Montoro - Trick
Longitudinal Axis Penetration by Astor - Trick
Trespassing by Smagic Productions- Trick
SKETCH MONEY by João Miranda and Julio Montoro - Trick
The President's Choice (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds - DVD
Attire by Roddy McGhie and Danny Weiser - Trick
The Game (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Inaki Zabaletta - Trick
Cohesive by Kevin Li - DVD
Sherlock'oin by Thomas Riboulet and Anthony Stan - Moneta nel mazzo di carte
Una carta scelta e firmata viene persa nel mezzo del mazzo. Mettete tutte le carte nell'astuccio e prendete in prestito una moneta dal pubblico. Fatela firmare da uno spettatore e quindi fatela sparire magicamente. La moneta firmata riapparirà immediatamente nell'astuccio e nel mezzo del mazzo proprio sopra la carta firmata! Il pubblico andrà fuori di testa!
Impossi-bulb by G Sparks
Derek Dingle's Last Notes by Simon Lovell and Rich Marotta - Libro
Money Switch by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
Xchange (Online Instructions and Gimmicks) V0020 by Eric Jones and Tango Magic - Trick
Chinese Tweezers by Mario Lopez and Tango Magic (V0018) - DVD
Chinese Tweezers by Mario Lopez and Tango Magic (V0018) - DVD
STEEL by Rasmus - Trick
STEEL by Rasmus - Trick